Living by Faith, Living by Grace | Romans 4:13,16-18

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Lord Thank you for your Blessings us with this wonderful day 🙏
Lord help me tobe Faithful to O Lord God Almighty like Abraham .
Thank you Rev Fr Warner For Explaining so beautiful in Detail the word of God The Faith that Abraham had in the Lord .
Thank you Lord Jesus.


Lord strengthen my faith.heal my unbelief.


We are saved not by the law but by faith which comes by having a close relationship with Jesus who is the only way, the truth and the life.Thank you Father for your reflection.


Praise Jesus the name above all names 🙏


Thank you Fr.Warner for today's teaching, thank you for praying for all of us watching and listening to to your teaching.Thank you for helping us understand and hearing the word of God because faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God.God Bless you and your ministry.Amen


Thank you Father your pray has touched my heart I am sure God will answer our prayers as He will in his time


Yes Fr. If we really love God, we will keep His laws n always do what is right n never stray. Lord deepen n strengthen our faith n let us turn to u in prayers n trust that u know what is best for us. Tku Fr.


Thank you Fr Warner, for such a beautiful explanation on Faith. Thru the power of the Holy Spirit, I ask the Lord to give Him first place in my life and to increase my Faith.
Have a good day Father. God bless you. I am praying for your dad too 🙏


If u Love the Lord you will keep his commandments.. But if u dont love God.. Then everything becomes a burden.. Very strong message.. Help us to love u Lord.


🙏, Fr. Ur eg, for if I Love 👌. absolutely true. Yes we do.In our relationship with God let's always keep this in our mind's and 💓! Thankyou Father for the wonderful way you make us understand the scriptures 🙏.The cherry on the cake is your beautiful Prayer, it helps me with my relationship with God and getting closer to Him.🙏. Thank you.


Thank you Fr Warner for explaining the faith so well. God Bless.🙏🙏


I thank God for you Fr Warner n for this clear teaching on faith 🙏 I pray the Holy Spirit opens our minds n heart to understand these teachings n put them to practice in our life. There is so much of the Word I had understood n interpreted wrongly which I learnt now through your teachings. God bless you 🙏


Thank u so much fr Warner… your teachings are so inspiring n everyday I m looking forward to listening to your message n prayers towards the end. God bless you 🙏


Hello Fr. YES. Paul describes the new life in union with CHRIST that results from this new relation with GOD. If we have faith in GOD we will be set free by GOD'S spirit from the power of sin n death. Faith can move mountains, JESUS pulled PETER from sinking into the water because of LITTLE FAITH. ALMIGHTY FATHER give us spritual wisdom to follow good n holy virtues and believe your son our SAVIOUR n REDEEMER. AMEN. God bless u your dad n fly.🙏🕊️❤️.


"For Paul, the one who lives by faith lives by grace" ... It is faith that makes us what God wants each one of us to be. Such was the faith of Abraham that made him see God as the one who brings the dead to life and calls into being what does not exist. Faith leads to grace and the love of God. So let my prayer to God be to make me stronger in faith, for faith helps through times of trouble, increasing my trust in God. This morning when I was listening to Cardinal Oswald's Mass, what struck me was the entrance hymn "FAITH IN GOD CAN MOVE THE MOUNTAIN'S, TRUST IN HIM CAN CALM THE SEA. HE'S MY FORTRESS, HE'S MY STRONGHOLD, HE'S THE ROCK WHO RESCUES ME"... Thank you Fr. for this beautiful reflection on faith, putting our hope and trust in God and making firm our belief in God. Prayers for you, Dad and family. AMEN!


Nice teaching. I've begun to understand these words in Christ, justified, redeemed, grace, faith law and commandments. Moses the father of faith. Thank you Lord for loving me unconditionally. You are opening my eyes and heart each day to new aspects of my life in union with you. Bless Fr. Warner, your instrument and all who are in this group....seeking to know you better and in a relationship with you...wanting to do your will. AMEN 🙏


Thank you so much. Father for leading us in prayer in such beautiful way


What an appropriate ending, " If you love God, you will keep his commandments, if you dont, then the Laws become a burden", so even faith becomes a burden like everything else. Our love for God should take precedence over all for if we hv love, we hv faith n belief n becos of that everything else becomes easier to follow .Faith means love for God., for the one who lives by faith lives by grace.
Lord Jesus strengthen my love for you n increase my faith so that whatever I do for you is out of love n not becos it is a ritual to follow.
Thank you Fr, the explanation on Romans, for although I hv so many highlights, in my bible it ws refreshing to go thru it again.


Fr. excellent explanation. Specially the example you gave regd the rush hour at churchgate station. God bless you Fr.


Working of Holy Spirit.... I must admit what is endured by me. how can teachings be so identical, one preached at my native village betalbatim church @ 645am Holy Mass by Fr Adriao and nineo clock with Fr Warner. I am blessed to have you both as gift from God in our lives. I confess going back to Church with reverence has cemented my Faith with many graces through Sacrarements which are offered freely to us, spending time in adoration chapel, a heart to heart talk with our Lord and cleansing from my sins through confession, brought peace to my very being, felt lost for months, God has been gracious to me in special way nourishing me through breaking of scriptures and Holy Eucharistic celebration by anointed hands of his chosen ones. Thanks and God bless you with good health of mind and body always.
