Appalachian Mountain Magick EP132

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In this video, I'm taking you on a captivating journey to the heart of the Appalachian Mountains, exploring the rich traditions and powerful magick that have been woven into the fabric of these ancient lands.
- **The Roots of Appalachian Magick:** Uncover the origins of these unique magickal practices, influenced by a blend of Native American, African, and European traditions.
- **Sacred Practices and Rituals:** Dive into the heart of Appalachian folklore and learn about the rituals, spells, and charms that have been passed down through generations.
- **Herbal Lore & Healing:** Explore the ancient knowledge of Appalachian herbalism, where plants and herbs hold the key to healing and protection.
- **The Spirits of the Land:** Hear tales of the spirits, ghosts, and otherworldly beings that inhabit the Appalachian Mountains, and learn how to work with them in your magickal practice.
- **Appalachian Divination Techniques:** Discover the unique methods of divination used by Appalachian witches, from reading signs in nature to using traditional tools like dowsing rods and pendulums.

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Yes, my grandmother was the community (valley) doctor. No one had access to MDs, much less hospitals. That came along later.
She made various teas out of particular plants, stitched up wounds, treated parasitic infections, and even treated babies who had pneumonia. Honestly though? I think a lot of it was her vibration, her touch. She was very heart-centered.


This was excellent, and your timing is impeccable! We are in the process of buying a house in the Appalachian Mountains/Blue Ridge portion. We go to closing in about three weeks. SO EXCITED! And we will be living on 5 acres of land, which we plan on using for a small homestead, AND a Covenstead back in the forested part of our property. My husband and I have been waiting for this for a long time. We’ll be moving in in about 6 weeks or so. CAN’T WAIT!! ❤


Dude, THANK YOU for highlighting the Appalachians. I grew up in the Blue Ridge range in Virginia and West Virginia, and my family have been in the area for centuries. Most people don't understand how truly ancient and mysterious the culture is in this region. For all of the reasons you mention, and more, the Appalachians are the type of region where sensitives can feel incredible energy dancing in the air almost constantly.


My dad and his family is from Eastern Tennessee and my Granddad had a cure for whatever ailed you! Thank You for this video Mannun! Blessed Be♥


I am a fourth generation Appalachian (Great Smoky Mountains WNC). Thank you for taking the time to understand the uniqueness of our culture and heritage. I still use many Magick practices in my city life everyday as my father taught me. We never regarded this as Magick. This is how we live.


Loved this video! A topic not often spoken about but has left its influence in so many ways. There is a woman at my UU church who was raised using Appalachian Mountain Magick and the number 1 thing she always says is "get your hands in the ground!". Thank you for the out of the ordinary, awesome video. 😀


This is one the best Appalachian magic videos I’ve watched. I really really love the knowledge and thought you put behind it. Great video.


I live in the mountains of Southeast Tennessee, these old mountains has deep old Magick


My Dad used to show me which plants and berries were edible and used for healing. Most women in my family have spice racks for wedding gifts. My grandma spent a lot of time telling us which spices we're used for certain illnesses.

Sweat houses were used to sweat out a fever

I find when I'm ill I use holistic methods to heal. If it takes too long I call my doctor 😊


Ahhh, I love these mountains, they are indeed OLD, you can feel it when you're up in a holler or sitting by a creek. SO much deep, ancient energy to draw on and commune with. There's something special and unique about it ❤ thanks for this video! You've inspired me.


Glad to have found you! I’ll be watching more often! Than you and if ya head this way, please reach out, I’ll buy ya tea or coffee when ya come. Blessed Be, Chrissy


My cousin and I have talked about how we couldn't wait to get out of there. Now? We long to go back.
It's a unique and, sadly, dying culture. Irish, German, Scottish, and English with African, Indian, and a smattering of other ethnicities.
The Farmers Almanac was like the Bible. You wouldn't dare plant seeds or make kraut in the wrong moon sign. We never questioned that.


WOW man I am so busted on this I need to know learn more. I live love the old ways I practice this and never knew it. About two years my witchy world came to a huge meltdown explosion I mean very severe it took all I had left which was not much to survive then allowed nature the universe and all to guide showing me my way back just wow. Love to you dear friend and to the family.


So excited for this episode. I am in KY and have been looking into the part of my family that was Appalachian.


I read a really interesting book called A Southern Cunning. Similar topic if anyone wants to check it out. It's based on another book that I can't remember the title of.


Sadly, the Ozark Traditions are dying out rapidly, but i practice Animist Folk Heathenry hereabouts. Some Pentacostal Sects are still somewhat old style, but they are shrinking too.


Please contact Angela's Symposium. Dr Puca studies shamanism, esoterics throughout the world. She's a great fund of knowledge that's peer reviewed. She actually participates in the rituals of the local ppl to understand what and how they do this.
Thank you.
Energy is fascinating. As a anesthesia provider, I lived in WV and 1st hand saw the diverse Appalachian culture.
Thank you sharing your knowledge with me.


You know you're there when ya'll turn into yuns in the mountains.


Mannun, Scottish & Gaelic magicks also are a part of Apalachian magick


Kentucky male witch here im viking Cherokee
