'Advanced Souls Choose Harder Lives' by Vondie Lozano

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There are levels in the afterlife and we reincarnate on earth to learn lessons and bring that learning back to the Other Side. Advanced souls take on the really BIG lessons like – love and compassion, bravery, and raising the vibration on earth. These souls choose lives that include suffering and high levels of difficulty. And if they are here to raise our vibration they may be traveler souls who are uncomfortable here on earth.

But if you are an advanced soul, you can still do your best to make it a good life. The key is knowing your true life purpose to focus on what you came here to do! And by finding joy in the midst of the hard life.

Vondie Lozano is a Michael Newton Institute Life Between Lives® facilitator. She is host of the weekly live show, Soul Guide. Vondie is also a former
Marriage & Family Therapist and Psychology Professor who was featured in Cosmopolitan, L.A. Parent Magazine, and the Wall Street Journal.

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Thank you for the reminder, it has taken great strength to fight the urge to go home.

I've overcome great levels of continuous pain and hardship from birth (I was purple, stopped breathing because I was strangled by my umbilical cord) it was foreshadowing how life would be for many years to come. Also, I believe it was my first NDE, second one happened in my early 20s. I've had many many hardships brought to my knees so many times, but also have had many profound mystical beautiful moments with spirit, creativity, animals, plants and Trees, love love love love trees.

When i went to visit the elder trees (Redwoods) as soon as i touched a specific tree it called me a name in a language I don't speak. It said "A Neeshna ", which turns out to be a Hindu name meaning Bliss, and skilled. I used to be a professional artist. Now just create visual art and music for my own blissful joy. I Am in total surrender mode to source, my higherself and do my best to make the best of the hardships. Thank you again for the help 🙏


I should already know this in the marrow of my body, mind, and soul on earth, yet I still need this encouragement. Thank you for keeping us on the path.


This is a lovely summation of Michael Newton's books. Well done.


Spiritual Masters incarnate to be guides and healers. These souls have gifts to use for their purpose. Jesus was one such soul. Everyone has the destiny of self realization.


“There’s more good to come!” Thank you so much! Incredibly wise and insightful, especially the invitation to hang in there and not give up.


I love trees! I planted 20 trees around my house.


Thank you do much for this video! Im working towards the Certification, coming across many very very hard lifes, my own included.
This is a lovely video. Thank you


I’m never fitting in this planet, I just don’t fit in regardless of my trying. It actually makes me sick just being here all together. 😢
And I thought finding my purpose has been grey. I feel more like propel to heal people, and it is exhausting for someone like me who likes minding her corner


I do believe that our lives are planned and that we make these plans with other souls we are close to. I have lost two very close family members to suicide in recent years, and I wonder how one soul's suicide affects the plan that the souls made as a group/duo/family. How do the souls still on earth continue with the plan, or do we have to alter the plan on the fly? Or just live out our remaining days in purposelessness? It's really difficult. However, I do appreciate the trees (and food, and cats, and books, etc!). Along with lots of scary things here, there are also lots of beautiful consolation prizes to get us through the days. I appreciate that so much.


I actually had an experience. I met my mother from my last life ( it's a long story, so I won't tell it here.) I have pictures of my obituary. I died at age 16 in 1969. I came to this life, 12 years later. It must have been a simple life, before this very difficult one... I also met a medium who asked me if I had a birthmark on the back of my neck. I said yes. He said I died in England in the 1700's. Executed . I was apparently a knight.


I would love to talk to you more about this. I got one of those difficult lives, and I wish I could bring down the difficulty, intensity, and pain by about half. I spent my whole first thirty years wishing I could be like a normal person - still not even aware I was abused by both my parents because they had gaslit and manipulated us so badly!


I don't wanna hard life; I guess I'm not very advanced. People of Gaza must be very advanced.


if this concept is true then it is very likely that I am not a young soul at all but rather a quite very old soul.
Why ? well just one example .. when I was a child, all people of my age even when I was below 10 y.o. they were all behaving like animals, agressive, willing to show their power, and me I was the one in the group who psychologically suffered when these kids were mistreating others, laughing, mocking, no one did that to me the same way, I was challenged of course like everyone but no too far, I could have taken revenge but never did. That is how I know.


Inexperienced souls are fooled to have difficult lives. Experienced souls plans undetected exit strategies in every detail.


I can’t wait for earth to ascend to 5D otherwise I don’t think I will find this place as home 🙏🏽


If earth is a school to learn lessons then how is the lesson learned when the wicked frequently prevail?


I think saying advanced souls choose difficult lives is baloney. My life has been difficult and I'm hardly an advanced soul. But I guess it's okay if it makes someone who is suffering and having a difficult time feel better. I think having a difficult life might eventually make someone advanced if they come through it okay and do it enough times. 🤔


Who creates souls ? Why souls are created? If it is God who creates soul then what is the purpose of God for creation?
What happens after we learn all the lessons? Do we become one with God forever?
If it is God who creates souls then my question is why would A perfect God create imperfect souls ? What were we before we were souls ? And where is the end of this game ?


How can we break our supposed contract? This is beyond the beyond. There is nothing more I want to learn from this life, and I've been punished for doing a HUGE good deed/making a profound sacrifice for my late brother w/Down syndrome. I don't know how I'm going to pay rent. I've applied for countless jobs, but this is an ageist society. And the woke terrible young people in my own blue industry--publishing--have iced me out. Classical education? Well, die. That's their attitude. If I didn't have my dogs to worry about, with no one to take care of them, I'd have offed myself already. It just takes a jab to do so. Are there any practitioners at all who do pro bono work? (I can hear the "NO!") Maybe if I knew what was up and why I keep getting punished for good deeds, I could gather the strength to go on. Otherwise, I hate my guide and I want OUT!


I’m not so sure exactly how much of this I believe. My mind just goes to questions like “who would choose to be Hitler? Who would choose to be a serial pedophile? Who would choose to be buried alive in the Nutty Putty cave incident?” And then that turns to “so is all of this predestined down to the day we die?” And if that’s the case, then that means none of us truly have free will. Which would essentially make our experience here 100% pointless.

Can you help correct/guide my thoughts? I do believe you are onto something and I definitely believe some people’s souls are older than others, but some of this just doesn’t make any sense. Like who would choose to be a toddler that dies at 2 years old from cancer? What is the point of that experience? Or a baby that dies of birth complications? I feel like this belief system is just to make people feel more comfortable with whatever happens to them, and to allow people greater acceptance in their life; a life of uncertainties and a place where really, none of us truly know what the hell is going on. I would love to be wrong. But life isn’t as easy as “Here is exactly where we were before we got here and you actually chose everything that will ever happen to you ahead of time because you wanted it.” I just don’t buy that. Reinhard Heydrich? Come on…

I believe there is some truth to what you are saying. But if you’re saying we don’t have free will, and this is all just pre programmed, then I’m just gonna kill myself now and tell the people in charge or my soul family on the other side “idk what happened, everything was great and then I just ended it. I guess that was the plan all along”. Do you see the logic here? It just doesn’t really makes any sense. Our deaths being predetermined also entirely goes against Quantum Mechanics and M Theory, which is basically that anything is possible at any time. I’m sure there are specific lessons for our souls to learn, but whether or not we learn them, that’s entirely up to us. I also don’t believe that children dying of cancer just bc we live in a fallen world, is some predetermined, self sacrificial lesson for us that we choose ourselves. What about the child? Idk. A lot of this is contradictory if you think about it enough.
