Bruh Come join my Discord server! (We have Nitro giveaways) ItsGman
Bruh Come join my Discord server! (We have Nitro giveaways)
Me: Steals a girls heart. Everyone else in the hospital: B R U H Remdogg
Me: Steals a girls heart. Everyone else in the hospital: B R U H
„Hey, Honey. I'm pregnant!“ „Hey Pregnant, I'm Dad“ „No, you're not!“ stitch.
„Hey, Honey. I'm pregnant!“ „Hey Pregnant, I'm Dad“ „No, you're not!“
0:45 When you've been playing a game for hours, done a whole lot of progress and as you're about to save the power goes out weloveturbos
0:45 When you've been playing a game for hours, done a whole lot of progress and as you're about to save the power goes out
Can confirm that this is indeed a bruh moment Kadz
Can confirm that this is indeed a bruh moment
Me: *clicks chrome 10 times because it isn’t opening* Chrome: bashergamer_
Me: *clicks chrome 10 times because it isn’t opening* Chrome:
Why would someone dislike this masterpiece? Oh wait they can’t. GuestUser
Why would someone dislike this masterpiece? Oh wait they can’t.
My old computer would have lagged rendering this video RayMak
My old computer would have lagged rendering this video
Teacher: “You all get detention for not doing homework!!” Kid who did all the homework: arrowshrimp
Teacher: “You all get detention for not doing homework!!” Kid who did all the homework:
I'm surprised that his computer didn't explode doing this. filmsbyanshuman
I'm surprised that his computer didn't explode doing this.
Subtitles accurately and concisely convey all the information we need. Deserves a like 👍 EAGLE-yt
Subtitles accurately and concisely convey all the information we need. Deserves a like 👍
Hand Sanitizer: *kills 99.99% of germs* The Other 00.01% Of Germs: Streber
Hand Sanitizer: *kills 99.99% of germs* The Other 00.01% Of Germs:
Teacher: Nobody gets recess for disrupting the class! Quiet kid: Bruh Karlosify
Teacher: Nobody gets recess for disrupting the class! Quiet kid: Bruh
“Bruh” doesn’t even sound like a word anymore. AviationCaptain
“Bruh” doesn’t even sound like a word anymore.
When you hear your mom coming to your room in 3AM while you on your phone so you pretend you are sleeping and realise you live alone Loosi_
When you hear your mom coming to your room in 3AM while you on your phone so you pretend you are sleeping and realise you live alone
Politician: If you have a problem with air pollution then stop breathing. Everybody: PikachuFanRishabh
Politician: If you have a problem with air pollution then stop breathing. Everybody:
Me: *Roasts someone who was being rude to me Everyone else at the bonfire: Jesterwcu
Me: *Roasts someone who was being rude to me Everyone else at the bonfire:
Teacher: everyone get some *tennis* balls people named tennis: motakez
Teacher: everyone get some *tennis* balls people named tennis:
The part when he said "bruh" Just made me shed a tear that was so beautiful and the best thing ever this made my hole life different _chocolateicecream
The part when he said "bruh" Just made me shed a tear that was so beautiful and the best thing ever this made my hole life different
Takes a special kinda person to sit through this whole thing, and I’m that special kind of person randomstatement
Takes a special kinda person to sit through this whole thing, and I’m that special kind of person