Code Geass Opening 2 'Kaidoku Funou' but it's Soul Eater

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Well, Code Geass: Rozé of the Recapture has come to a conclusion and it was...fine, I guess. Not a sure fire hit like the original, but not completely without worth or anything. It was just fine. Kind of like how Lelouch of the Re;surrection was also just sort of okay. Fun enough watch, but offers you little more than that. I think maybe if this franchise is going to continue they need a stronger vision going forward as to what stories they want to tell. Rozé of the Recapture has a lot of surface similarities to the original, but doesn't dive nearly as deep and so often feels like a lacklustre retread. Not one that's painful to sit through, but one that feels a tad hollow. None of the side characters get enough screen time or exploration to feel little more than one note. And the wacky hijinks which harkens back to the original show are few and far in-between. Maybe the franchise needs to move beyond mecha battles. Or focus more on Geass itself (which the franchise has very clearly not been directly about at any point). I think moving forward it maybe has to step completely out of Lelouch's shadow and try something a bit different. No more Japan VS Britannia for example. But I'm rambling in a video description when this is a silly AMV lol. The point was that since Rozé of the Recapture was coming to a close, it only seemed appropriate to bust out another Code Geass AMV - hence Code Geass Opening 2 "Kaidoku Funou" but it's Soul Eater. Dare I say, maybe the best Code Geass theme? COLOURS is good, don't get me wrong, and I've got a soft spot for Worlds End but something about this one just feels particularly haunting in a way the others don't. Anyways, enjoy or whatever as per usual, and fingers crossed the next Code Geass project succeeds.

#codegeass #souleater
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thanks for the lyrics, appreciate the effort


Puede aser uno de Bleach opening 10 x Naruto
