Elon Musk Just Revealed The Terrifying Truth About Jesus...

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Elon Musk Just Revealed The Terrifying Truth About Jesus...

Elon Musk, the brilliant entrepreneur and visionary, has recently unveiled something truly astonishing. This is indeed an eye-opening revelation that could showcase what the billionaire thinks about Jesus. Prepare to have your mind blown as we delve into this video today to uncover the terrifying truth, the secrets that Elon Musk has unveiled.

Hashtags: #elonmusk #jesus #bible

Tags: elon musk,elon musk on jesus,elon musk speech,jesus is coming,elon musk religious,elon musk truth,tesla,elon musk religion,elon musk babylon bee,elon musk bible,elon musk god,elon musk on god,twitter elon musk,elon musk about god,motivational speech,starship,truth about jesus,jesus return,elon musk live,scientists announced,elon musk reveals,it's already too late,elon musk prophecy,believe in god,christianity,bible prophecy,musk reveals
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May the Blood of Jesus and the Holy Spirit be with Humanity worldwide


We must be born again.

You are born again when the Holy Spirit in you don’t let you sin anymore.

When you still sin you are not born again.

1 John 2, 1 John 3, Romans 6:6, Romans 8, Gal 5, Eph 4, Eph 5 and Titus 2:14!

To become born again you have to repent and ask Jesus forgiveness for your sins or ask Jesus in your heart


The Catholic Church doesn’t follow the Bible and claims to be able to change Gods laws and times. Christ says don’t call me father. Their is one father and that’s my father in Heaven. We’re saved. Y Christ blood. Not catholic sacraments!


Curiosity is a search for truth. I pray Elon find’s truth in Jesus I did..😂 I was raised religious keep God Father family happy / dumped religion ❤😂


God bless Humanity worldwide Never cease praying 🙏 watch the water watch the children God bless Africa


Religion is man made (corrupt) In Adam sin entered into the world, sin is a disease to a Holy God. Jesus paid for that sin on the cross. All we have to do is accept the sacrifice that Jesus made. Jesus said; "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but by me. Jesus is our bridge to God, and at the same time, Jesus is "God in the form of Flesh". I worship God. I worship Jesus, and the Holy Spirit is my comforter and constant companion. There is so much we do not understand, and we must put our faith in Jesus. Someday it will all be revealed to us!!! Jesus is coming back, when mankind least expects him. Read the Gospels (Good News) especially the book of John! Ask Jesus to reveal himself to you after reading. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.


I pray for everyone, to receive Jesus Christ into their hearts.

Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life. Amen. 🙏


Hallelujah Glory be to God on the most highest ❤❤❤❤❤


CURIOSITY... better explains our beliefs and that God is an existing force... FAITH, TRUST & HOPE put together & through hardship and happiness, Jesus... The✝️DEATH & RESURECTION explains... LIFE and it's expected scenario... CURIOUSITY... I have "LIFE" Thank you God for everything🙏Amen & Amen


Evolution? Then he does NOT believe in God


Never cease praying 🙏 watch the water watch the children God bless Humanity UBUNTU God bless Africa


Elon Musk - thankfully and fortunately has taken the first steps of wrestling with ‘The Wanting To Know How The Existence Of All That Is Came (TO BE) In Existence’ and of course one need not go very far in The Scriptures by going to (John 1:1-5), ”In The Beginning was THE WORD and The Word was with G-d, and The Word was G-d. He was in the beginning with G-d. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light 💡 shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome the light 💡.”
Elon Musk - continues his wrestling with and of Who G-d is (In The Carnal Sense, BUT, Not In And Of And By ‘The Holy Spirit’ In The Spiritual Sense)Of Who And What G-d Is. And as long as Elon continues to thrive to know G-d in (The Flesh), he will continue to come up very disappointed. For G-d is Spirit and unless one comes to surrender oneself to receiving Jesus Christ (G-d The Father’s Only Begotten Son) As Their ‘Lord’ And ‘Savior’, There Is therefore no such way for one to know G-d!!!! For The FLESH CANNOT PLEASE
G-D. For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to
G-d and so therefore there Is No Pleasing G-d. But only those that ‘Dwell’ in ‘The Spirit’ And ‘The Spirit of
G-d’ dwells in that child and The Spirit Of Christ, thus therefore belongs to Christ and can please G-d.
And until Elon Musk learns to come to terms with the fact that through reading 📖 the book 📖 of (Romans 8:1-11), he will never be satisfied with what he knows which is limited by the boundaries that the flesh is only able to go so far and that’s it. For example - The Hubble Telescope, which is sending back signals and pictures to earth 🌎, are still hoping to find
‘Heaven’, literally they really are, but they won’t, because Heaven too is a Spiritual Place, a world 🌍, bigger than our own galaxy 🌌. But they still want to find the place that they are constantly hearing about and reading 📖 about but don’t know anything about or of Heaven. And so, Elon Musk has a long ways to go - As Long As He Continues On The Fleshly Path To Finding YHWH


I agree with him. you cannot cure sickness by praying. you have to find the cause and find the solution. praying is for your soul not for physical matter.
