Things Pro-Force 'Assisted Outpatient Treatment' Advocates Say

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This is a first draft of a video on arguments pro-force "Assisted Outpatient Treatment" ("AOT") advocates say and how we can push back with real information and truth.

We typically call "Assisted Outpatient Treatment" Involuntary Outpatient Commitment as it is far more accurate to what it actually is. Most people understand that inpatient commitment is when someone is forcibly held in a locked psychiatric unit. However, Involuntary Outpatient Commitment is when someone is forced - even in the privacy of their own home - to follow treatment orders under threat of being dragged back to court for a "non-compliance" hearing (or, in some states, picked up by police and brought directly to the hospital).

This video will continue to be updated and improved upon to increase access and information available.

It was made in conjunction with a first draft of a video on the current "Assisted Outpatient Treatment" bill proposed in Massachusetts (S.980/H.1694).