Do YouTubers Get Paid If You Skip Ads

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Do YouTubers Get Paid If You Skip Ads
How much money does YouTube pay when you skip ads?
Well the answer is 0!
Skippable ads might make up as much as 90 percent of the entire revenue for a creator!
However advertisers do not pay for these ads until 1 of 3 conditions are met!
1-You click on the ad and get redirected to the advertisers website
2-You watch for at least 30 seconds if it is longer than 30 seconds
3-You watch the entire ad if it is less than 30 seconds
So why don’t advertisers simply put their message through in a couple of seconds so none of this conditions are met and they simply get free advertising and never get charged!
Well the answer is simple! YouTube algorithm tracks what ads get less skipped and plays them most! That happens, so that YouTube generates more money for itself and for the creators! That is part of the reason you will see YouTube gurus bragging about their Lambo for the first 30 seconds and only then going in for what they what to sell you!
Hi there, my name is Clay and on this channel I make videos on:
• Stock Investing
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• Best Stocks To Buy & Invest In
• Best Online Stock Brokers
• How To Make Money Online
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1-How Much Does YouTube Pay Me in Total (Revealed)

2- How To Get Monetized on YouTube in 2023

3-This Is How Much YouTube Pays For 1 Million Views

4- The Only Way to Make Money Online in 2023

5- 3 Passive Income Ideas in 2023

#skipads #skippableads #youtuberevenue

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Even if you skip just 1 ad, the creator’s revenue will still be $0.00 in the USA.


how do youtubers even make that much money with those conditions


Haai bro skip ad or non skipp addd which gud revenue??
Pleas reply bro


man if i skip any unskippable ad by clicking report button...will the creator still get paid as this was unskippable ad??? if no how the hell youtube makes money if we skip all ads like this...big question??


Wait but, if you skip one ad, but let the rest throughout the video play normally, do they still get paid? Or do they simply get paid less since you skipped one?


hmmm...wait a minute !
If youtubers pay for ads to get money, will it mean that they pay money to get more money??? Does buying money with money economically make sense?? Do companies just generate money for free???


Exposed my mind, Why they skipped ads really bad! SEE My one


If you watch the first advert but skip the second one will you get paid
