Personal review of climbing rose “woolerton old hall” from @david_austin_roses #gardenerben

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Climbing rose “Woolerton old hall”bred and introduced by @david_austin_roses in 2011, this rose was the subject of most discussion in a recent grid post the other day,many of you identifying as Jude the obscure, Claire Austin or even the lady of the lake,

Just proving that it’s really difficult to give you a good idea of colour and form in these posts, this climbing rose it’s absolutely stunning but very slow to establish itself taking three or four years really to get a moving, the blooms are large chalice shaped and very deeply cupped with many petals the colour changes from a deep peach to a heavy coffee cream as it ages,

The fragrance is heady and similar to that of a “Buttercup”When fully established it reaches around 12 feet.

Follow my Instagram simply search (northlodgecottagegarden) #gardenerben
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I just got a second one this spring. My first Wollerton is 3 this year. It is so beautiful and romantic looking, but living in Colorado, it also has survived 20 below Fahrenheit to 100 Fahrenheit temperatures, 90 mile an hour winds, and lots of snow. We got 2 foot last Sunday and it did kill a couple leaves but they've mostly grown back. So this is a tough rose. The flowers also stay on in the heat much better than say the Lady of Shalot's flowers. Thank you for the review. I love this rose.🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍


I planted my Wollerton Old Hall last spring and it bloomed right into December. It’s at 6 feet now, in partial shade and yes difficult colour to describe. Also bought Gabriel Oak on impulse so was very happy to see that you rated it so high


THANK YOU so much for this. It helps a lot...


He did a BEAUTIFUL description of this rose, nice job....
Beautiful rose 🥰


Thank you for your informative video, Ben. I am awaiting the arrival of my purchase of this particular rose. Hopefully, it looks as beautiful in my garden as it does in yours!


Glad you spoke about it being slow to take off. I have a three year old that is still slow to go. Looks fine, just not romping away. The most beautiful flowers though!


You look very very good wearing this rose on your ear :) I just bought it for my petit balcony maybe too big a climber but can simply not resist the temptation. Greetings from Holland


I’m lucky that I got one with its own root this Spring. I’m attracted by the shape, magic color and the myrrh fragrance. Looking forward to the blooming.🌹Thank you for your review🙏


I just love listening to your reviews 🤩 Thank you!


I’ve had this rose for about 5 years and noticed that it loses almost all of its leaves after the first flush each summer. The blooms have never gotten as large as the ones you’ve shown and petals always fall off within a day or two of being cut. Is this normal? Maybe our Louisiana heat stresses it?


Hi Ben! Thank you for the review, it's really useful. Would you recommend planting WOH near an arch (200 cm high and 140 cm wide) ? Zone 7b, France.


Wollerton Old Hall rose is a bit like Jude the Obscure in shape of bloom and colour , but not as fragrant as Jude and no where as many petals as Jude


Would you recommend this or the Generous Gardener to be planted next to Teasing Georgia? It would be planted against the house which is 12'-15' high and SE facing. There isn't a David Austin variety I don't like the looks of so it's been very hard to choose 😆


Mine was planted in 2020 and only has one stem so far


Hello sir. I am new follower If I dont want the Wollerton old hall to climb it is possible to give me flowers? 😮😮😮


Really enjoying your channel, so helpful & informative. I’ve now bought WOH and love it, especially the scent-you mention buttercup is similar, I also love the scent of scepter d’isle-are there any others in similar in scent you’d recommend.


Hi From Türkiye, İm searching in my country this rose :) cant find. But im very clever and hopeful.
I wish you love with your roses in your garden


🌹✨💫 I am a new gardener and I own this one as well. It’s gorgeous!!


As you've said in previous videos our noses smell scents very differently. I love the scent of Lady of Shallot, which you've said you can't smell and I've found I hate the myhrr smell of Wollerton Old Hall 🙄🙂. I bought it for the 'strong scent', and partly on your recommendation, but find it quite horrible 😄. I've moved it so it's not next to my garden seat and will get a different David Austin climber, always good to find an excuse for another rose.


My all time favourite, I have 30 David A . Roses, form, colour and scent, divine . Peach’s and cream colour .
