Tarkov Finding Rusted Bloody Key Gone Wrong #fps #tarkov #escapefromtarkov #eft

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What if you spawn into Streets on Escape from Tarkov and find the very rare Rusted Bloody Key - you want to go loot it right? Especially during a buffed marked room loot event right?? Done in PvP Zone.
ToastRackTV is a gentleman Escape from Tarkov streamer. He likes to play Tarkov like a stealth survival game. He once did level 1-28 with no kills at all. He's a lifetime gamer - in fact in high school he and his dad wrote video games that sold worldwide. He lives in Melbourne, Australia.
#escapefromtarkov #tarkov #eft #fps
ToastRackTV is a gentleman Escape from Tarkov streamer. He likes to play Tarkov like a stealth survival game. He once did level 1-28 with no kills at all. He's a lifetime gamer - in fact in high school he and his dad wrote video games that sold worldwide. He lives in Melbourne, Australia.
#escapefromtarkov #tarkov #eft #fps
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