Deploy Spring Boot application to AWS EC2 using GitHub Actions

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In this video I will explain how you can deploy your Spring Boot application to AWS EC2 using docker and GitHub Actions. I will write CICD configuration(GitHub Workflow) to deploy Spring Boot application to AWS EC2 by containerization using docker.

Search Queries:
What is docker
Deploy spring boot application to AWS EC2 using GitHub Actions
How to create GitHub self-hosted runner
How to set GitHub actions for CI/CD with AWS EC2
CI/CD with GitHub Action
Auto deploy spring boot app on AWS EC2
Creating a continuous delivery pipeline with GitHub Actions
CI/CD pipeline using GitHub Actions
Docker benefits
Deploy docker images on AWS EC2 with GitHub Actions
How to deploy applications using GitHub Actions
Auto build and push docker images to docker hub
Build docker image
Push image to docker hub
Deploy spring boot app on AWS EC2 instance
Github actions workflow
Github actions Docker
Github actions aws
Github actions build docker image
Aws github actions
Automatic deployment with github actions
Build docker image with github actions
Github actions ci/cd aws
Deploy to ec2 using github actions
Github hosted runner
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Understanding github actions
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Quickstart for github actions
Workflow syntax for github actions
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Cicd github actions
Cicd devops
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Github actions ec2
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Рекомендации по теме

Used this to deploy a test site onto EC2 Instance. Thank you!


Indeed it is very helpful, thanks for putting very clear and vivid explanation.


Very helpful topic and you explained every points very well.. Waiting for more videos on Springboot & AWS..


Great content sir. Looking forward to learn a lot from this channel. Thank you 😊


Hey what is the instance type you choosed in while lanching EC-2 instance ?


Need to run the runner from the instance every time.
can we configure the runner to keep running in the background?


Very nice. Can you make a tutorial on how to deploy to GCP or Azure or heroku?


what changes in the workflows if i am connecting to a database (mysql)


Hi sir. I need to create a runner for each project. Or i can use this runner for other project


I did same with ECS Fargate cluster thru Github Actions, I failed to deploy ECS-EC2, but got success in Fargate, whats the reason?


Also, do I need to have docker up and running in my ec2 instance before this will be able to run? I just created my ec2 instance from scratch but my deploy job is failing without a reason


Is there any pipeline to automate whole process


very confusing .... missed lots of things


i run to step deploy: Pull Image from docker hub
docker pull
throw error command not found
