The Story of Diddy Kong Racing (Documentary)

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Hey everyone, here is the story(Documentary) of the loved N64 racing game, made by Rare, Diddy Kong Racing. I hope you all enjoy!


Music by Stevia Sphere:





#nintendo #rare #gaming
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Being a UK 80s teen, owning a ZX Spectrum back then, I was a big Ultimate Play The Game fan. Now in my mid 50s, I have a wall-mounted display cabinet with every Ultimate title in (the Spectrum versions and the unique Commodore 64 games) and can honestly say there is nothing I treasure more in my home. I enjoyed many Rare titles as well, including DK Racing and the Nintendo 64 is probably the console I have the most love for. It's a shame Microsoft took the name in such a different direction, but I have my memories and my nice boxes! Just off for a game of Atic Atac.


It's "Diddy's Kong Quest". As in a play on the word "conquest".


hold on hold on HOLD ON, at 8:30, Diddy KONG'S Quest? every TRUE Donkey Kong fan KNOWS it's Diddy's KONG Quest.
lmao all jokes aside, loving the vid!


Shame Nintendo never bought Rare and lost them to Microsoft. Rare and Nintendo both have seemingly never recovered from this


Characters: Diddy Kong (Blue), Bumper (Yellow), Timber (Green), Pipsy (Pink), Tiptup (Cyan), Conker (White), Krunch (Orange), Banjo (Turquoise), Drumstick (Red) and T.T. (Silver)


8:30 Took me years to realize it's actually Diddy's Kong Quest


I hope I live to see the day when another DK racing game is released.


You don't get Drumstick by defeating Wizpig but unlocking Wizpig's challenge by getting all of the amulet pieces from defeating the lands' guardians, then a frog with a chicken crest and bucks like a chicken will appear in the creek near the Wizpig head in the main area. If you run over it, the frog will turn back to Drumstick and he'll be available for racing.


Man Nintendo made so many poor decisions around the GameCube era that they still haven’t recovered from


My personal theory as to why Nintendo never bought Rare is because there was probably some behind the scenes disagreements between certain decisions both companies made.

Starting with Rare, people seem to forget that Conker's Bad Fur Day was originally developed as another Super Mario 64/Banjo-Kazooie style cartoony family friendly platformer. When it got muted response at E3, Rare made the decision to cancel the planned version and make it an adult themed comedy game with inspiration taken from South Park. This decision was revealed in the April issue of Nintendo Power that year, and so many people assumed it was an April Fool's Day joke, but when Conker's Bad Fur Day was revealed, Rare revealed they weren't joking and made a game that was destined for the M-rating. Granted, Rare had already made an M-rated game for the Nintendo 64 (Perfect Dark) but that was planned to be M-rated from the start. Nintendo still agreed to publish the game ultimately, but refused to advertise it in Nintendo Power, and the only advertisement it could get was on late night TV with more adult content, such as Adult Swim or Comedy Central. While a great game and beloved cult classic, circumstantial evidence suggests that Nintendo felt somewhat betrayed by Rare for making that radical change for Conker, and while it was indeed scummy that Nintendo pretty much sabotaged any chance that Conker's Bad Fur Day had of being successful in sales, I can kind of see why Nintendo didn't want to be associated with it. That would be like asking Disney to publicly associate themselves with something like South Park or BoJack Horseman.

On Nintendo's end, though, they're not completely blameless either. Star Fox Adventures was originally developed as an original IP called Dinosaur Planet, before Shigeru Miyamoto had Rare adapt it into a Star Fox game so that Fox McCloud could be the main character. From what interviews I have read about it, Rare was NOT HAPPY with this mandate, and may have thought it was Nintendo's way of getting back at them for the Conker's Bad Fur Day debacle.

This leads me to believe that both of those incidents caused Nintendo and Rare's relationship to be so strained, that it led to Nintendo declining to acquire them fully.

It's a shame, too. Nintendo acquiring Rare outright is one of the biggest what-ifs in gaming history.


I still am a fan of the original dkr and hope someday they release the beta version of it because that looked amazing


5:10 gotta love it when someone starts a whole new company to avoid a takeover of their old company and then they sell the company to the people that are the reason they started a new company.... Jeff Gerstmann Vibes


I always preferred the fun racer over the simulator style games. DKR, Mario kart and f-zero on the N64 are still some of my favourite racing games


47:50 - when you watch so much electronic music you mistake that the video ended and the music was about to play.


This was exceptional! To be super honest, I clicked on this mostly as a joke because I have an inside joke with my friends about how much I hate Diddy Kong Racing. There's a select few games I'm good at, and racing games aren't in that category, so I get my ass kicked trying to play this. I've never beaten the game. I've almost had a custom shirt made so many times that says "F**k Diddy Kong Racing". Your documentary warmed my cold little heart, and I have more respect for the game than before. I truly wonder what kind of magic would have been created if Nintendo bought Rare. It's a question of the ages. Great job!!


Musgrave has a face that matches his name.


RAREWARE fan since the 90s and was there when DKC2 was released on the SNES but I only had a GameBoy at the time so I got DKL2.

Loved that game and RARE was the fourth Gaming Company I knew after Nintendo, Atari and SEGA.


ya boi knowing dam well that next year there's gonna be a comment with the names of all the 296 N64 games


My favorite racing game what a shame 51% ownership all they had to do was get half & even in payments for their such successful relationship but than came Microsoft & ruined everything even Banjo Kazooie, I don’t know what Nintendo executives were smoking at that time to let such a unique & talented company go like Rare, great video I learned so much more about this amazing game


I remember I played the DS game for, like, an hour and gave up. There was something misssing from the original that I can't pinpoint what...
