Unknown Soldiers

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From The History Guy Vault

Following the Armistice on November 11, 1918, the world changed the way we honor our fallen. The History Guy remembers the creation of tombs to the Unknown Soldier from countries around the world and the United States.

This is original content based on research by The History Guy. Images in the Public Domain are carefully selected and provide illustration. As very few images of the actual event are available in the Public Domain, images of similar objects and events are used for illustration.

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Script by THG

#history #thehistoryguy #unknownsoldier
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This episode made me (for the second time since I left vietnam in 1972) cry.. I have always been able to hold my emotions in check. But by 4 minutes in I was over whelmed by my emotions and a flood of tears came forth that I could not stop.. For 3 minutes I struggled with it.. remember friends I had lost, remember stories my grandfather and my father told me of the first and second war.. I never realized until this moment the pain that I have carried all of these years never allowing it to have a voice in my mind.. I guess I am getting to old to shout it down and push it away any more. My doctor years ago said that it would all come back to me in a flood.. I guess he was right even though I laughed at him at the time.. We became friends for these last what 50 years? I guess I shall give him a call.. this is supposed to be good for me so I say thank you although I do not know how it could be.. I feel so empty.. Carry on my brother..


As a retired Marine and combat veteran, I appreciated this video. I spent years not being able to go to cemeteries to visit some of my fallen Marines. After Fallujah in 2004, I basically spent Memorial Day alone, away from everyone. In 2007 I had an opportunity to go to Arlington, I have over a dozen Marines there that I served with throughout my 20 years. I mentally could not do it. I now am ready and hopefully I can make it back to visit my Marine Brothers.


I remember years ago reading how a mother who lost her boy during The Great War found comfort in the thought that the grave might be her son. If it only achieved that then in my humble opinion it's worthwhile.


As a veteran, I think I can say this: the memorial neither glorifies nor prevents war. It's there to remember those who have made the ultimate sacrifice, and that is enough in my humble opinion.


To the men and women, past and present, who put themselves in harms way for our continued freedom thank you.


The Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington has a special place in my family. My dad had the privilege of being selected to serve in the US Army Honor Guard at Arlington, during the early years of the Vietnam war.

He was selected to serve as a Tomb Guard, but never completed the training and was transferred to the Firing Party. He later became a medi-vac pilot and served until he was injured after his chopper was shot down. He never earned to sentinel badge, and it was one of his biggest regrets.

What makes his story remarkable is that he was not a US citizen at the time, he was a street kid from Bogota Colombia and had only been in the US about five years before joining the Army.

His time at the Tomb and in the Honor Guard, were some of his proudest moments. If you got him talking about his time in honor guard, he would demonstrate how to perform the 21 steps at the tomb. He would raise himself up to full height and move with this slow time precision that was even more impressive when was in his 70's.

His service meant so much to him that at his memorial we had his pictures from his time in the Guard and we had the "Old Guard" emblem inscribed on his vessel.

Here is my dad at Arlington during the Funeral for Astronaut Gus Grissom, the last funeral my father was assigned before being transferred to flight school (2:16 man at the front left of the formation).


" Where uncommon valor was a common virtue."


Every year across the length and breadth of the UK, with the sad exception of this year, the names of the dead of the parish from two world wars are read out in church at the remembrance service. I am moved to tears most every year by the list from just our two small villages especially when it comes to the few families that seemed to pay particularly dearly. When we stop remembering, we risk being reminded.

Thank you for the insights and your sensitive and thoughtfully crafted words as ever.


They shall not grow old,
As we that are left grow old,
Age shall not weary them,
Nor shall the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun, and in the morning,
We will remember them.


I spent 12 years in SAC (Strategic Air Command) the mottoes we had during my tours were "Piece through Strength" then changed to "Piece is our Profession". Behind both we trained for something we all hoped would never happen, and thank God it never did. I ended my tour in 1992 as an 80% Disabled Veteran and yes I was in the "sandbox" for Desert Shield/Storm 1708th PBW(H) {Providential Bombardment Wing (Heavy)}, and as a veteran I understand the "check' we, the veterans, signed to our nation. The question was ask about how the Tomb of the Unknown should be regarded, the answer is personal to EVERY person. For me it is a reminder of the cost of war, not in money but in blood and sacrifice, and as a veteran I was and still am willing to honor that 'check' if needed. My oath to defend my country does not have an expiration date. Please forgive my dissertation and, Thank you for helping us all remember.


The tomb of the unknown from the Vietnam war remains empty, thus still represents the unknowns and the missing from that war. Even if all remains for future wars are identified, there will still be missing persons, so empty tombs symbolizing the lost of future wars will remain relevant.


“We sleep safely in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm.” - George Orwell


This was an enthralling subject to learn about. My heart goes out to those who have died in the service of their nation and will never be recognized.


Although you have many great episodes to enjoy, @The History Guy, this is by far the best one I've seen. This is a very fitting episode regarding our honoured dead. Thank you.

"There's a very good reason why you've never received a bill for the freedom you enjoy... someone already paid for it."


I watched a video yesterday. They Shall Not Grow Old. Great War movies colorized by computer. When I first saw the trailer last year, I wondered where they found so many actors with bad teeth and so many operating tanks. Then it dawned on me that it was colorized. Color movie film was available then but was expensive and very difficult to shoot and develop.

Watching the war in color instead of black and white really shows the horror of warfare. Also with color you notice the red poppies all over the battlefield.

Watch that movie and you will realize why honoring an unknown soldier was so important. There were so many of them.


As a veteran, I agree with my fellow brother in arms. The tomb of the unknown solder neither glorifies nor may prevent a nation from going to war but the stark, visceral reminder of the cost of war should, I hope, remind everyone of the ultimate cost our service members have pledged in their service to serve, protect and defend this nation.


This video was a great service to veterans. It brings knowledge and understanding to the generations who have not served. Thank you


Tomb of the Unknown Solider leads me think of the sailors who've died and were burred at sea and have no tomb stone.


Thank you for recognizing and honoring all of my brother and sister veterans on Veterans Day. The respect you show to the history of the world makes this one of the best channels on YouTube.


All gave some, some gave all. The unknown soldier gave everything, even his name.
