2 Quick “Side Abs” Exercises for a Toned, Flat Belly

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All right, let's get started, though, OK, because I have these moves that I got to show you. They are cardio-based. They are body weight. But I'm going to also incorporate, to take it up a notch, a dumbbell, so that I can show you how you can go from beginner, to intermediate, into advanced, in just a split second, right in your own living room, like me here, today.

So I have this simple dumbbell, 8 pounds. You can choose 2 pounds, 5 pounds, 10 pounds, whichever [INAUDIBLE]. But here's the thing. I'm going to be holding this out, just like so, at 90 degrees. As you can tell, that's a lot of pressure on my shoulder. Anything over 8 pounds, for me, is already pushing it. And I'm kind of a big guy. So kind of gauge yourself off of that for success, because I want you to be successful.

Now this, without this dumbbell, would be beginner. Adding the dumbbell is going to be intermediate. And speed is going to make it more advanced, OK? So I want you to start just like this. You're in your living room. I'm going to scoot back, so you can see my feet, all right? I have my hands out just like this. And I'm holding this weight nice and steady.

The rep is going to come across the chest just like this. Watch this, across the chest, foot up, to touch the hand. Now watch, in speed motion, it's, boom, just like that. The goal is to get the toe above the chest to touch your hand, just like so.

Up 1, up 2, up 3, up 4, up 5. You're going to do 12 on the left-hand side. Switch sides, OK? See this? Switch sides, same thing, across the body. Up 1, up 2, up 3, up 4-- this weight does not fall-- 5, 6, and up 7. You go all the way to 12. You do 12 on the left-hand-- I'm already starting to get out of breath-- 12 on the left side, 12 on the right side. And you're going to do 3 rounds for beginner, 4 rounds for intermediate, 5 rounds for advanced. And that is your first quick and fast, simple move for side abs and front abs and a flat belly, OK?

Second move-- I'm going to put down this. I don't need that dumbbell just yet. The second move is very simple. Now, when you lift your leg, and you're standing just like this, you are engaging all abdominals. For anyone who's had a hernia surgery, you know that if you go to lift your legs, and even stand up, it is a chore, because your abdominals do all the work, OK?

So what we're going to do is, put your hands on your hips. I'm going to stand back, so you can see. Put your hands on hips. You're going to step back, just like this, into a lunge. If your knees are bad, you don't have to step back. Step back into a lunge. Raise the body up. Bring the knee up, and kick. Now, that is beginner. If you add in the lunge, just like this, that's intermediate. And then, if you want to be advanced, because taking your hands off your hips makes this exercise even harder, you're going to go back, up, kick, punch, punch. Back, up, kick, punch, punch.

Now, let's go back to beginner, because I want to make sure you get this right. I'm going to go opposite side. So 12 right, remember, up, kick. Now, when you kick, your foot should come eye level or higher. If you can't do that, that's OK. But you're trying to trigger all the abdominal muscles. And by you kicking and thrusting forward, you're using more abdominals, OK? And you're burning tons more fat. So back, up, kick, back, kick, back, kick. As you can see, my foot is getting above the head, OK?

12 on the left, 12 on the right, and if you do that, I promise you, not only are you going to get cardio, but you're going to start burning more calories to burn off that belly fat and get the body that you've always desired. Look at this. Can you see that? I'm already starting to sweat, and I just got started. And I was only on the first round of either one. So I'm telling you, it works. Use these for side ab obliques. Use these for the abdominals in the front, the flat belly.

So I know, guys out there, you want the abs. Girls, you want the flat belly. Well I do, too. And that's why I use this exact system. The Over 40 Ab and Flat Belly Solution that you're going to see at this link in a minute, you are going to be impressed with what compact system, and such a short amount of stuff that you have to read to get you where you want to go. It's all compacted, simple, and easy, with a quick start guide that gets you started in less than two minutes.
Рекомендации по теме

so much energy. I was looking for a video for my boyfriend, he did this wearing the cobefit hybrid, so much sweat!!!
