Traore’s NEW CITY is Everything the West Didn’t Want Africa to Build!

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#captaineibrahimtraore #BurkinaFaso #capitaineibrahimtraoré For decades, Africa has been told the same story. The story that we are not ready. The story that we need foreign aid. The story that without Western intervention, we cannot develop our own nations. But today, in the heart of West Africa, a new story is being written—a story of self-reliance, of progress, of a bold vision that does not wait for permission from former colonizers. And that story is unfolding in Burkina Faso." "Traoré City is a groundbreaking new urban development that is changing everything. With 1,000 modern villas, powered by solar energy, connected by state-of-the-art infrastructure, and designed for the future, this city is setting a new standard for African development. But instead of celebration, there is silence from the West. And when there is silence, there is often discomfort. But why? Why is it that when a former French colony, one that was left underdeveloped for decades, suddenly builds a futuristic city with no foreign control, Western media is silent? Could it be that for years, the world’s most powerful nations have worked hard to keep Africa dependent?"