How Women’s Leadership and Collective Action Can Make a Difference

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🗣️ Speakers
- Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Former President, Liberia
- Axel van Trotsenburg, Managing Director of Operations, World Bank
- Mamta Murthi, Vice President, Human Development, World Bank
- Myrna Cunningham, Miskitu Feminist, Indigenous Rights Activist and Medical Surgeon, Nicaragua
- Richa Gupta, CEO, Labhya Foundation, SDG Young Leader, UN and Board Member, UNICEF, India
- Omnia El Omrani, COP27 President Youth Envoy and Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Resident, Egypt
- Moderator: Kimberly Gire, Founder and Chair of Global Women Leaders Strategic Philanthropy

📝 Agenda
00:00 Welcome
00:51 Opening remarks by Axel van Trotsenburg, Managing Director of Operations, World Bank
07:24 Remarks by Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Former President, Liberia
23:28 Conversation between Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and Mamta Murthi
38:27 Panel discussion: Visions from Nicaragua, India, and Egypt
1:00:00 Closure

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