Live Streaming Update: TwitchTV

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Seems the problem I had with streaming on Twitch has gone, and the advantages really make it the better option over YouTube. Specifically, the fact that it can be moderated easily and well, coupled with the fact that it does not block Germany :)
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You know what I really like about Gopher and his channel? The feeling of being very present and almost involved in the way it's evolving. It's great.


And now Twitch has finally opened the gates of glory for High Lord Gopher that the entire world might know his live streaming greatness! May both he and Twitch be praised on high!


Its refreshing to hear that the admins and mods have been so helpful all we tend to hear is the negative about things people forget to talk about the positive, I guess it doesn't have as much mileage as trashing something.


"Rambled long enaugh." Its Never. Never enaugh when you ramble.


Hey Gopher!

Just wanted to pop in and say thanks for being a modding inspiration. I recently maxed out my load order for Skyrim and am now in the unenviable position of having to decide which mods I need to disable to make room for more!

With regards to live streaming immersive games, I think it can absolutely work. You know all those times where you're cutting out content like crafting and boring crafting sequences? That would be a great time to interact with live stream viewers. Also, if you find yourself stuck in a quest, frantically searching for a chest you may have missed, etc., the chat could help you out without you needing to backtrack. You could ignore the chat and feedback in the rest of the gaming, only opening it up when needed.

Keep up the good work!


As soon as Gopher mentioned viewers dominating him, I thought of the TF2 streams where Vorenon became the absolute enemy of Chay and Gopher. 


Glad you got something sorted out, its crazy they were hesitant about giving you features when you produce such great content for a huge audience on youtube.


As long as you post the normal let's plays on youtube, streaming more would be great.


Very happy to hear you're starting to livestream more :) 


Unfortunately, for me the quallity seems to be better on YouTube streaming compared to Twich.

On Twich I can only watch up to 720p without stuttering, while on YouTube 1080p does not appear to be any kind of a problem at all.

On the other hand I do like watching some livestreams (yours for instance) and seeing a "Live Now" icn on YouTube helps allot, while on twich I am usually quite late or just do not attend because the "Hey I am live on twich" meassage gets lost down at the bottom, and oftenly I am not sure if it's still live or something that was live 3 hours ago.
Therefore I am glad to know you will in fact remove them when you are no longer streaming.

I was actually excited when I saw you streaming on YouTube, but yet again my dreams got crushed.

Never the less I will watch as many streams as possible, but I still hope they will be available for viewing on YouTube in case I missed them.

Oh also on YouTube in case I missed some parts, I can easely "rewind" the video to an earlier point and catch up, twich however does not seem to offer that feature.

And on both services I pretty much (as a viewer) ignore the chat, but I agree that YouTube should provide some filtering or moderation.


Livestreams are fun because YOU are having fun. So play when you want Gopher!


I love your vids the mod ones were helpful and easy to use and humorous.
Glad to see your still uploading stuff


I don't mind going to twitch to watch you livestream at all. However, I prefer it when you send out announcements on youtube before the stream as I hardly ever have twitch open to constantly check if people are streaming. :)


No please ramble some more we love it we can't get enough of it


Several of the channels I've subscribed to do streaming via Twitch.. You, Gopher, are the only one I've felt it worthwhile to actually register on Twitch to follow. lol.  Keep up the great work :)


Great news Gopher! Im glad to see you branching out. I love your commentary on youtube, (and so do many others) and I think you will attract many more viewers on twitch. Only downside, I'm one of the ones in the US. Vut it's okay beacuse I have a great youtube channel to watch :) Keep up the hard work


Haven't been able to catch a live stream yet but I've enjoyed watching the uploads after so hopefully you'll continue with that.


On the topic of games to play: Really just play what you like, Gopher. Play new games, old games, indie games, big budget games. Whatever tickles you pink. In fact I greatly enjoy being introduced to games that I've never heard of before or have heard of in passing.


Splendid! Looking forward to streams in the future. :)


These are really great news!
Thank you Gopher!
I live in Germany so this just made my day. :)
