This could be hype generated for more funding, but 13 meters definitely ain't the largest T. rex...I would say 17 meters and 13 tons...what is your estimate for the largest ever?
I'm a T-Rex fanboy, but even I agree to not make assumptions on animals/specimens that does not exist/undiscovered. The problem with this study is that it's just gonna hype up all those Spino, Carcha and Giga fanboys to claim the non-existent super-sized version of their favorite theropod despite the lack of evidence. It's the "bigger than T-Rex" hype perpetuated by Jurassic park and Ark Survival all over again.
Imagine if we find one with gigantism like a Robert waldow of tyrannosaurs rex.
A T Rex that gigantic would be terrifying
Indy: Comes face to face with a Mega T Rex.
Also Indy: I... I think I came to the wrong park...
The African Bush bull elephant mounted in the Smithsonian is 13 ft at the shoulder, two feet higher than the typical full grown male of that species, with commensurate increase in weight as well. So, a Rex markedly bigger than the currently largest known Rex is conceivable.
If a T-Rex could grow to that size and weighed that much, then it must have lived longer than 30 years, my theory is that the T-Rex had the same growth rate as sharks and crocs and lifespan of crocs 70-100 years maybe more depending on how much they eat, I mean take the biggest crocodiles that have lived with throughout the years for example, look at how big they are and how long they lived because of how much they've eaten.
Thought this needs to be Absolutely proven, A much, Much larger version of the T-Rex sounds Damn fraking Incredible to me
If T rex got 70% larger than it's size ( 11 tons) then how could any dinosaur defeat it? T rex would become invincible and unstoppable
That's not Tyrannosaurus Rex. That's Tyrannosaurus Dominum. A 75 foot long, 20 ton monster straight off the Ark. 😂
I agree this is something you take with a grain of salt. As they said a Rex of that size appears to be mechanically possible, that is a fairly straightforward biomechanical question. Does the math and material science work? The question is not the mechanical feasibility, it's whether they DID reach that size. So far there is no evidence they did, merely the supposition that based on what remains we do have what would a top of the bell curve specimen look like, or one with gigantism. And that is pure speculation.
As much as I love the T-Rex, I highly doubt they could grow THAT large, and if so, it must live well over 30 years.
If someone found a T Rex skeleton that big they' have the opportunity to become a millionaire, in fact I think a bidding war could push that to over a billion. Please make it be me 😂
Who knows..its a miracle we have the fossils we do..who knows what animals may never be found..I could believe trex was even bigger then thought..don't we find animals overgrown once in a while? Trex was around what millions of years? That means many many possibilities..what a sight it would have been to see it in its prime..
Yeah they're going to be saying that again in about 20 years" it was actually bigger than what we thought in 2024" the average T-Rex height is about 15 ft. The Titanosaur is 122 feet tall and weight 65 tons a T-Rex was not messing with that
That mega sized T-rex would’ve been the infamous Momma Dino from Ice Age 3 😂😂😂
Mother Nature is always full of surprises..
I think that 15-16 meters and 15 tons+ is the maximum size. Anything over 16 meters sounds a bit too much.
I know that non-avian dinosaurs are known for their massive size, the big ones anyway, but I'm taking this with a pinch of salt too. You have to take into account that T.rex was a terrestrial predator and while we know T.rex was a giant, if it got too big then hunting would be a problem. If it was too big it wouldn't be able to move as fast or agile, not to mention sneaking around is next to impossible for a sauropod sized therapod.
I’m not sure but it would be so cool. Can you imagine seeing one of these things