Bradley Onishi: Christian Nationalism's Threat to Democracy | FFRF Convention 2024

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Dr. Bradley Onishi tackles the rise of Christian nationalism and how it threatens American democracy. He explains that Christian nationalism isn't just about religious belief, but about consolidating power and authority over others. He cites events like the January 6 insurrection as examples of the dangers posed by this ideology and urges the audience to stand up for democratic values by building inclusive coalitions. His message is one of hope, but also a warning that democracy is at risk if these movements are left unchecked.

Bradley Onishi is on the University of San Francisco faculty and is a research associate at the UC Berkeley Center for the Study of Religion. He co-hosts the top-ranked religion and politics podcast “Straight White American Jesus.” He is the author of “Preparing for War: The Extremist History of White Christian Nationalism — And What Comes Next.”

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We need a strong separation between Church and State.


Bravo Brad, awesome speech. One thought that bothers me is that while we may outnumber them, we don't all realize that this threat exists or take it as seriously as is necessary.


Freedom of religion is freedom from religion.


The problem starts with allowing these people to get away with pretending to be Christians, when they in fact, don't care for the teachings of Jesus.


This should be a part of Harris-Waltz campaign.


This is the first time I’ve seen you in person on video after listening to you so often on swaj. It’s like seeing an old friend for the first time. Thank you, friend, for a succinct message that shows what the danger is.


I just listened to this on FFRF’s podcast. This is frightening! And with all the votes that Trump received, I’m not convinced that we outnumber them. Yet I will continue to fight and support FFRF


I'm very white. My ancestors came to the US from various European countries a long time ago, including some who came form Switzerland in the 1700's. I'm also an atheist and a woman who's had an unattended miscarriage. What would happen to me if I still lived in the US in the future that these people envision? And are they going to try to send the First Nations people back to Siberia? I've never been happier that various branches of my family decided to make Canada their home several generations ago.


I voted.
I voted for freedom.
I voted for democracy.
I voted for the people, of the people, and by the people.
I voted to affirm and support ALL Women.
I voted for more Faith, more Hope, more LOVE.
I voted for all people, of any race, creed, color, orientation, or country of origin.
I voted for an ardent advocate of our Constitution.
I voted for our veterans.
I voted for truth and facts, not propaganda.
I voted for the separation of church and state.
I voted for lifting and supporting my communities, my neighbors, my state, and my nation, and nations who need help.
I voted knowing truth and facts, not propaganda.
I voted for community.
I voted for seniors and disabled.
I voted for our k-12 public education.
I voted for tolerance.
I voted for informed debate.
I voted for respect for opinions that are different than our own.
I voted for artists young and old.
I voted for a free press.
I voted for our Constitution.
I voted for all who reside in USA.
I voted.


Either Christianism or Communism! What is the #$%! difference?! Both autocratic! Both demanding conformity. Each a threat to personal freedom.


“A civilization unable to differentiate between illusion and reality is usually believed to be at the end of it’s existence “
John Ralston Saul.


And this quote from Cyril Connolly is the best description of where USA stands today.
“The goal of every civilization is to decay through over-civilization. The factors of decadence- luxury, skepticism, weariness and superstition are constant.
The civilization of one epoch becomes the manure of the next”.


Please do a critique of the book, "The Rights Of The People" by Alonzo Trevier Jones


I'm always impressed with people who sound like they know what they are talking about, but really know nothing about what they are talking about. I am talking about Stephen Wolfe.


Doug Wilson, "Bite me." I will not capitulate to you or anyone else in your realm.


How *WRONG* was that last speaker? (25:40) He is *NOT* a native American *DIRECTLY* because of his European heritage. The only people who can *TRULY* claim to be "Native Americans are the Apache, Arapaho, Comanche, Suix(phonetic: Soo - guessed spelling) and other tribes of indigenous people.


Mike Pence deserves more credit than what we are giving him.


You mean TOOK IT from the native Americans.


I am a Christian, I love Jesus more than my own life, I would die for him believe me, but If the US is a Christian nation, can you please explain me why dollar bills have a pyramid masonric sign?? If you are a true Christian, you'll understand Christianity ≠ Masonry.


9:19 From the Epoch Times:

“A summary from Babbitt’s Jan. 7, 2021, autopsy said the medical examiner determined “the cause of death was a gunshot wound to the left anterior shoulder and the manner of death was ruled a homicide.”

Kephart said he was shocked by a photo from the House floor earlier on Jan. 6, 2021, that showed Byrd with his gun drawn and aimed in the direction of Rep. Troy Nehls (R-Texas) and two other men.

“This man [Byrd] should be directed to submit to a fitness-for-duty examination immediately by his chief of police, “ Kephart said. ”Based on this photo alone, he is not qualified to possess a firearm. He is clearly demonstrating a conscious disregard for where he is. His firearm should be at a ‘low ready’ position until target acquisition.

“Any qualified firearms instructor would be horrified at this photo in view of what transpired after the picture was taken, where he shot and killed Ashli Babbitt, disregarding officers in the backdrop, and did not advance and assess the shot or provide first aid and take control of the crime scene—all of which he has been taught, trained, and certified to do.”

“She was shot and killed under color of authority by an officer who violated not only the law but his oath, and committed an arrestable offense.””
