Linux wil always be for geeks...

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I installed Fedora/KDE on my laptop for a week for development purpose and honesty it was a good experience. Everything worked out of the box including my Nvidia GPU. The only problems I had with it was that the quality of Sound was not good, it didn't support the Dolby vision on my laptop and the second issue was gaming. I'm a casual gamer and I don't play online games but even offline games are a hastle to make work on linux. Other than that I think Fedora/gnome is such good distro for newbies. Good video by the way.


"linux always for geeks". so perhaps linux is constitutionally geek-oriented, that doesnt mean things are not changing. Geekdom is evolving, expanding, becoming more accessible, and redefining itself. The future will only bring an influx of geekness due to factors of social development. Linux will not suffer from too much isolation because it is situated as the core of Android and now Steam Deck, and packaged into WSL. Even if niche for now, I the risk to being extremely so is slim.


Have you ever wondered: "Where does this guy get his desktop wallpapers"?


Even before watching this video I want to say: I'm absolutely ok with that ;-)
We just should boost Linux popularity to 5% and we are fine!


OMFG it sounds like we are the same; Using linux in uni, no desktop environment just i3 with Arch, I also use a 20GB root partition which always fills up. But in a way, I think it's kinda nice because I know if I just used a single partition I would never go to my root directory to clean stuff, I would end up with many programs I don't use. The reason I don't use Win or Mac is that they kinda shove their choices down your throat. Like this is your file manager, this is your desktop environment, this is your window manager, this is your display manager just get used to it! Like you really don't get to decide anything and most regular people would be okay with that but I kinda want the operating system to adjust to me, not the other way around. Cheers dude, I think we are on the right track.


I see it differently. For the average Joe that only browsers the Internet and does email Linux really shines.

I'm no fan boy of either...with all the troubles in the would, imagine getting worked up over an OS?

I'm more worried about the new licence agreement MS forces you to agree with...

Not to mention everything but a desktop will require a camera soon


Bro You need to worry about 100mb of fonts, maybe your HDD is becoming a little bit full at this point, neither Linux nor windows are fine with that little space. It's a 20-min fix, just connect the hard drive to another pc and connect the new hdd/ssd to the same pc and copy it over there are enough tools available. As for getting work done, I find it way easier to get work done with Linux than with Windows. And if you are "new" to linux pinking arch may not be the greatest choice. And yes Linux has some Problems, but for 90% of users I would say a beginner distro is better than windows. And if you want a computer that just works, don't use windows I used windows for years and had to reinstall it on every system after just a few months because something broke big time Even on a fucking Surface Device it broke within 4 Months and I just ran office stuff on it. And on Linux I can fix the Problem It's not just refusing to do stuff, sure you need experience but once you got to learn and customize your work flow it's easy.


I agree with this vid I have tried Linux but it takes hours just to get one thing done! Playing games is impossible! On Linux I have to jump through so many hoops for the game to never even run!


Yeah, Android Smartphones, wifi Routers and smart home devices are for geeks, 💯 agree👍
(I know you mean the desktop, just taking the pi*s on ya 😂 I agree on that. Your take is pretty much the least controversial take)

One thing to add though. If you want a device that just works, don't get windows...

... Get a game console and/or an iPad.

Windows is pain.


1:46 - Windows and Linux user here ;-)
I installed Windows 10 in 2015. Updated it every 6 months. Still working pretty much fine.
Looks like it's a skill issue ;-)


Yeah 20 gigs is too little for a root. Try around 60gbs next time.


as we say in germany: pi mal daumen geht das so fit


You appear to have this weird idea that windows just works, having spent more time working for internal support for one the worlds major IT companies that, simply is not true.
The idea that apple is less intrusive, depending on how you define that, is truly hilarious.
After a number of failed attempts to use Linux in past I have gone back, this time using VM so don’t need to worry about rebuilding windows if I give up again… and it’s much better than I expected, will I stick with it? Who knows? But after W10 and looming W11 it gets more tempting all the time and I am not alone


Honestly I think that's a good thing for Linux anything that goes mainstream get's inevitably dumbed down to the lowest common denominator and turns to sh*t, having the software gatekeep itself due to complexity is great (And yes, these days I see gatekeeping not just as something positiv but something that is absolutely necessary for maintaining quality of anything you enjoy).


Why use linux when you have wsl 2
Beside windows terminal is lot better than any of linux
If people says you cant use linux apps with wsl2 then they need to leave the rock they living under and get their eyes checked immediately


Start using Mint and put the home and root on the same partition. You will win so much quality of life 😂


make new people install arch with the install script, and make them install larbs, easiest and best operating system for newbies
