Why I Am So Skeptical About Modern Science | Explorations of a Former Psychotherapist

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Great video. Being a physician in the United States has shown me that the medical paradigm is corrupt and rotten to the core. It’s funny, I wasn’t so much of a skeptic before, but after all of my “training”, I sure am one now.


In today's society, Denial is necessary to survive in childhood...it's the brave and oft-maligned then adults who can shed denial and lead with heart and intelligence. Just like you. Thx for the video Daniel👍


TY so much for making this video! I am retired 33yr Psych Nurse from CircusTown & I am trying to educate what I know about Big Pharma lies. I have now lived 8 yrs longer than hubby I married in High School. We came from matching wounds childhood experiences. To prove your point, I only have had 5 college courses & I retained independent thought & health practices that save me. My ex was overeducated & died as GI/Minister who admitted he was CIA at death. We had no clue. It definitely appears that the more higher education you have...the more easily you are manipulated away from truth & heart guidance. That's what I saw, at least.🙏


Authenticity is punished with poverty.


You make some great points! Everyone should start looking inside rather than the external. It would help mankind greatly.


I love the sincerity of your videos. Thank you so much for the honesty.


I just love your videos. I've been watching them the past few weeks. I marvel that you have no anger, judgment, or superiority feelings in your talks. You point out corruption with such gentleness.


The systems incentives creates these dark behaviors.


It’s always a pleasure to listen to you, someone willing to speak the truth, thank you for all you share 🤗


I've had the same feeling while doing my degree. And I only hope there are many of us thinking likewise.


When I was first accepted to a top science and engineering university, I was so excited, so prideful, so arrogant. Even now, I say it with a tinge, a smidge of pride: "top science and engineering university." But it is a forlorn pride, a regretful one, because I wish that the abuse and ridicule I suffered there was worth it. It turned out to be one of the worst experiences of my life--a trap for someone with my family background--one ruthlessly focused on achievement, domination, success--often to the complete dismissal of my own feelings, my own wants, my own interests. In general, students and professors were disconnected, judgmental, brutal, cutthroat. For a time, I enjoyed questioning the methodology of the sciences itself, reading books on scientific criticism and philosophy--but I was annoying to my professors and peers, who told me I was wasting my time and theirs. Professors could and would disrupt and ruin lives for mere slights, wielding terrible power. Sexism, too, is still a major problem in the sciences. By the time I graduated, I had been beaten down to conform to the modern frameworks and social hierarchies to survive, to get help from people who belittled me for being me so I could pass my classes and get out. It wasn't until years later, after I had gotten away from it all, after I had stepped back from my fancy tech job, after my parents left my life, and asked myself why, why, why, did I realize how I too craved so desperately that power, that recognition, the success, the benefits, and had I been the one on the other side, the one with the boot, I might have really liked it in some sick way, for a time. It turned out that what I got, rock bottom, was a blessing in disguise after all. I love myself now, and I have begun to do what I really want for the first time in my life. Nowadays I study science for myself, for fun, in my spare time. Thanks for your videos Daniel. Really.


Compliance is the goal, perhaps by intent, perhaps inadvertently, of nearly all education, not only scientific education. The world is run by and designed in many ways by those who do their utmost to avoid just investigation. My righteousness at being uneducated is so rewarding . . .


I just graduated Neuroscience Master..I don't believe in at least 90% of life sciences anymore


Talking about modern science and these drugs companies. It would be interesting to know your opinion on the Covid-19 vaccine
Great video as always btw


I'll comment as someone working as a scientist within the realm of academia. Much of what you said has truth to it. Science as a whole, specifically academia, has become a Ponzi scheme. One professor typically generates ~20 PhD students during their career, many of whom desire to go on to become professors, themselves each creating 20 new PhDs. Of course this cannot last for very long, which is why you see the highly competitive nature of PhD programs and the increase of adjunct professors. There are a relatively fixed number of high status positions and the number of candidates wanting these positions continues to climb. It's also the case that it's getting easier and easier to get a PhD. As long as you "stick with it", for the most part, you will get a PhD. This means that science is now flooded with a lot of mediocre researchers who do what I call "incremental science". These are the types of people that you mentioned - they don't think for themselves, they typically memorize things without really understanding the big picture, and many researchers I've met barely seem to understand the scientific method and how to think logically.

As a result of this massive influx of new  "talent", academics often have no choice but to publish papers that confirm their hypothesis (because that's what everyone else is doing). Quite interesting, isn't it -- how almost every single person publishing in science nowadays never publishes a single negative result? We can either conclude that modern scientists aren't very inventive and pick things to study which we already understand quite well (boring, incremental research) or that they lie about their findings. From what I've noticed it's a mix of both. People have studied this phenomenon and found that by far, the worst field is psychology. A large majority of psychology research is unrepeatable and the researchers don't have a very solid understanding of how to design an experiment and how to use statistics. Other fields like space science are highly repeatable and most research seems to be quite reliable - there's also a much higher number of negative results reported in papers in this field compared to psychology, where everything "magically" works.

Many fields of science are still quite reliable and amazing. Physics and astronomy, for example, are absolutely incredible. Just 100 years ago we had no idea that we were living in a galaxy, or that there were other galaxies, or that there were black holes, we had no idea how old the universe was, we didn't have computers. Now we have maps of the universe, we know the age of the universe (isn't that nuts??), we know that we are a ball of rock spinning around a ball of hydrogen undergoing fusion, we know that this is one star among 100s of billions in our galaxy, we know that there are 100s of billions of galaxies, we have models describing all of the fundamental particles and forces which make up our universe and these models are EXTREMELY accurate when tested, we predict new particles using these models (the higgs boson), we understand how to manipulate the electromagnetic field and we understand quantum mechanics, both of which give us computers, cellphones and the ability to access the world's knowledge from our bedrooms, we understand how the large variety of species come about on this planet, we now understand that we are made up of microbes, and that the machinery in our body (proteins) are created by strings of amino acids which are bent into particular shapes. The amount of knowledge that has been obtained in only a few hundred years is absolutely staggering.

I personally think that psychology is a fraudulent field. It's a hodgepodge of a lot of pseudoscience mixed with some modern neuroscience. When you look at the foundation of psychology, there really isn't much there. Once we start developing sentient machines (we are making progress, but slowly) we are going to have to formulate a new, legitimate field of psychology. This new field will clearly explain what emotions are, what qualia is, what produces consciousness, and all of this will be explained in the context of structures of neurons. For example we will simulate machines that have consciousness and ones that don't, machines that have emotions and ones that don't. After enough experimentation we should able to clearly explain what these things actually mean and how to produce these phenomena. Traditional psychology will never unravel these concepts because they don't have a scientific foundation for anything they are talking about. It's bullshit stacked on top of more bullshit - and it's too human-centric. It would be like trying to understand the movement of celestial bodies, but your framework of thinking is based on big invisible humans in the sky, rather than mathematics.


I think it has more to do with surviving in a capitalist society than parentage.

I've been faced with many situations where I lost a lot of money because I made the ethical decision, and each time I can feel the urge to just ignore my ethics for a moment growing to get the money.

Now that I'm in a tight financial situation with covid, I'm starting to question my own morality and ethics, and wonder if I did the wrong thing by taking ethical stands and losing money.

It's not about parentage. A capitalist society will teach you, over time, that the only true ethic is to live to earn.


I am completing my MSW/MBA, and have been thinking for a while now that I made a mistake, I should have gone to art school at the community college...


I have a master's degree in Experimental Psychology and I have the same concerns. Luckily, I had a professor who went above and beyond to point out the ways studies were not accurate. Later, as I was involved in research myself, it was obvious to me how many people would falsify results because they failed to see a bigger picture, they failed to see how much more valuable honesty was.


I think you're adorable. Maybe we ought to get married. (Just kidding as to the second sentence, of course.)


You just level up my life. Love you My Brother.👍
