Lenin's Struggle Against Trotsky Part 1
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In this series, I will demonstrate how Lenin consistently fought Trotsky to create the Bolshevik Party.
Comrade Trotsky completely misinterpreted the main idea of my book, What Is To Be Done? when he spoke about the Party not being a conspiratorial organization. He forgot that in my book I propose a number of various types of organizations, from the most secret and most exclusive to comparatively broad and ‘loose’ organizations. He forgot that the Party must be only the vanguard, the leader of the vast masses of the working class, the whole (or nearly the whole) of which works ‘under the control and direction’ of the Party organizations, but the whole of which does not and should not belong to a ‘party.’
V. I. Lenin “Second Congress of the R.S.D.L.P.” July 17 (30)-August 10 (23), 1903
Trotsky’s pamphlet “is a pack of brazen lies, a distortion of the facts….” “Reading a pamphlet of this kind you can see clearly that the “Minority” has indulged in so much lying and falsehood that it will be incapable of producing anything viable….”
V. I. Lenin To: YELENA STASOVA, F. V. LENGNIK, AND OTHERS October 14, 1904
“[Parvus] openly advocated (unfortunately, together with the windbag Trotsky in a forward to the latter’s bombastic pamphlet ‘Before the Ninth of January’) the idea of the revolutionary-democratic dictatorship, the idea that it was the duty of Social-Democrats to take part in the provisional revolutionary government after the overthrow of the autocracy.”
“It would be extremely harmful to entertain any illusions on this score. If that windbag Trotsky now writes (unfortunately, side by side with Parvus) that a Father Gapon could appear only once,’ that ‘there is no room for a second Gapon,’ he does so simply because he is a windbag. If there were no room in Russia for a second Gapon, there would be no room for a truly ‘great’ consummated democratic revolution.”
(Lenin 1905 “Social-Democracy and the Provisional Revolutionary Government”)
“A few words about Trotsky… He threatened an outright split, the withdrawal of the Duma group, which is supposedly offended by our resolution… That is a position based not on principle, but on the Centre’s lack of principle.”
At the London Congress of the R.S.D.L.P, the Mensheviks and the Bundists conducted a fierce struggle against the inclusion of such questions in the agenda, and they were, unfortunately, supported in this by Trotsky, who does not belong to either side.
“Trotsky’s major mistake is that he ignores the bourgeois character of the revolution and has no clear conception of the transition from this revolution to the socialist revolution.”
(Lenin 1909 “The Aim of the Proletarian Struggle in our Revolution”)
“Trotsky distorts Bolshevism, because he has never been able to form any definite views on the role of the proletariat in the Russian bourgeois revolution.”
(V. I. Lenin, Collected Works, Russian Edition, Vol. XV, p. 15.)
Comrade Trotsky completely misinterpreted the main idea of my book, What Is To Be Done? when he spoke about the Party not being a conspiratorial organization. He forgot that in my book I propose a number of various types of organizations, from the most secret and most exclusive to comparatively broad and ‘loose’ organizations. He forgot that the Party must be only the vanguard, the leader of the vast masses of the working class, the whole (or nearly the whole) of which works ‘under the control and direction’ of the Party organizations, but the whole of which does not and should not belong to a ‘party.’
V. I. Lenin “Second Congress of the R.S.D.L.P.” July 17 (30)-August 10 (23), 1903
Trotsky’s pamphlet “is a pack of brazen lies, a distortion of the facts….” “Reading a pamphlet of this kind you can see clearly that the “Minority” has indulged in so much lying and falsehood that it will be incapable of producing anything viable….”
V. I. Lenin To: YELENA STASOVA, F. V. LENGNIK, AND OTHERS October 14, 1904
“[Parvus] openly advocated (unfortunately, together with the windbag Trotsky in a forward to the latter’s bombastic pamphlet ‘Before the Ninth of January’) the idea of the revolutionary-democratic dictatorship, the idea that it was the duty of Social-Democrats to take part in the provisional revolutionary government after the overthrow of the autocracy.”
“It would be extremely harmful to entertain any illusions on this score. If that windbag Trotsky now writes (unfortunately, side by side with Parvus) that a Father Gapon could appear only once,’ that ‘there is no room for a second Gapon,’ he does so simply because he is a windbag. If there were no room in Russia for a second Gapon, there would be no room for a truly ‘great’ consummated democratic revolution.”
(Lenin 1905 “Social-Democracy and the Provisional Revolutionary Government”)
“A few words about Trotsky… He threatened an outright split, the withdrawal of the Duma group, which is supposedly offended by our resolution… That is a position based not on principle, but on the Centre’s lack of principle.”
At the London Congress of the R.S.D.L.P, the Mensheviks and the Bundists conducted a fierce struggle against the inclusion of such questions in the agenda, and they were, unfortunately, supported in this by Trotsky, who does not belong to either side.
“Trotsky’s major mistake is that he ignores the bourgeois character of the revolution and has no clear conception of the transition from this revolution to the socialist revolution.”
(Lenin 1909 “The Aim of the Proletarian Struggle in our Revolution”)
“Trotsky distorts Bolshevism, because he has never been able to form any definite views on the role of the proletariat in the Russian bourgeois revolution.”
(V. I. Lenin, Collected Works, Russian Edition, Vol. XV, p. 15.)