The Divided Left

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The UNFTR audience is divided on the upcoming election. Several have thrown their hands up at our taken on the Democratic Party. This is my response. Short. Sweet. Crafted with love.
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So good thanks! I’m glad you’re on board whitey! 🥹🫶🏽👊🏽


I would like nothing better than debating the issues of the Democratic party and its decision to feed at the corporate trough. But, we are faced with much worse in Trump and thus must waste time fighting that battle. I sometimes wonder if Trump was invented for just that purpose.


It's official, the UNFTR page can now post and comment in the et al. Max and 99 did not have to get personal profiles or change settings to jump in here, the et al didn't need to make them an Admin, FB changed to allow it. (11/08/2024)


Ahhhh I see where the criticism comes from. Genocide is a pretty low bar for minimum morality. All of these domestic issues are pr. It's identity politics. An endorsement of the Democratic party is an abject moral failure. It's deeply insulting to call it a stay of execution, because they are literally executing us every day in Gaza. Can't believe I heard those words, what a slap in the face. Maybe I misunderstood? I'll have to read the transcript. But I think you said a vote for Harris is a just vote. And I mean... That's just unfettered genocide apologia.


I appreciate your take. They haven't answered anything and war mongers and bankers love em. Its quite frightening and dissapointing the forced choice i have to make.


Well said. Also, when you are caught in a war between two shades of Neoliberalism, it would seem wise to _at least_ do the minimal bit during elections to support the side with the most folks who do not know they are neoliberals. Not because we will get rapid or even future guarantees of emancipation, but just because they at least can be turned to the side of justice. However agonizingly slowly. One can learn that donations from rich c_nts is not necessary for gaining political office. Anyone who knows they are neoliberal/neocon cannot make that turn.


This comment section is full of people who think they can somehow get what they want without actually having power or an ally who has power. Let me know how that works out for you.


you know I love y'all - I think that the closer we get to the election, the thinner my skin gets because of my anxiety around another Trump presidency and Project 2025. He is still an idiot, but next time, the people around him won't be shocked into inaction if he wins. I vividly remember having to comfort my students who were hysterical to the point of throwing up because they were so scared. My opinion doesn't really matter much here, I haven't disagreed with you much, but I haven't always liked the tone recently because it's just too close to the finish line. As a teacher, we spend a good chunk of the year trying to get the kids to understand just how important the state tests are, but then as we close in on it, we change the tone. Yes, it is important but what we need is for you to do your best. Take a breath, calm down, and just try for us. If we just kept pushing the high-stakes nature of it, the kids crumble. I don't want to see that happen during this vital election - to see people freeze and not vote because they can't get what they really want, or what we really need. More of the vote blue rhetoric and less of the tearing down the progressive bonafides until after they win. Then you take the regulators off and go full throttle at them. It is counterintuitive to back down when the stakes are so high, but weird as it feels, for a lot of people, it is the best path. I don't do social media much, and I don't have the foggiest what is going on in the FB group, but I know that what I want and need is more positive feedback on what we will gain with the current ticket, and plans for after they win - not negativity about them. Thank you for listening.


Nice to hear some good common sense from the far left… Don’t cut off your nose to spite your face is still good advice 😂 …


Why even give recognition divisive labels such as ‘cis’? There are no good intentions with any such labels.


Thinking about un-subbing. This constant negativity is getting old. And your response to feedback is 1) "I listened to this woman called Nettie and she is very anti-establishment, so I decided to be that way too" and 2) to then double down on the your previous negativity that other Democrats who follow you are getting tired of. It used to be that you had meaningful, nuanced insights about Biden's accomplishments (which you once described as very progressive and significant) but now it just seems like you want to be contrarian and pessimistic for the sake of it. This really isn't what Democrats want or need to hear right now. You clearly are not learning from your audience's feedback. As for the politics, just as progressives influenced Biden, they can also influence Kamala. The infrastructure bill, which you used to sing praises of, was one of the biggest progressive accomplishments since the New Deal era. Same with the IRA. Biden created the most union-friendly NLRB in decades. Of course Kamala isn't Bernie but democrats can still be enthusiastic about her and they should be. Instead of engaging with this and harnessing this enthusiasm, you just want to be the biggest debbie downer possible, and you clearly aren't listening to your audience when they give you feedback. I was wondering why your vids haven't gained so many views despite the massive work and effort you clearly put into your podcast. I think I can see why now.
