The Government Is Going To STEAL YOUR MONEY! (Here's How)

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These are the 👉 DIRTY LITTLE SECRETS THEY DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW! 👈 The government is over 25 trillion dollars in debt, a truly astonishing amount. The only way to deal with the debt load is to default, use inflation, steal from you, or a combination of both! But the question is how will the do it? If we know their tactics we can better prepare for the future. YOU can take legal steps now to make sure the government is stealing as little of your purchasing power and wealth as possible. This is vital information YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO MISS!!

In this video I reveal the following:

1. How the government will take your assets.
2. How the government will pay you less.
3. How the government will tax you more!!

For more content that'll help you build wealth and thrive in a world of out of control central banks and big governments check out the videos below! 👇

Do you wanna see another video as incredible as this?

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#ShockingInsights #BePrepared #TaxScam
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NOTE: Back in front of the whiteboard! Let me know what you think. Thx for watching everyone! Cheers to getting back to life. ;)


Everything the government does, it would put an ordinary citizen in jail for


The more you learn about finance and government the more I wanna live on a homestead.


Hey George, in step one you're highlighting tax paid for selling your property portfolio. Would the rental yield increase with inflation? Making it better to lease then sell?


"going to"? oh, ok, i thought the Government was already doing it for a time ... silly me.
btw: I wish you were the President. 👍🙂


How do they get away with this? so no inflation if I just change what I buy. Substitution BS from BLS: "Traditionally, the CPI was considered an upper bound on a cost-of-living index in that the CPI did not reflect the changes in consumption patterns that consumers make in response to changes in relative prices.
Since January 1999, a geometric mean formula has been used to calculate most basic indexes within the CPI; this formula allows for a modest amount of substitution within item categories as relative price changes. The geometric mean formula, though, does not account for consumer substitution taking place between CPI item categories. For example, pork and beef are two separate CPI item categories. If the price of pork increases while the price of beef does not, consumers might shift away from pork to beef. The C-CPI-U is designed to account for this type of consumer substitution between CPI item categories. In this example, the C-CPI-U would rise, but not by as much as an index that was based on fixed purchase patterns. With the geometric mean formula in place to account for consumer substitution within item categories, and the C-CPI-U designed to account for consumer substitution between item categories, any remaining substitution bias would be quite small."


Trickery dickey stand up, speak up!!!


George, my coffee tasted bitter after this.😟


So, what's next. The government taxing our service-connected VA disability compensation!


The more I learn about finance, the more I want to burn the entire system down to a pile of ashes.


This literally happened to me from 2009 to 2019. Started at $36k and went to $110k. Got raked over the coals in taxes for being MORE productive. Slow economic suicide. Glad I dumped savings into gold since 1991. Gold has been the only way out. The value appreciation from $300 to $1740 has equalized everything. Thanks for telling people the truth George.


"The state is a gang of thieves writ large." -- Murray Rothbard


This has been going on in Australia for over thirty years.
Those without assets and an average paying job are screwed.
Baby Boomers and some of gen X did very well, too bad for everyone else.


I was going into the weekend in a really good mood. But after watching this video, I’m suddenly depressed. I hope you follow this up with a “what to do about this” video.


George...I think we should change the name of the C-CPI-U to the F-CPI-U.


As we discussed yesterday, I call this big government gameplan "stagflate and tax and lie (about economic data, inflation, etc)." Welcome to Dystopia!


Now I understand why governments fear deflation


Great disagree with your views on the first part (real estate - stocks - gold) most people would keep this for 10 years...50 by the 50th year of holding on to real have been sitting on gains free for 50 years....and receiving rentals...or dividends base on the appreciated family house goes to 1 is cash flow positive....the stock portfolio is 1 percent divident of $20, 000 per the gold....after all the worlds money printing is much you are alot of untaxed gains a person has throughout their until they sell....then ....that would be the problem....


Never thought id be paying attention to a whiteboard ever again, but i love it!


But George, tell us in 3 easy steps how we protect the money we earn
