99.99999997% of all Muslims have Never Seen This [Dr. James White]

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Dr. James White mentioned that he did not have time to go through the transmission of the New Testament, so here is a video of his explanation:
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The more I do research about Islam, the more ridiculous it looks to me.


The number of dislikes and the amount bof comments of Muslims in here totally proved that, the precious video has reached the expected audience..😁


Top quality lecture. More like this, please!


Christian vs. Muslim vs. Judaism vs. Hindu:
"My delusion of "magical sky fairies" is greater than your delusion of "magical sky fairies!"


Those who think religion has nothing to do with politics do not know what religion is. - Gandhi


Thanks Dr James! Your idea has initiating me to think more about Islam and the Quran


I wish people could see my life I'm a Christian and have been born and raised with every religion, have followed gods commandments as set by moses and have lived a very happy prosperous (not money though) life in total unity. Its these simple things that just need to be adhered to that keep love flowing and growing


‏بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
قَالَ اللَّهُ هَٰذَا يَوْمُ يَنْفَعُ الصَّادِقِينَ صِدْقُهُمْ ۚ لَهُمْ جَنَّاتٌ تَجْرِي مِنْ تَحْتِهَا الْأَنْهَارُ خَالِدِينَ فِيهَا أَبَدًا ۚ رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهُمْ وَرَضُوا عَنْهُ ۚ ذَٰلِكَ الْفَوْزُ الْعَظِيمُ  ﴿١١٩﴾؅
‏صدق الله العظيم
119. Allah saith: This is a day in which their truthfulness profiteth the truthful, for theirs are Gardens underneath which rivers flow, wherein they are secure for ever, Allah taking pleasure in them and they in Him. That is the great triumph.


When Jesus come again He will truly reveal Himself in whole Glory and His Almighty nature and everyone in the world will know Who He Is :)


I am a Muslim and I subscribed for this truth


I found this very educational, I like how nobody out of 9 thousand people who disliked this video not one can argue or even disprove his argument.
Seems like a sign of ignorance.
Thank you for this most informed lesson!


I majored in the Sciences and one must always consider all points otherwise the truth is hopeless and will never be known! I appreciate Dr. White's study of the history of the Koran!


Im surprised that James is actually attacking these bibles because he is fine with different versions, this is amazing.


1.8 billion muslims in the world, of that is 180, im sure more than 180 muslims have seen this


like you said in the beginning there are people that memorize the whole Quran and once the curl was put together it was sent out to different cities it was right over and they all agreed that it was cracked and that has been brought forward to this thing thank you


This video is old. If you asked James himself now. He will tell you I was wrong then and I am a close to be a muslim now. Who ever try to criticize Islam and have a brain, will realize later, there is nothing to criticize, Islam is the truth.


Hadrat Usman (RA) was a great scholar of the Holy Qur’an and was a “Hafiz”(i.e. the one who commits the whole Holy Book to memory). He was well versed in “Shan-i-Nuzul” i.e. the chronology of revelation of various verses and the chapters of the Holy Qur’an, and was considered an authority in this respect. He was one of the few Companions who excelled in deriving laws from the verses of the Holy Qur’an. He had a beautiful handwriting because of which the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) appointed him as one of the scribes of the “Wahy” (Quranic Revelations).
His style of writing was well recognized among the Companions of The Prophet Muhammad PBUH. He was among ten blessed companion of Prophet PBUH. The argument by Mr White carries no weitage as he is portraying that Hadrat Usman was an emporer but he failed to deliver the fact that the man himself was an authority on Quran.


There were still many memorizers left after the battle of YAMAMA . Hafsah 'Quran was checked and rechecked against the original memorizers and A new copy was written with the dialectical marks . This was to ensure that NON ARAB Muslims who did not know the Arabic language don't read the Quran wrongly and pass down the wrong recitation and meaning to the following generations. Don't forget that all the 4 caliphs were huffaz(memorizers of the Quran) from the time of the Prophet Muhammad till their own death. Furthermore the Quran was being memorized since the time of the Prophet till this day.. We have about 11 Million Quranic memorizers today conservatively. We also have several verified authentic manuscripts that date back to the time of the Prophet.


I don't want to remarks anything about religions, but I like his way of speech ! Mind blowing.


Every Muslim with little knowledge knows that many hufaz were still alive after the revelation of the quran comes to end
