So you think you're an ISFP.... the Adventurer

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Are you an ISFP - the Adventurer? How you can be the best ISFP | strategies for growth
ISFPs are a fun-loving adventuring type, and I always love my time with this personality type.

0:00 Intro
0:17 Convert four letters ISFP to Cognitive Functions
2:11 What is Fi?
4:00 What is Se?
5:57 What is Ni?
7:50 What is Te?
10:06 ISFP Vibes/Caricatures
11:03 Why you need to be an ambivert
12:49 Why you're too introverted
15:06 Your 2 styles of extroversion
19:21 Action Steps
21:03 Your unique gift to the world



Camera: Canon m50
Editing software: Final Cut Pro x
Mic: Rode Video Micro

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in ways i feel like isfp fits me the best but i’ve never considered myself creative. that’s the only difference. then all you said about if they get stuck in their Ni it can make them fearful and dissociative, trap everything inside, and very quiet, etc.. MAN!! THAT SPOKE TO MY SOUL!!


I am an ISFP and a deep thinker and I don't necessarily write on certain topics but my writing comes from the heart and is based on what I observe and I've been told I need to be a writer.


Wow almost cried while cooking and listening to this video in the background lol. Very relatable + first time since I started reading about ISFP i hear about the issue of big artistic hopes/dreams and big struggles with finding a way to get there and being disappointed with myself bc of that. That's literally what I'm struggling with most of my life 🥲 gonna dig in more extraverted sensing & more of your videos, thank u <3


There are some really good thoughts here.


Wow you just confirmed that I am definitely an isfp, especially when you were talking about Te. I have HUGE goals but I cannot see the steps to actually get there. It sucks.


This video is making me reconsider being ISFP over INFP. I was always confused between INFP and ISFP, still not sure.

I'm FI dom for sure, caring a lot about my inner world and feelings and my identity and values. I also come off IxFP in every test. But I thought I was INFP for a long time, cause I'm usually dreamy and fashinated by abstract stuff and fantasy and art.
That could be both... but I think many people are confused by this:

The main thing is that I don't perceive myself as physically adept at all. I feel very awkward and not so connected with my body, physical activities and manual and mechanics. We always think that a high Se user would be like that, so I say ok I'm not.
What I learn tho, is that ISFP Se is more subordinated to Fi, and usually linked to art or creativity... so if an ISFP really likes something, he will be proficient and use his Se with that. I love music and photography and I'm really good at playing and basically anything about music and video/photography and it comes natural to me. If I have to fix something Im not nearly as practical.
And yes I see myself as clumsy and distracted but I'm also really aware of the enviroment and the sensory details...even if I'm in my inner thoughts and zoning out I'm still usually aware of what happens around me, maybe someone talking, a noise, or something I see... it can even distract me from my internal thought process.

I'm also quite interested in esthetic and expressing identity through appearance etc and I dont see that as very INFP.
Still, at the same time, I resonate a lot with Ne definitions. I also like symbolism and building a meaning over things... but I also struggle thinking about future plans and working to realize my vision.

And I'm not really that type that jumps into action really quick.

Could be because of looping?
I also wonder the difference between Fi-Si and Fi-Ni loop.
I think ISFP vs INFP is one of the hardest pair to distinguish.
Sorry for the long and selfcentered comment but I think maybe others would relate to these doubts.


This is actually very inspiring. My Te must be turned off for so long. I'm so fearful of everything. I'm going for it. Thank you!


wow this sounds so much like me. I'm a poet and musician. Yet I'm always itching for worldwide adventure.


ISFP and yes I'm a guitar player. I'm no vegan I eat meat lol. But your description does make sense.


Girl really just spoke to my isfp soul😭

Got me so pumped I started doing yoga-😂


Great video! You are brilliant 🤘

I'm an ISFP and these hobbies describe me to a tee! Lol I am veg, a wannabe surfie, and I'm a super obsessed yogi. 🤣

I think getting stuck in Ni can result in Se kicking in whether you want it to or not: BFRBs, emotional/unconscious eating, restless fidgeting, etc (I have had all of these issues). Best to then, like you say, ACTIVELY get back in to your body by, say, going for a walk, doing a workout, doing an art project, even opening a window to get some wind in the room. Stop obsessing about trying to find the convergence about how everything is going to play out and get back into living in the moment - consider the long term path (Ni) but also just relax a bit and allow the path to unfold. 🤘


You just broke this down so rapidly, yet clearly! There is so much useful and accurate info in this video, I'm going to have to go back through it and take notes. Thank you so much for this!!!


Wow, this really helped me understand something about myself. I’m an ISFP but I don’t fit the mold of being the “artsy person”. In fact it’s been driving me crazy because every time I take the test I come out ISFP but I just don’t completely fit the type. I enjoy crafts, singing, all those things but haven’t really done much with it. I think it’s because I’ve been stuck in the loop you talked about. I’ve always been a rather fearful person and too afraid to step out there. For the last few years I’ve been in a field dominated by extroverts and, although it’s been challenging, it’s helped me begin to overcome some of that fear which in turn is helping me unlock more of my creative side. Anyway, thanks so much for the info. It helped a lot!


this video made me realize i'm not an infj (ni dom), but an isfp. i was just using ni in an unhealthy amount of time. thank you for the vid, you're awesome!:)


I’m such in a rut for a while now and you’ve given me the perspective I needed to help myself get out of it. Thank you for this video <3


Love the ISFP positivity in this video. I come across a lot of descriptions of the ISFP that are so lackluster. When reading articles that breakdown types, we can literally have the most boring and vague descriptions. And the sensor bias somehow gives us the superficial and shallow label. I identified with a lot of this video but not the surfer dude description. I mean yes, I am in my body but am also pretty heady. I know 2 other isfps and only one is surfer dude-y. Overall I am appreciating this video, and your straightforward yet effective way in relaying information. Loving your content on planning.


When you're an isfp but your not creative 🤣🤣


Such a great video on ISFP, which there are very few of out there. I will suggest this one, if I ever need to explain it to someone new to MBTI :)


You are so very good at explaining this succinctly!


Thank you very much. You've helped me so much because that's how I feel about goals. Thank you, thank you.
