This Is Why I Don't Play AC7 Multiplayer (Resolved, read pinned comment)

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I do not post multiplayer videos because it is not my intention to show-off and embarrass other players. I really do not benefit in any way by doing so. All I wish to say is please don't play like this in multiplayer. It does not make it fun whatsoever.
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Hi everyone, it’s been just over a year since I uploaded this video. Yesterday, I received an apology from one of the players featured in the video and I apologized in return. I’m glad to say that this matter has been cleared peacefully and maturely. Along with this, I also asked the player if I should delete the video and they responded with, “No, you don’t have to delete the video. The video has a good message and reminded me just how small and niche this community actually is, and the importance of maintaining a good environment in multiplayer”.

Since the new year, I have managed to move on from this petty issue and realized my own faults when it occurred. Unlike what the title suggests, I continue to play multiplayer for both leisure and content creation because it doesn’t make sense to stop playing just because this occurred. It was incredibly childish of me to say that and I apologize for that. Moments like this shouldn’t define our perception of online games nor should they be the way online games are played. I’m really happy that the players and I could resolve this matter and I hope this serves as a learning experience for everyone as it was for me and the players.


The Su-30 missing because of his buddy's IEWS was gold lmao.

Targeting one person can backfire really easily if the one you're targeting is even the least bit competent, because nobody else is getting any points.


Would like to see massive PVE battles from old Ace Combat Online games. I think having different role aircraft working together would be better than battle royale.


Too relatable, people who target are god awful and deserved every EML shot they got. What I find worse is that they tried inviting you to a voice party likely to harrass you, don't act like children guys.


My best guess is that they knew one another and you were the odd man out. They were just bullies & nothing more than that. You beat them by winning and you did that solo. Well done. I bet they tried to message you afterwards


4:10 that's your fifth kill on your first life. You're an official ace


Unfortunately I’ve also been teamed on in games but instead of all the ppl having MiG-21s at first, everyone had F-14Ds. Next round they switched to F-22, an F/A-18F, and F/A-18E, and SR-72 Hypersonic Darkstar. They once again all teamed on me. After another round of getting pummeled, I decided I wasn’t going to take that level of disrespect and grabbed a Dassault Rafale M with long range missiles and proceeded to snipe em from each and every corner of the map.



To be fair: I don't play the multiplayer because it's _good_ -I have a soft spot for really janky cult like PVP games-, but that feeling you get when you come out on top of an impossible scenario like this against other people is otherwise something you could only get from games like Dark Souls or, asymmetric fighting games.

It's fun. Really stressful, but fun. And I get why most of the community ignores it lol


I've always liked Ace Combat Infinity's more co-op spin on the multiplayer content. Instead of just straight up fighting against your opponents, you're simply trying the grind the most points out of all of them, and the missions in the process tend to be the most exciting, especially when that "Sortie Order" pop up comes, it gets me really excited.


When I was new to the game I joined a multiplayer match with an F-14. All the other players were in F-22s and they were targeting me. As you can imagine, with my lack of skill and them using a better aircraft, I was demolished. I simply cannot stand people like this. But I’m glad you were able to teach these guys a lesson. Godspeed to you, Phantom


One thing I noticed about AC7 multiplayer and because of how limited it is, I'm sick of having to just literally fly in circles (looping top to bottom) just to avoid missiles. Like, that's not how you dog fight at all. Every match everyone and myself just does the same loopy loop.


“A hit, as expected but a miss would be boring.”


Thankfully, I’ve never had anything this bad happen. Although one time one guy always targeted me through 5 matches. As soon as I spawned in, they would target me. On the plus side, I got lots of medals for missile evasion because he was pretty bad.
Also, I’m at TGM watch #46.


Can confirm, I've actually had full zero-score matches while getting focused by 4 people in a supposed "free for all."

By zero score matches, i mean, NO ONE scored a point. As in. Not a single shot landed on anyone. I was constantly defending and they were just weaving into me. Not so much as a single gun hit.

And I'm pretty confident Tor Fenris was one of them.


I used to play AC7 multiplayer back then but because of how skilled many players have become. I still find multiplayer quite fun sometimes but I mostly play project wingman or the 10 last missions in the story mode thingy


What they've done here was give you a very target rich environment. You had 3X as many targeting chances than they did. Which gave you the opportunity to change targets to play a little art of war style battle. You didn't see it as you were surrounded you saw it as a golden opportunity to advance in all directions.


The issue for me when I played AC7's multiplayer is when I had a game said "No specials". I was expecting a fair fight for all comers, and yet I see other players' "standard missiles" lasting longer than usual, almost as if they're the QAAMs. Either this was a hidden thing I wasn't informed about, an upgrade that I don't have, or a cheat of some kind.


Bro just wanted to understand his enemies


Ace Combat was honestly never meant for hardcore competitive gameplay.

It's a game where people flies their favorite aircraft and looks cool while doing it.


While being 3-for-alled can be a Pain.

I gotta say, you Absolutely Came out lookin like THE MAIN CHARACTER in this Match those chunps were flyin like High difficulty NPCs in your Airspace, 7kills before they could even splash you Once and even then only cuz you'd Finally spent all your Flares.

I'd say you absolutely showed these guys their strength in numbers was paltry at best ùwú
