How Anti-SJWs Don't Understand that Captain America has ALWAYS been 'WOKE' and Political

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Since the release of the First Avenger in 2011, Captain America has become one of the most popular movie characters of modern times. Played by Chris Evans, the earnest and moral Cap would never fight for the wrong cause. Despite dabbling in more political themes in Winter Soldier and Civil War, most Anti-SJWs let this depiction of Steve Rogers slide. However, with the dawn of the Falcon and the Winter Soldier TV series, where Sam Wilson takes up the mantle, many conservatives and Anti-SJWs have made Captain America a part of their culture war, and they are also scrutinising the newer comic iterations of the superhero.

However, since his inception Captain America has been a progressive liberal patriot, who has constantly called out many of the worst aspects of America while promoting inclusivity and diversity. We dissect the characters background in this video.

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I can't believe they made captain AMERICA political 😢


You know it's funny when people complain about Captain America being propaganda... When he's creation is literally intended as propaganda by the US Military... And now when he's tackling different issues. They complain because it doesn't align with their philosophy


What right wingers often forget is that Captain America isn't a symbol of what America is, he's a a symbol of what America should be. So when they say "America has its problems but...", they're missing the whole point.


Isn't Captain America's constant conflict with his idea of America and the actual reality of America a constant plot factor?
I see him and Superman in the same league, both try to embody a virtuous guiding light, a symbol everyone could look up to, but often fail to their harsh realities.
But what do you expect of people who unironically think Rorschach was a cool character?


Once again proving that conservative thought is as shallow as a shower.


"Hail Hydra! We're not even pretending anymore!" - Fox news 2021


If Captain America punching Hitler in the face isn't political then I don't know what is.


Captain America hasn't changed, they have. If you wake up and something you're nostalgic for is different, it's you.


“That’s why they call it the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it.” - George Carlin


Steve Rogers is LITERALLY an anti-facist super soldier.


In the 80s John Walker Captain America fought a right wing group called the Watchdogs. This group opposed minorities, lgbtq, pornography, nonchristians, and believed in restoring traditional family values. Sound familiar?


Comics in general have always been left leaning whereas conservatives have always attacked them since the beginning. So basically just like everything else lol


The second time Steve quit the Captain America role was in the mid 80's, and was over the whole Central America policy that was mentioned in the video. It was then that John Walker was recruited in his place, and one of the first things he did for the US government was head to not-Nicaragua and assists the not-Sandinistas in rounding up and killing dissidents. Then he tried to kill Spiderman for being insufficiently patriotic.

Marvel Comics has always had a progressive streak. This outrage from the right wing noise machine demonstrates their unfamiliarity with the source material.


Comic books, and related materials, can be gateways to deeper conversations. They are just starting places for real issues woven into fantastical adventures.

They may speak to an audience that seeks "escape" but comics can also bring them back to the real world within that context. I welcome the conversations they can set off.

I don't expect comic books to do the heavy-lifting on social issues, but I appreciate them making such issues in the conversation.

This fear of even having such conversations is our downfall.


Loki being gender fluid also isn't explored much in the MCU outside of that one easter egg in the show, and I didn't even know Bruce Banner had DID until I saw a tik tok talking about how it wasn't really mentioned in the MCU. If anything this MCU is *LESS* woke than the comics...


So Captain America is a liberal patriot... just like the founding fathers. Huh? Shocking.


Conservatives are just openly saying they hate América now.


I remember watching an episode of Kevin Smith's podcast "Fatman Beyond" when Falcon & The Winter Soldier season one had reached it's halfway point, his co-host Marc Benardin made an excellent analysis between Captain America (Steve Rogers, before Sam took on the mantle) and John Walker.

"Steve Rogers (and now Sam Wilson) represents what modern America wants to be, while John Walker represents what America currently is." *Forgive me i maybe paraphrasing him a bit*


I think the funniest thing about the ratings "tanking" for TFATWS is that there was no legibility for any of those rumors besides one Doomcock video and a Bounding into Comics article quoting him as a reliable source, it even ending up dethroning Attack on Titan as the most popular show on Cable TV. As a short and nasally man once said, "Facts don't care about your feelings."
