AMPEG Portaflex PF-50T & PF112HFL - 4 Basses Comparison

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Do tube amps still count?

This video is not sponsored by any of the brands mentioned!

00:10 Music Man Stingray 1989 2EQ Preamp
00:46 Fender Precision 1968_Flat Strings_Pick
01:11 Sandberg California TM4 Custom Hardcore Reserved
01:38 Fender Precision 1968_Flat Strings_Muted_Finger style
02:21 Fender Precision 1978

Bass Only:
02:52 Music Man Stingray 1989 2EQ Preamp
03:27 Fender Precision 1968_Flat Strings_Pick
03:49 Sandberg California TM4 Custom Hardcore Reserved
04:15 Fender Precision 1968_Flat Strings_Muted_Finger style
04:58 Fender Precision 1978

Recorded with Neumann U47 Fet Mic + Ampeg Transformer D.I.

Many thanks to my friends Petar Mirkovich, Ladislav Kubik, Dejan Teodorovic and Vladimir Perovic studio Alpha for helping me record this video.

All music themes writen and recorded by Obrad Lacarac.
Music theme on Fender 1968 - finger style, inspired by Prince - Morning Papers.

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Fantastic video! Seriously, thank you for your coverage of this amp.


Instant '70s vibe using a pick with the 1968 Precision through the Portaflex, I dig it 🔥🤘🏽🔥


Thanks for putting this together. The PF-50T has to be one of (if not the) best sounding amps on the market. You just can't get the warm saturated tube tone from an emulator or solid state amp. While a little on the expensive end, it's worth every penny. Also great playing man.


Best P bass chanel, keep it up, love when you rock


WOW ! What a fantastic exciting video, the combination of the ampeg rig with the 68 precision is awesome.


Gosh darn this man makes every bass sound GOOD


Your 68 is just killing every time!
Also nice upgrade in producion quality. Hope that wasnt to much much extra work or $$. Thanks!


I listen to your vids because they just sound so good, many thanks for the work. I already know pretty much everything your demonstrating but it's just great to hear a really good player playing really good basslines to decent backing tracks and nice amps. I drive a '75 P, '79 SR, and from watching this video maybe I have to check out Sandbergs! PF-50T too. Also an Alembic Mark King 5, '10 CS J, '14 SR5HS, '81 T-40, some Ric, and an SRF705. I live in an apartment and frankly play via my GT-1000 a lot. If I had a house I'd have a '66 B-15, a big Ampeg head on an 810, and something modern (WT800?) on a Glockenklang 410+115...


Very nice collection of bass. Thank you for this video. ;-)


very nice man !!
can't wait to get mine !!


Hard to beat a P bass and an Ampeg. imo


Its rare to watch a video of a Bass player illustrating a cross section of playing styles and tonal variation from different instruments. The playing is top notch. I also own a PF50T which I will short be matching with its Portaflex cab and this has convinced me further that I am in the right direction of travel. Is the Fender precision 68' and originalor a reissue and have you set it up with flats. I really love the tone.
Really enjoyed the video, many thanks and best seasonal regards!


I don't know why this has not more views, great playing, great sound, great video concepts and quality. Keep it up, you're a blessing for the rock bass community! Apart from that, I got my very own black / maple bass collection and dig yours lol. Subbed!


Great tones and playing!!
Have you played the 20watt version of this amp and if so do the sound the same? Also would the pf 50 something you would bring to a small gig?


get all your basses in black and the wife will never know the difference!


Fantastican video Obrade!
Jedina sugestija je da je miks (delovi sa celim orkstrom) za slusanje dobar ali mislim da je bass trebao da bude malo izrazeniji jel ipak, njegov ton je ovde najbitniji. U nekim delovima se jedva cuje od gitare.
Veliki pozdrav iz Toronta!


Hello, can you give me the 1989 Music Man Stingray? 😭


Pozdrav Obrade, jel ovo pojačalo može da se koristi za živu svirku, tj da li bi moglo da pokrije bubnjara? Ili je više za studijski rad. Koje je tvoje mišljenje?


Something I don't get about the Portflex cabs, what's the major difference between the HE cabs and the HLF/LF. Is it that the HE is an extension cab, and doesn't have the flip top. Or is it to do with whether it's ported or not? I'm wondering if this 112HLF is ported or not, because I like the size and weight but would like a flip-top to go along with my PF-20T.
