10 Best Things to do During Every Workout

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Using these 10 simple tips will make any workout better. Regardless of whether you exercise at the gym or at home by watching this video you'll learn the best things to do during every workout to see improved performance and better results. You'll also discover common workout mistakes to avoid and things that you should never do again at the gym.

What you do during your workout will determine how fast you build muscle, get stronger, and improve your body composition. And if you focus on the wrong things during your workout you're going to slow down your progress, get demotivated, and eventually hit a plateau. That's why today I want to go over 8 things that you should do during every single workout to get faster results. 

And the truth is we can talk about the structure of your workout all day, but if you're not focused or in the zone during your workouts it's going to be very difficult to push yourself to the next level and see those results that you're after. That's why the first simple scientifically proven tip is to listen to your favorite music during every workout. Many studies show that simply putting on some headphones and listening to your favorite songs can actually improve athletic performance. The music is able to boost performance most likely in one of two ways, by either delaying fatigue onset or increasing work capacity. According to a study led by a well-known sports psychologist, the effects of music lead to higher-than-expected levels of endurance, power, productivity, or strength. (0.1). And there are many other studies that point in this same direction and come to the same conclusion. Specifically, the research shows that music can increase strength endurance...

Faster-paced motivational music has been shown to boost workout performance better than neutral or slower-paced music. (0.2)  For example, in a study that looked at the effect that music had on how high the participants chose to ramp up their speed on a treadmill, the researchers found that while listening to faster-paced music, participants were able to increase their pace and distance traveled without becoming any more tired. (0.3) Aside from increasing energy and motivation, music is able to reduce fatigue most likely because it helps distract you from the pain that a particular exercise is causing you. And this fits very well with my personal experience. Some of my personal best strength gains have come right after I spent a good amount of time creating a brand new playlist full of new songs that would really pump me up. So if you've been listening to the same songs for months now I suggest you spend some time searching for new music that actually motivates you because I believe it makes a huge difference that's hard to fully quantify in studies. 

Something else that you'll want to do is drink water throughout your workout. This will help you replace fluids that you lose through sweat and that have a beneficial effect on performance. If you don't sweat much during your workout this isn't as important. But either way, don't the mistake of getting a sports to drink full of sugar instead of water because research doesn't show much of a beneficial effect from intra-workout carbs which are carbs that you take in specifically during your workout. So unless you're really low on carbs it'll only add extra sugar to your diet without improving performance so stick to water especially when you're sweating.  

Another simple but highly powerful tip to increase focus is to eliminate distractions during every workout and Mostly this is done by putting your phone on silent and listening to a set playlist so you don't have to keep checking your phone. It's very common for people to come into their workout ready to train hard, and then when they go to check their phone for "just a minute" an unexpected email or message pops up, which leads to a significant delay between sets. Not only does this mean that your workout will last much longer than it has to, but these kinds of distractions also prevent you from reaching a flow state or they can pull you out of that flow state, which takes time to get back into. And like I said if you're not focused it doesn't matter if you have the best workout routine in the world, you're not going to give it you're best, which is more important. It's no surprise that your phone can decrease focus since research clearly shows that having a smartphone within reach can reduce available cognitive capacity. (5) So set your phone to play your music and don't check it until the end of your workout. 

As far as the workout itself something that you absolutely must do to see progress is apply progressive overload. This essentially means that you need to make your workout harder over time and continuously place more stress on your body than what it's used to.


1. The effects of music lead to higher-than-expected levels of endurance, power, productivity, or strength.

2. The ergogenic effects of motivational music exceeded those of oudeterous (neutral) music

3. Significant effects and interactions were found for running speed and heart rate across the different music tempo and loudness levels. More positive affect was observed during the music condition in comparison to the 'no music' condition.

4. "As of 2019 more than half of all gym members were female (50.5%)."

5. "an approximate 6 to 1 disparity in weightlifting injuries prevalence was observed between males and females from this sample."

6. "In this study conducted, acutely 3.9% increase occurred in strength endurance (60% of 1RM) as a result of participants’ listening to self-selected motivational music. As a conclusion, it is stated that listening to fast (motivational) music creates an ergogenic acute effect and it is recommended to use music during strength workout to have better strength endurance performance.

7. That reduces injury risk and boosts performance. The latter is because warming up improves flexibility, blood flow, oxygen availability, and nervous system speed and efficiency

8. However, don’t rely on static stretches. such stretches before exercising do not reduce injury risk, as found by a meta-analysis of 361 studies.

9. “there is not sufficient evidence to endorse or discontinue routine stretching before or after exercise to prevent injury among competitive or recreational athletes.”

10. Contrary to static stretches, dynamic ones don't impair strength, power, or muscular endurance, but they may even increase it.

11. What’s more, research shows that having a smartphone within reach can reduce available cognitive capacity.

12. A study published in The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research Demonstrates relationship between chest size and bench press strength and finds a very close correlation

13. This isn't the only study that found this. There's also a strong relationship between body mass and performance in Olympic weightlifters.

14. "Performance of the SQT, BP, and DL was strongly correlated with FFM and FFM relative to standing height (r = 0.86 to 0.95, P < or = 0.001)."

15. Show the following apps:

16. Show the following visual:

17. one study divided thirty young men without resistance training experience into two groups.

18. In another study, sixteen recreationally active men and women followed an eight-week leg training program.

19. One is that you make better progress on exercises and muscle groups you train first in a workout while you see fewer results among the movements and muscles you train later.

20. Second, pre-fatiguing a muscle with an isolation exercise induces a weak link during the compound movement, which reduces work capacity and muscle activation.

21. For all three of the sentences where this citation is used, show the following two studies:

22. Also, it’s generally a bad idea to train through pain. Research indicates that listening to your body and avoiding pain is a very good way to autoregulate your training when you’re injured.

23. And even in cases where training through pain can be beneficial for short-term recovery from musculoskeletal injuries (that’s sometimes the case, although most of the time not), not training through pain provides similar long-term results according to a 2017 meta-analysis.

24. So, not training through pain is safer. This is especially true for strength training injuries, as most strength training injuries by far are overuse injuries.


00:35 - #01 - ListenTo Music
02:14 - #02 - Drink Water Throughout Your Workout
02:48 - #03 - Eliminate Distractions
03:53 - #04 - Apply Progressive Overload
06:00 - #05 - Track Workout Performance
06:48 - #06 - No Ego Lifting
07:39 - #07 - Full Range of Motion
08:24 - #08 - Listening to Your Body
09:55 - #09 - Optimize the Order of Your Exercises
11:35 - #10 - Perform a Proper Warmup


Your advices have led to the most effective exercises I have ever done (and most excruciating), but results speak for themselves. I did calisthenics and bodyweight exercises mostly, but I have found these extra tips of his for these types of exercises to be far more effective and satisfying to me personally than any painful occasions before that in the gym. In the process I took a muscle gain plan from nextleveldiet, and without any additional supplements needed, my muscles started to grow massively over the last two months. Thank you for all the work you have done over the years.


I add lemon juice, Himalayan salt, raw honey to my water and make sure I have a banana for some natural sugar and potassium. Really helps with fatigue and focus during and post workout. Post workout have a concentrated shot of the drink above to replace lost elecotrloytes.


In my experience having someone to go with helps big time, I started going with my co workers and in two weeks my bench went from 95 for 4 reps to 135 for 4-5 reps because they could push me and help motivate me


Totally agree about listening to yiur favorite gym music, endorphins kick in and yiur mood in a positive way


Good clip as always. The music works wonders during cardio. Tracking the workouts is good but training to near failure is the decisive criteria for me.


This is by far the most comprehensive stuff people tend to ignore exercising! Good job! I am naturally doing a lot of that coz I believe in meditating before and after work out to listen to my body.
Have you done any study on an aggressive form of meditation before work out that boost performance?


I like the way you justify your information through citing research articles.


I like the way you back up what you say by quoting research. Very academic. Keep up the good work.


I don't listen to music I focus on my breathing. The thought of oxygen reaching every strain in my muscles keeps me focused m


Wow, the information you shared was something new and interesting. As always love your content.


I totally agree that the right music improves my performance, I listen to heavy metal 🔥and it really gets my energy up ⚡


Another tip that involves music or meditation: Get yourself into a "dark" zone first. Like a warrior going to battle; calm, cool, and collected. The iron is his prey and he has his eyes set on it; it's time to feast. For those two hours, you get to become uncivilized.


I listen to christian metal during workouts, it gives me godly supernatural strength 💪


some days I just don't feel like working out...its my playlist that gets me in the gym. its lit🔥....once I'm in, the competitive genes and Rakem will get me to the finish line


Thank you for an ACTUAL INFORMATIVE VIDEO. A lot of workout help pages i see only give you very vague solutions to a problem in order to promote their products. But your videos are actually concise and useful. Much appreciated and very much helpful. Thank you!


Loving your channel! You've been helpful


Fantastic list and great information! Plus motivating! Excellent video!Thanks


Progressive overload is a beautiful thing👍👍👍👍👍
