Final Update: Brother Hooked Up With My Fiancée & Got Her Pregnant Just Before Our Wedding, So I...

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This is going to be a long one, and it's as messed up as it sounds. I'll try to keep it as concise as possible, but there's a lot to unpack here. I don't care if anyone believes this or not—it's just so insane that I need to get it off my chest. Also, I'm not going to sugarcoat anything, but I'll avoid any details that could identify me to those who don't already know the situation.

Final Update: Brother Hooked Up With My Fiancée & Got Her Pregnant Just Before Our Wedding, So I Broke His Face & Kicked Her Out. Now My Parents Want Me To Forgive Them, But I Told Them To F*** Off & Moved Away.

0:00 - Intro
0:10 - Story 1
11:41 - Edit
14:15 - Update
24:45 - Final Update
29:09 - Outro

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Mike is probably the mom’s affair child.


For the life of me I never understand why these story tellers ever want to reconnect with their abusive and neglectful families.


“He is my brother, after all” … Cain & Abel were brothers, too; but everyone knows how THAT all worked out in the end! 🙄🤷‍♀️


The moment he leaves, the baby is born and things settle, two cheaters will be left to their own devices, without OP around as a distraction. It's comforting to know that it is only a matter of time before things implode between them and that whole family.


Cheating isn’t a mistake but a betrayal.


Oh, Sarah, thou protest too much. She is fighting hard to pretend she's happy and not completely devastated she got herself stuck with the lesser brother.

And good old Mike is so jealous of OP, he is obsessed. Deep down he knows OP has succeeded without their parents support, while Mike couldn't even with the support. Mike didn't actually want Sarah, he wanted to know he could take her from OP. And OP not fighting to keep her, has taken some of the shine off Mike's "victory." Leaving Mike with OP's sloppy seconds.


Your extended family is just as sick; maybe tell them if they let you sleep with their spouses you may forgive.


This guy is a saint. If that was me, I'd go to prison for the rest of my life.


Get the hell out of Dodge. Why live in constant pain and sorrow while trying to deal with totally toxic family members?


Next update I predict will be of how Mike got bored of Sarah and how being a dad sucks and he bounced with the help of mom and dad


My mom treated my Half Brother as the Golden Child, never mind the constant Jail and Prison doors that open and closed on him, If he walked on water, he would be the next Jesus. I joined the Military and my mother insulted me or degraded me. Not seen him since 84 after he tried to delete a few Deputies and later skipped seeing my mother in 2001.


I’d leave, I’d even go so far as to completely change my name and never speak to them ever again.


Mike violated the restraining order, and OP should've called the police. SMDH!!


You can't throw away a family that you never had so Good luck in Seattle!


Op is so lucky that he didn’t marry Sarah and now op get to watch Mike and Sarah and parents lives falls apart and op should have went no contact when her left the house story1


Its not your child. Move far far away. Start over, there will be another woman who will love you and cherish what you have to offer. Family can be the most toxic people around you. Take care of yourself. Your brother will fuck up again a it will get really bad then. Don't be part of it.


I can see this guy later in Seattle. Dude comes up to him and says "Hey man, nice to meet you, you have any family?" Dude answers "No, all my family is dead".


So much could have been avoided if OP just called the cops when he should have. Also his ex is a skeeze bag that he was lucky to lose. He should have moved away when he left for school.


If you break a restraining order you better be prepared for them to defend themselves. There is a reason it's in place.


They don't hand out restraining orders just because you're mad at your family. I busted out laughing when the mom showed up at his job with a photo album. They sure do want OP in their lives, and they have no shame about what they've done, but I believe every single word of this story. Sure, I do.
