Howards End is on the Landing: a Year of Reading from Home by Susan Hill, reviewed by Nicholas Hoare

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As ghost stories go, Susan Hill's immortal "The Woman in Black" is right up there with those of M.R. James. Of late, however, she has indulged another passion: that of calling a halt to buying new books, and instead re-reading her old.

"'Howards End' Is on the Landing" begins with an innocent search for a missing tome, but ends up becoming an odyssey of rediscovery, in which she spots other books in her collection that she has either never read, forgotten she owns, or has a belated urge to re-read. In this delightful work, as far removed from conventional literary criticism as chalk is from cheese (she is a consummate book reviewer herself), one is treated to a mix of autobiography, rumination, criticism and wit: a heady mixture, indeed, but oh! the books themselves! Her impeccable taste, reflected in such chapters as "The Well-Travelled Bookcase," "Who's Afraid?" and "Never Got Around to It, Don't Like the Look of It, Couldn't Get Beyond Page Ten" will be all too familiar to like-minded readers faced with similar problems (not least space).

A lovely journey of rediscovery, from the hands of a seasoned pro.

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