LAST WEEK OF SCHOOL VLOG | as a fifth grade teacher!

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IIN TODAYS VIDEO, I take you through my last week of school as a fifth grade teacher. We clean up the classroom, set up for fifth grade promotion and hang out!

Instagram: kathyvkellogg

#teachervlog #dayinthelifeofateacher #teachermom #teacherlife

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I love the weekly vlogs! It is something i really look forward too especially as an elementary education major. I watch every week!!!!❤


You're vlogs are and will be amazing, no matter when or how you post them. They motivate so much, and truly helped me through my waiting period...fall is finally the start of my teaching era. Enjoy your summer!!


I love your vlogs!! I look forward to them!!


I feel like I've seen so much growth from your channel!! I've been here since you were setting up your first classroom routine/getting ready to teach online. I love your weekly vlogs. If you're looking for something new for the summer I've seen teacher creators share/rate books they're reading/read, Q&A (teaching or personal), video dedicated to your hobbies, what i eat in a day diary, workout routines, etc. ❤️


I genuinely love your vlogs! You’re such a calming presence. Maybe just commit to 1 video a week (no specific day) or maybe X amount of videos per month which would be uploaded on any day. That way you don’t feel too pressured.


I love your vlogs! I will be a first year 5th grade teacher in the fall and your videos have already been so helpful. I also don’t have other social media accounts so YouTube is the only way I see you!


First grade teacher here who just completed my 23rd year teaching! I LOVE your vlogs and always excited to watch your latest ones! Keep up the great work and also enjoy your summer!!! Do what you feel is right - your body will tell you and I’ll be here to support whatever you decide. 🥰💜


I love your vlogs and hope that you won't stop doing them. Maybe twice a month would be better? I can imagine how much extra work it is for you though. Enjoy your well-deserved summer break!


I look forward to your weekly vlogs (they help ease my Sunday scaries, actually!), but you absolutely need to decide what fits best into your life, especially with 2 little ones. I follow you on Instragram but there is just something about settling in for a full length vlog. I'm here for whatever you decide! Also, about crying on the last day... it's funny, I was just talking to my husband about the last day and how CRAZY it was this year. By the end of the chaotic day I was just like 'good RIDDANCE, good bye!' ...but then over the next few days the tears flowed on and off. It is a big emotional dump for me every year to dismantle the classroom family I've seen grow and change for 9.5 months. Each class has a profound effect on me and it's always hard to say goodbye, but I'll tell you, the chaos of the last week of school is brutal. It think it's the universe's way of helping me let go of the kids! 😂


I love your weekly vlogs but do what works best for you. I taught school for 13 years and am going to semi-retire to be a substitute and always love your content. Our school is strict about taking everything off the walls if the teacher is moving out of their classroom. Otherwise, it's not too bad. I think that the more years you teach, the less you cry, ready for vacation mode! Have a great summer :)


I love your vlogs and look forward to them!! I’m a 5th grade teacher and mama in Kansas and these videos are inspiring to me! 🫶🏻


I love your vlogs! I understand you being busy! I get so much inspiration about life and teaching from you! I am a teacher, mom, wife, and grandma! I just finished my 26th year teaching first grade! Happy Summer break❤


I love your vlogs especially during the school year! I look forward to all teacher vlogs but definitely understand if you’re losing motivation. Maybe take the summer off and decide in the fall if it’s worth it? Or switch to short form content for a while?


Love you videos. They are the highlight of my week when I get notification. Regarding your youtube plan do what is best for you. PLease note that many(including me)love watching them. Alicia from CT


I love your blogs, Kathy! I also understand if you need a little break. Reels are fun to watch too!


i love your vlogs sm, but i think youtubers make the best content when they enjoy it! i think less frequent vlogs are totally fine! quality > quanitity


I love your vlogs! I wonder if you have just a little burnout from end of year. Hope you enjoy your summer break!


I love your vlogs!

My first year of teaching I didn’t get emotional. I think it was because it I taught through Zoom during Covid. My second year which was in person, I got emotional at the end. My third year, I got emotional because I was moving. This year, I didn’t get emotional because it was a rough year lol


Oh noooo you gotta do weekly to put yourself out there! I live for your vlogs


It is always a strange feeling when you take everything off the walls in the classroom and you can hear your voice bounce off the walls. I remember crying after my first year of teaching during the 1992-1993 academic year. I had no seniority, and so I was not returning. I was hoping to stay at that particular site for years so that I could see my students grow over the years. Enjoy your summer, and spend that time to get plenty of rest. Take care, and thank you for your video presentation .
