We Surprised her with a Tesla!!!

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We Surprised her with a Tesla!!!
This has been a dream of ours for so long! We have always wanted to spread joy and happiness in the world and we finally get to do it thanks to all of you! Our assistant Emma has been dreaming of getting a new car and especially and electric car, so today we decided to surprise our assistant with a Tesla Model 3!!! Her reaction was priceless and we hope to be able to do this for so many more of you!! But we need you all to SUBSCRIBE!!!! Thank you all for all of the support we hope as you make our dreams come true we can make yours come true aswell.

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I love the way Neo was all so shy when he saw Emma with a guy. Then he got in the car like I'm gonna drive you around in this cool car. Then the way he was showing daddy he wanted him blow up a balloon for him. These two kids just lifts my spirts up every time i see a new show with them in it. I even gets sad when they are sick too.
Cam family i love yal soo much. Yal too have raised a fine looking and smart family. ❤ Hows y'all's other son doing its been awhile since yal updated us about him. Sending hugs and loves to Cam fam. 🤗😘


For giving is better than receiving! Especially to someone who deserves it😊


Oh I cried . Thank you for your generosity. GOd bless your fam!


So beautiful! Thank you CAN family for sharing blessings with her and all 🙏🏼✨ Love it!


I started watching u all because I have a daughter who has a medical history and it's been very hard. I like to say she is medically complex. U all brought me joy when I saw how u were with ur son. I continue to watch for good energy. I started a YouTube channel when my daughter was a baby and never got many views at all but loved it. After she got sick I stopped. Ur all motivational in so many ways. 💜💜


I think its about how you guys showed your most authentic and most genuine heart for us (viewers) that made each and every one of us follows you up to this moment, I started watching since Neo’s journey and on how you guys make every moment so memorable and so special for him and for abella! I see how you guys from being cool parents to being the most inspiring and teaching us a lot of values and life lessons! Keep it up! And Cheers to 5M coming right up! 🎉


Neo is the cutest at 6:45 asking his dad to shush because he is loud 😂😂😂


I’m so happy for your family. This is awesome.

What blew me away was Neo telling you to be quiet. His speech has improved so much. That is so great.

Best wishes.


I think you’ll are the most humble people that can care so much for people. May god bless you’ll with many more blessings


Awww! I’m so happy to see how far you’ve come. It was just the other day when I got hooked watching a kid with bleach blond tips marry a beautiful Latina who happened to have to cutest little belly. I’ve been hooked since and honestly felt like you’d never make it to a million. It felt like it took forever to grow the channel, but it was worth it to see you’re still that fun loving, ever evolving and compassionate couple you were all those years ago. Stay true to who you are always and you will forever be blessed. Dios los bendiga always!❤


You welcome Can fam. If it was not for your amazing family, I wouldn't of subscribed. Your son, is the highlight of the family hands down. What an inspiration to the deaf community for such a young lad, and old soul 😆. Love from Sammy in South Africa.


Hi the Camp family I’m so proud of you guys for giving your helper/babysitter. The car. I’m 47 years old and I just got my license. I just got a brand new car my own self watching you guises show I was crying I’m so happy of everything you guys are doing your kids are amazing. Abella is growing up so fast and I know she’s gonna be amazingand I know she’s gonna be somebody so special in this world. I’m so happy to watch your family and how amazing you guys. Are you guys make my day every time I watch God bless you guys keep up the good work.🎉🎉


You're welcome
I would love to just meet yal. I have been watching since Abella was little. When i first got small cell carcinoma stage 4 lung cancer i looked forward to watching yals videos on late Saturday nights i would wait up kept waking up looking at my phone to see my notification for Cam Family and it would brighten up my night it was like my troubles at the time just melt away. Yal have came a long way with these two beautiful smart children. You know ive never meet yal but it feels like we are family. Well i hope one day i can meet yal but im not in California im stright across the USA in Virginia staying with family members because its been a rough 4 years with this small cell carcinoma on oxygen 24/7 with my hubby and me disabled with just 1 income. But it wont for God i wouldn't be here today hes pulled me and hubby through alot. My long cancer was the rare and roughest lung cancer there are but i am in remission. Im doing every 3 months they switch up with MRI or CAT scan and once or twice a year i get a PET scan to make sure the cancer not came back. The kind ive got it can come back to my brain quickly then radiation treatments start up. I dont want that so i fight and pray every day for God to help me not get it. But it would be a dream come true to meet yal whole family. God bless yal sending hugs and loves y'all's way. 🤗😘❣️


I absolutely love this video. Very kind of you guys. I truly appreciate watching your videos. In different ways I can relate to you all. I’ve had a disability most my life (nothing like Neo, my family always said it’s not a disability but that I was strong and God knew I could handle it) but I was the first to go through my school district so nobody knew how to help me. I’m a big sister always looking out for the younger ones like Abella. And can relate to Niko and Cristal in different ways. I love how you seem to not let things get you down and when you may be others are there to help. I’ve been blessed with such a family. I won’t give you my sad luck story but want to truly thank you for being so upbeat and bringing smiles and hope to so many people. I bet Emma loved her surprise.


Way to go! It is always cool to recognize the people who help you through life.


I started your videos when neo was born and throughout his hearing loss journey... You guys were amazing 👏🏻😊


The can family is my favorite family in the 🌎.
I love everyone of you guys and I can never get enough of your journey as a family and its so inspiring to see Niko and Crystal as parent's and it really makes me wanna do more as a parent for my kid❤
Iam a big fan from Fiji 🇫🇯 and I only wish more happiness, love and the best for you all ❤


This family is sn encouragement.Neo is just a cool inspiring child


❤❤❤I started watching your videos when crystal was pregnant with Abella and I NEVER missed a single video from then. It’s just so nice to see how far you have come through. ❤❤❤


I’m late to this video but idk of any other family that literally has surprised the people that work for you not just a car but a TESLA! Y’all are by far the best y’all have a great heart may GOD bless your beautiful family always & keep blessing with many good things bc y’all are so selfless!!! I was literally crying 😂 ❤❤ ❤❤❤JUST ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL WHAT Y’ALL DID!!!
