TW:SH #sh

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“You’re not alone”
Thanks YouTube… I’m up at 3 in the fucking morning….


"You're not alone"
"Were with you"
YouTube in the night:
E: thanks for the support and likes..


pls don’t hurt ur self- I hope ur ok:(((
edit: i understand u guys dont want my help- next time i wont give it. -_-


*No matter what you deserve to live in this world, * even if bad things are happening to you. *You still deserve and were chosen to live in this world.* *don’t take your life because your going through something hard, or sh.* and *I get why you wanna or have done sh and want to take your life.* *I love you.* *You matter.* *Crying is okay.* *Its okay to not be okay.*


We love you...

Ur not ready...

Stay healthy angel 🪽



1. you’re more beautiful without the scars
2. it hurts the people who love you
3. it makes you lie a lot (some)
4. the scars will last forever
5. it makes you feel ashamed/guilty etc afterwards
6. the relief only lasts brief seconds
7. it doesnt solve anything in the long run
8. it can cause unintended damage to yourself (loss of blood, concentration level etc)
9. after you hurt the feeling comes back
10. the scars remind you of how you felt at that particular time making you feel worse
11. it involves awkward questions (as well as lies)
12. it can cause bad consequences beyond your control
13. although it feels like you are in control you are really not when you hurt yourself
14. you deserve not to be hurt by anyone or yourself
15. it can lead to unintended consequences (death etc)
16. you hurt more after you cut than before you cut
17 you can feel like a failure once you have self harmed
18. it takes more effort and strength to stop self harming than to self harm
19. if you stop self harming even for a while you will feel like you have achieved something and have gained control over your life
20. you have better things to do
21. its not very clean
22. it can make you hate yourself afterwards, making you feel worse
23. you cannot wear long sleeves and have to boil in the summer!
24. self harm only delays the pain not heals it
25. if people know, the dissapointment shows in their face when/if they know you have self harmed again, making you feel worse
26. you deserve to live your life to the full, you are worth better
27. there is support out there to help you, it is not a weakness to ask for help, inf act its a very brave thing to do
28. its easier to stop earlier rather than later
29. it ruins your beautiful body
30. you are an amazing, beautiful, caring person who should recieve the greatest love possible from others (more importantly yourself) and should not resort to pain to deal with emotions, you dont deserve this, you are a very special person:))


31. Amazing just the way you are :)
32. I care too much to see you get hurt.
33. Doesn’t do any good, just covers up the real problem(s).
34. It is an ugly thing to do.
35. You need to love yourself.
36. Better ways to deal with pain! (friends are always there!)
37. How would your parents feel?
38. Is it something you are proud of?
39. It doesn’t help you in the end.
40.The more you cut, the more it hurts; which means that the scars and the pain will be deeper.
41. It will be an easier habit to break now than it will be later.
42. It is better to have a success story rather than a failure story.
43. You will feel worse in the end because you have not coped with the real problem(s).
44. One day, when you have kids, you won’t want them to harm themselves by following your example.
45. What are you going to do when you go swimming?
46. People will treat you differently.
47. You will feel much better if you stop.
48. When you stop, you will look back at the pain you have caused yourself and you will hate yourself for doing something so stupid over a petty thing.
49. Scars are ugly.
50. I don’t want you to die.
51. You could become hospitalized from this habit.
52. It’s not just me, a lot of people love and care about you.
53. It is a nice day outside.
54. People need you in some way or form.
55. Animals too need you too!
56. You can influence people, and you wouldn’t want them to hurt themselves.
57 . Life is too short to harm yourself like this.
58. Instead of cutting, take out all of your anger and pain over your problem(s) on a pillow or with some delicious Ben & Jerry’s.
59. What will people think?
60. If you want to get away from the pain, creating more pain for yourself is not a solution.
61. You will feel better than ever after you stop.
62. Sometimes, pain is not beauty. Sometimes happiness is beauty.
63. You have to clean it up afterwards to hide it.
64. I know you are much stronger than that.
65. You have better things you can spend your time doing.
66. It is extremely dangerous.
67. It is an addiction, and addictions like these are bad. Get an addiction to gum.
68. God put you on the Earth for a reason, and to cut yourself is not it.
69. Nothing is ever bad enough to make you harm yourself.
70. There are people just like you who have realized that there is a better way of coping with the pain- through other things. (support groups, family, friends, etc.)
71. Take out your anger in a letter- and then tear it up into a million pieces and throw it away.
72. Sleep off the pain, it is much more relaxing, healthy, and better. And, people will not judge you for it.
73. You will not be taken as seriously in the work world, because employers will not think you are “emotionally stable” enough to handle a job correctly.
74. Try a week off, and you will realize that there are thing much better than cutting.
75. Your life will change and things will get better- I promise.
76. People care!
77. I always saw you as a strong person who would not let anything bother them, and you are letting me down.
78. You are my friend, and I care too much to see you get hurt.
79. Life goes on.

I do not know you but all I ask is that you took the time to read this.


You know butterflies can’t see the colour of their wings, but humans can see how beautiful they are Likewise, you might not see how special and beautiful you are but others do.


I promise you, it’s not worth it. I’m struggling with the exact same thing, I did self harm in 4th grade- and started again recently-


reasons to stay alive 🤍

1. your family

2. your friends

3. the feeling you get when you’ve finished something

4. the feeling you get when you get a compliment

5. the feeling you get when you buy new clothes

6. the feeling you get when you try on new clothes

7. the feeling you get when youre room is tidy

8. the feeling you get when youre laughing hesterically.

9. the feeling you get when you make a new friend

10. the feeling you get when you make someone smile

11. you’d have to watch your family and friends grieve.

12. you’ve never been to that place you always wanted to visit.

13. you’ve never been to disney world.

14. you’ve never been skinny dipping.

15. you’ve never swam in a lake.

16. you’ve never met your idol.

17. you haven’t gotten married.

18. you’ve never decorated your own house.

19. you’ve never saved someone’s life.

20. you haven’t learnt to drive.

21. there is music you haven’t listen too.

22. you have so many more people to meet.

23. everyone who thought you’d do well in life, would have been wrong.

24. the people who said you’d end up no where, would have been right.

25. all the fake people would pretend to like u and post u on their stories.

26. you would have been the best mom or dad.

27. you haven’t lived the ‘my funeral will be packed’ type of life.

28. your friends would suffer.

29. your mum would never be able to walk into your room.

30. you haven’t apologised to people you have hurt.

31. someone loves you.

32. you are not alone.

33. i’m here for you.

34. the clothes you’re buried in might be gross.

35. you haven’t truly loved yourself yet.

36. suicide is a permanent solution to temporary problems.

37. you haven’t watched your kids open their christmas presents.

38. you haven’t watched your kids grow older.

39. the pain you feel right now, isn’t forever.

40. there are so many foods you haven’t tried.

41. you’ll never get the feeling of walking into a warm building on a cold day.

42. finding your person.

43. really soft pillows.

44. eating pizza with your kids and partner.

45. you’ve never danced in the rain.

46. you’ve never kissed someone in the rain.

47. there are so many hobbies you haven’t tried.

48. you’ll never have a sleepover with your best friend again.

49. your friends would blame themselves.

50. your mom's smile.

51. your best friend's laugh.

52. your sister would lose her best friend.

53. your cousins that look up to you.

54. hot chocolate on cold days.

55. ice water on hot days.

56. getting a tan.

57. hearing ‘i love you’.

58. not being able to sleep the night before and exciting day.

59. your birthday.

60. you’ve never been to a nightclub.

61. long hot showers.

62. long steamy baths.

63. freshly shaved legs.

64. perfectly smooth hair.

65. watching people trip over small objects.

66. you could have a huge impact on someone’s life.

67. you would regret dying.

68. you can’t change your mind once you're gone.

69. you wake up everyday for a reason.

70. stars.

71. you will always be enough.

72. movies that make you feel warm when they’re over.

73. reading powerful quotes.

74. genuine smiles.

75. the crunch of autumn leaves.

76. christmas.

77. christmas eve.

78. decorating the tree.

79. long meaningful hugs.

80. sunsets.

81. ice cream.

82. you never got that puppy.

83. you are so brave, it would be a waste to let the fire go.

84. rainbows.

85. travelling to new places.

86. funny stories.

87. funny jokes.

88. inside jokes.

89. coffee.

90. your talents would go to waste.

91. the feeling you get when you’re truly happy.

92. all nighters with friends.

93. cuddling.

94. reconnecting with old friends and family.

95. smiling.

96. capturing perfect moments on camera.

97. swimming on a hot day.

98. feeling cozy in blankets.

99. helping other people with the same thing you got help with.

100! becoming successful.

101. cute babies.

102. cute old people.

103. love stories that make you jealous.

104. telling crazy stories.

105. watching lightning.

106. watching rain.

107. star gazing.

108. recovery.

109. melted chocolate.

110. freshly baked cookies.

111. late night adventures.

112. overcoming fears.

113. sunday mornings.

114. friday mornings.

115. you’ll be dead, forever.

116. you will make a difference to people.

117. picnics with friends.

118. waking up late.

119. waking up late and ending up being on time.

120. to prove them wrong.

121. to prove them you can.

122. to prove you're strong.

123. to love and be loved.

124. the ocean.

125. pets.

126. very loud music.

127. days out.

128. finishing a book.

129. conversations that just flow.

130. learning new things.

131. you are important.

132. you are wanted.

133. mistakes.

134. snow.

135. sun.

136. flowers.

137. flowers that look gorgeous but smell gross.

138. new bed sheets.

139. new home decor.

140. roller coasters.

141. theme parks.

142. smiling at strangers.

143. random acts of kindness.

144. the sound of water.

145. visiting a place from your childhood.

146. to look back on all the things you got yourself through on your own.

147. to feel proud.

148. reassurance.

149. cute nicknames.

150. long stares that make you feel loved.

151. meaningful gifts.

152. blowing out candles.

153. meeting online friends in real life.

154. success.

155. to work the job you always wanted.

156. the live the life you dreamt of.

157. babies smiling.


whatever you're going through trust me it will be okay. you just gotta hold on and be patient. keep yourself busy with things like sketches, music, books and things like that... you can even start doing a sport. you can start playing an instrument. you can start learning a new language. focus on an activity that you enjoy doing!! go ahead and try things out. please don't feel guilty. you should never hate yourself. you deserve happiness but never forget that having ups and downs is a part of being human. these hard times aren't permanent. love you!!! ❤❤❤❤


Butterfly challenge
The Butterfly The rules: 1. When you feel you want to cut, take a pen or marker and draw a butterfly on your arm. 2. Name the butterfly after a loved one, someone that really wants you to get better. 3. You must let the butterfly to fade naturally. NO scrubing it off. 4. If you cut before the butterfly is gone, you've killed it. If you don't cut it lives. 5. If you have more than one butterfly, cutting kills all of them. 6. Another person may draw them on you. These butterflies are extra special. 7. Even if you don't cut, feel free to draw a butterfly to show your support. 8. Know that we care.


Anyone struggling right now? Give the butterfly method a try my love❤

1- draw a butterfly on where you'd harm
2-don't take it off, it has to fade on its own.
3-if someone draws it on for you, it's extra special.
4- if you end up harming, you killed those butterflies.
5-the butterflies represent peoples love towards you so if you do harm, you killed the person's love.

I know this is difficult, but I believe in you hun. You’ve got this don’t give up. You’re stronger than you think❤


Me after: what is my problem, why am I like this? I’m so dumb.


Can people please not comment that “ your skin isn’t paper so don’t cut it” shit it really doesn’t help but you are really great for trying to help


Y’all here are some tips for SH
If you feel like cutting yourself just go outside take a walk take deep breaths go to sleep and eat and drink water. You can also tie a rubber band to your wrist color it red and pull it back and let it slap your wrist or cut up paper
Instead of you! You are not alone❤ I hope this helps


Just did it 😋

(I hope you feel better❤️)


You have a remarkable ability to inspire others with your passion and drive. Your resilience in the face of challenges is truly admirable. Your generosity knows no bounds, and your compassion makes the world a better place. You possess a rare combination of wisdom and humility that is truly inspiring. Your presence lights up any room, and your infectious enthusiasm uplifts everyone around you. You're simply incredible


🩷!!101 reasons to live!!🩷

1. Chicken nuggets

2. calm fall mornings

3. that warm cozy feeling while watching a movie in bed

4. The relief of feeling a warm meal hit your stomach after a long cold day

5. the warm sun on vour mid skin

6. making people smile

7. putting on fuzzy socks and snuggling into a blanket when cold

8. laughing so hard till you can't breathe

9. sleeping so good you wake up with blanket imprints on your arms

10. Hugs from tall people

11. Dancing to music when making yummy food

12. birds singing in the mid morning

13. unusual sights (people with mismatched or parrots in grochie stores)

14. candy on Halloween

15. Christmas tree decorating

16. Thanksgiving dinner

17. the excitement to go clothes shopping

18. the happy tears you cry when accomplishing something you've been trying to do for a long long timedo for a long long time

19. The chaotic rush of Black Friday sales when it is not crowded

20. Lava lamps moving

21. Disney land

22. the warmth of freshly baked soft cookies

23. the triumph of finally taking that step

24. bacon crispy ness

25. making new friends easy

26. healing fast

27. sunrises

28. sunsets

29.bubble baths

30. the smell of THEM...

31. knowing your worth

32. making something ** new**

33. swimming on a hot day

34. eating tons of ice cream in winter

35. the cleanliness of freshly brushed teeth

36. seeing new movies in theatre

37. hot popcorn with tons of butter

38. stomach butterflies

39. Seeing your favorite artist in concert

40. Happy mid day car rides

41. blasting music home alone

42. fresh air coming through your house windows

43. balloon animals

44. white Christmas's

45. candy canes

46. bubble wrap pops

47. cracking your back after a long nap

48. stepping out of your comfort zone

49. loving someone

50. memes

51. pancakes

52. getting better

53. being different

54. making fun of bald men

55. making immature jokes

56. costume parties

57. your favorite snacks

58. buying something you've always wanted

59. the feeling after a warm shower

60. your favorite meal

61. new foods

62. new places

63. board games

64. The feelings of wearing an outfit you love

65. The freshly lit scent of candles

66. pets

67. walk through Gardens

68. admiring yourself after you cry

69. stormy nights

70. double rainbows

71. festivals

72. craft fairs

73. the fair

74. your fav movie

75. new shoes

76. finding a new song you love

77. listening to a playlist an artist just released

78. Hot chocolate on a cold day

79. spending time w your fav person

80. cuddling with animals

81. The way the sun makes your eyes glow

82. the spark you get when talking abt your fav thing

83. hot air balloons

84. overcoming a fear

85. finding a relationship w god

86. laughing with friends

87. the excitement to tell someone a new joke you learned

88. receiving compliments

89. the content feeling of a hardly worked day

90. pizza

91. telling someone no and standing by it

92. seeing new flowers bloom

93. watching nostalgic shows

94. smiling when you realize it's over

95. crying at weddings

96. watching old people hold hands

97. that feeling at 12:00am Jan 1st

98. funny coincidences

99. feeling attractive without makeup/that day

100. realizations of the better decisions you made

101. waking up another day without heartache


And if you ever think nobody loves you its not true because i do! I might not know you in person and we may never talk, but we have been through similar things if your reading this. And i hope you know how proud i am you were created. And im so proud of you for being able to stay this long. Stay longer my love, and i hope these reasons help. I love you💕💕


I know SH can be an addiction, and I’m only 12 and I can’t give u k u advice because I’ve never went through this, but I can tell u, everyone u love and everyone who loves u will miss u forever, they will regret not helping u, spending time with u or they will miss u and u will miss them, life has so many wonders and yes it can be rough but remember, life is never easy, it’s never fair and it’s always gonna be a bumpy road, but once u find that peace with urself that road is smooth for the rest of ur life, if u quit SH u will be so thankful, and yes it is probably very very VERY hard, but ur worth everything, and it’s possible, u can do it! It doesn’t matter if u hate or live urself, fat, skinny, “ugly”, pretty. No one is perfect, everyone has their flaws, even I have insecurities, but everyone does and it’s not something we should point out on other people, nor should we be ashamed, just know that things will get easier and it will all end soon and all will be peaceful and u will have the best life anyone can ask for, please don’t commit, u mean everything to someone, ur someone’s child, someone’s grandchild, someone’s cousin, and someone’s friend, somebody will miss u for the rest of their life, things will get easier and I hope u find peace with ur life❤


I’m so sorry. I relate to that so much. I’m really trying to get better but every time that I begin to think that I am, I just end up starting again.
