Pulling out all the stops to make one dog happy. But his hunger was beyond me. (10/12/23)

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Or you can support my continued travels through Mexico by chipping in $10 (to become a Super-Subscriber) or $25 (to become a Super-Duper-Subscriber) - and receive UNBELIEVABLE PERKS. Details below.

My professional background is a PhD clinical psychologist (with 20 years of clinical practice) and Fortune 500 Organization Development management consultant (15 years).

I have a lot to say about a lot of topics, including
- policing in the US and Mexico
- personal safety in the US and Mexico
- poverty/homelessness/hunger
- the environment - and “the ongoing rape of Appalachia”
- immigration to the US and the condition of people at the Texas-Mexico border (where I spent 7/22-3/23)
- corporations and the business world in the US and Mexico
- US and Mexico politics and the interaction between the two countries
- Mexican personality and culture
- dogs in the US & Mexico
- animal rights
- the joys and benefits of travel
- life in a camper van (3 years and counting)
- personal growth
- psychology/psychiatry and mental health
- spiritual growth
- and other topics.


After spending 8 months along the South Texas/Mexico border – ranging from South Padre Island to Brownsville to the Rio Grande Valley - I crossed into Mexico just west of Matamoros on March 13.

Since then I have traveled south along the Gulf Coast, entirely through areas that are not frequented by American or international tourists. Significant cities like Victoria, Tampico and Tuqspan seldom see Americans - and few residents in any of these areas speak much English.

When my camper van is ready to roll in a couple of weeks (around September 1) I will be going to Xalapa - a mountain city that is the capital of Vera Cruz State and apparently spectacular (“the Athens of Vera Cruz” because of all the culture, and “The City of Flowers”).

Right near it is an apparently fabulous indigenous mountain community named Xico - which is called “the nature jewel of Vera Cruz State”.

From there, my plan is to visit Puebla and the ancient pyramids near there.

Then on to an extended stay in Ciudad de Mexico/Mexico City.

Then probably several months in San Miguel de Allende, which one travel magazine recently called “the most beautiful city to visit in the world”.

My plan from there is to double back east through Vera Cruz and Merida - jumping-off point for exploring ancient pyramids.

My destination for two years has been the Mayan Riviera - and all the resorts out at the end of the Yucatán Peninsula on the Gulf Coast. I expect to have all kinds of fabulous adventures there.

If, as I have been visualizing for two years, I find somewhere out on the Mayan Riviera where I want to “settle” for a while - at least as the base of my travels - I have two products that I’m hoping to offer in person to travelers and others.

I have developed my own approach to personal/spiritual coaching which I used to call “Being With Majo” and have renamed “Estoy Aqui Para Usted” (“I’m here for you.”)

Here is a link to a YouTube video about that:

The second product that I hope to offer face-to-face is called “Being in the Water with Majo”. Getting people over 30 back in the water is a lot of fun.

I had two iPhones for a long time and actually have two YouTube channels. You are tuning into the YouTube channel titled majobreakingbad - which originally was devoted more to that specific subject. But, since my other iPhone was stolen in Tampico, I have been posting everything here.

When you enter “Majo John Madden” in the YouTube search bar, it will take you to both channels. The original channel is also called Majo John Madden, and has different videos.


Hitting the Subscribe button on YouTube will guarantee that my posts will show up in your inbox. It will also be a shot in the arm for me, because it increases the likelihood that people are seeing my videos.

If you would like to go farther and become part of the “Majo tribe”, you could become a Super-Subscriber or a Super-Duper-Subscriber.

Super-Subscribers chip in $10 to support my ongoing travels and in return get the UNBELIEVABLE PERK of a once-a-month conference call with me, where you can ask whatever questions you have.

Super-Duper-Subscribers ($25) also get a
free 1-2 hour personal call with me.

For a powerful, in-depth look at Mexico’s current issues - and US implication in those issues - I cannot rave enough about another National Public Radio podcast, Caliber 60 from Texas Public Radio.

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