Philosophies That Shaped Millions

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This really hits home. The question 'Why are we here?' is something I feel like I'm always asking myself, and it's both terrifying and freeing at the same time.


These long videos are always perfect to fall asleep to.


Always feel a bob ross sense of calmness watching your vids. Thanks for the regular uploads!


"Unspoken expectation Are premiditated resentments"


Engineer: "The cup is twice as big as it needs to be."


Here's the thing, kid. We don't get to choose how we start in this life. "Real Greatness" is what you do with the hand you're dealt.
-Victor Sullivan


Your videos are so funny & I love the peacefulness you project.


i literally only watch these videos to fall sleep, i love it ❤


I find it comically ironical that ours is the only species that considers and is obsessed with its own mortality. Therein lies our eventual downfall.


After listening to you talk about stoicism it seems those are literally my values I live by.
Dont cry over spoiled milk, nothing is forever and dont give a damn.
For example in gym, I always see people trying to get strong fast, while I simply do my best with knowing that it will have results.
I kind of wanted to mention that.


Love the music at the start, bach 's prelude in C/ Ave Maria in a Sci Fi like version. Would love to know where you get your music from


41. 57:51 “Reality is just a web of concepts that we created.” This is a very foolish (suicidal) view to take. Our ‘concepts of reality’ from a survival standpoint are knowing cause/effects, meaning that knowledge of which help us survive. An example is artificial intelligence programming. To be fully independent, such a machine will have to ask 1000 questions a second, and all with reference to survival, and higher, Broader Survival, and not reducing suffering.

42. The Entire Eightfold Path. Not only is it wrong, it is silly, and dangerous. Imagine yourself sitting there in the lotus position, trying to acquire all of these nebulous, vaguely defined, and imaginary, states of being while a hail of killer asteroids are hurtling your way, of which you are not prepared for because you were sitting around trying, in all futility, to attain these imaginary, and delusional, states of being. Buddha was also a hypocrite here, criticizing the ‘web of concepts’ that we create as not being real, and then offering a solution (in the Eightfold Path) that is noting more than a web of concepts, and vague and erroneous concepts at that, since they do not include any cause/effects, especially those that are threats to your continued existence. With Zen Buddhism, you become loopy, lost in a mental world of delusions, and a hazard to yourself and to others. If, however, it has rest and rejuvenation benefits for the body and brain, fine, but don’t lose touch with reality and think that you are achieving anything mystical, you are not, and ‘calming’ is mind-imploded and suicidal.

43. 1:01:24 The Karmic Cycle and Rebirth. A load of crap (given zero evidence for it – it is no better than any other myth). If you want real rebirth, it can only be in the form of Resurrection via Technology. This is the prudent view to take, since it is based on what we know about reality – i.e Verified Knowledge. Anything else is speculation and (more informed) hypothesis (both of which are worth further investigation), and myth and make-believe (both of which are not worth further investigation), and to try to survive on any of those is not prudent, it is dangerous and foolish, and ultimately suicidal.

44. Karma. “Your actions affect future outcomes.” That is obvious cause/effect reasoning (and mysterious, since you cannot see everything that you cause). The good point is to do good actions. The failing in Buddhism is the ‘why’. It is not for rebirth, which is a fanciful notion, it is survive and pursuing the Great Struggle, part of which is working toward Resurrection via Technology (since, prudently thinking, we are going to die), which is not a fanciful notion, it is based on reality (technology progresses). Though our Verified Knowledge is incomplete, it is the best that we can do – all else is BS.

45. Zen Buddhism. “Being present.” This is nothing more than trying to achieve the mental state of a bug. You need more to survive against a harsh and deadly universe, you need higher thinking (specifically, the Problem Solver’s Mindset of Broader Survival). The video uses ‘going to a job interview’ as an example of the benefits of Zen, where you go ‘calm’. How about going enlightened, with higher thinking in mind, like ‘how does all of this affect Broader Survival?’ Buddha would agree if he encountered this more advanced thinking. Foolish humans will resist it.

46. The Five Precepts. Oversimplified, but generally good advice, if but contradictory (example: do not kill any life, and then, eat plants). A more intelligent rule would be ‘do not eat anything that reproduces, since it may evolve into enlightenable higher consciousness which will positively contribute toward Broader Survival which affects everyone and everything’.

47. Nirvana. “The State of Ultimate Liberation and Peace.” This is a foolish goal, since it does not address struggling to continue to exist, which, given infinity, is an eternal struggle, and (here is the kicker) in that struggle you will find the liberation and peace that you were looking for (specifically, liberation and peace from past cluelessness).

48. “Misery comes from seeking pleasure for oneself. Happiness comes from seeking pleasure for others.” If you go through life with this mindset, you are dead, since Broader Survival (surviving against a harsh and deadly universe) is nowhere to be seen in it. Happiness comes from knowing that you are doing all that you can to ever-broaden our sphere of security within this harsh and deadly universe. All other supposed contributors to happiness do not contribute to happiness.

49. Buddhism’s goal of the cessation of suffering. This is fine, to a point. Let’s imagine that we’ve succeeded. THEN WHAT? That is where pursuing Broader Survival begins (though you shouldn’t wait until all suffering has been ceased, you can multitask).

50. Materialism. A cheap substitute goal (which becomes madness) for actual higher thinking and Broader Survival.”

51. Buddhism’s ‘spiritual enlightenment’ can only be attained by realizing that Broader Survival is life’s #1 Priority.

52. Epicurus: “Pleasure is the highest goal that we strive to achieve.” Tell that to the lab rat who preferred the electrode pleasure lever instead of eating, and which quickly died of starvation.

53. Jean-Paul Sartre: “Existence precedes essence.” He is right, but he left out ‘consciousness’. Without that, you will not know that you exist, and your existence will be passive, at the mercy of a harsh and deadly universe that does not care if you exist or not (since it has no mind to care).

54. The notion of Broader Survival is based on Verified Knowledge. What is your driving mindset based on? (answer: BS).

55. Buddhism: is for compassion and healthy living. Great, but once you attain those, then what? (you pursue Broader Survival).

56. “Those in need of a philosophical framework.” Broader Survival is that framework. All else is delusional and suicidal, no matter how popular and fashionable it is.

57. Buddhism: “Once you’ve mastered your own suffering, why not help others achieve the same clarity?” This is nice, but it does not think far enough. Let’s say everyone masters suffering and achieves clarity. THEN WHAT? (then you pursue Broader Survival).

58. “With Buddhism, you are a kinder person to yourself. Great. Now what? (now pursue Broader Survival).


cleaning and baking and listening to this video


idk, something makes me believe we have the answer to why but its being hidden, I could not tell you who or why, but something just tells me im right, hey i could be wrong, but dammit does it feel so right😂


So it's not where am I, but WHY AM I!!!


Nicely done, knowledgeable, and stimulating video. Let me respond from the perspective of Broader Survival:

Overall: The video exemplifies how academic philosophers (whether the video host is one or not) ‘hide in history’ – i.e. they know the history of philosophy but they cannot answer any important questions for humanity, this along with playing unnecessary parlor games with semantics, or ineffectively spinning their wheels in applied philosophies (due to cluelessness).

1. Nihilism. Wallows in the Miserable Ills of Cluelessness (as defined by Broader Survival) without any answers because it is a weak and suicidal mindset. People are nihilists because they have not encountered higher intelligence. Nihilism also ‘believes’, which is the equivalent of insanity.

2. Cynicism. This weak mindset moans about the clueless world that it was born into, cherry-picking the bad, and doing nothing about it but complain, hoping someone else will fix the problem.

3. Apathy. Apathy is needing the Big Answers in Life before one can function. This is why Broader Survival came into beings.

4. Save the Dog or Save the Human? The deeper question is why save either? (and the deepest being why do anything at all?), which is the question that Broader Survival began with.

5. Life is Meaningless. Sure, until higher intelligence comes along and gives a sane meaning. Enter Broader Survival again.

6. The Grand Scheme of Things. Said with absolute vapidness. Broader Survival defines it at the highest level (i.e. pursuing The Great Struggle).

7. Nietzsche. “To move forward as a species, a future philosopher must create a new morality.” What he meant was a more solid, deeper morality. Enter Broader Survival again. (I will summarize this one here, the other explanations are too long for a comment): Broader Survival gives you Ultimate Morality because it is based on the Ultimate Goal of Life and Existence (morality is goal-based, think about it) which is to secure the Ultimate Value of Life and Existence, which is Enlightened Higher Consciousness, which is not secure in this harsh and deadly universe) (broadly speaking, get it?).

8. 10:29 A good depiction of the core mental and emotional state of humans to date, due to (drumroll) weak mindsets (weak philosophies). Add 20:36 21:56 22:08 22:32 Broader Survival fixes that, of course, and it was a reaction to them.

9. 10:54 Why not? Broader Survival answers that at the ultimate (objective) level (and it gets back to the Core Motivator: Obligation) (to explain, we are endowed with existence and consciousness, so we are obligated to perpetuate them. Let the dead, non-conscious, and non-existent argue their cases, they will not argue for ours, so we are obligated to).

10. 11:23 Good example of a weak mindset (a weak philosophy), which will not sustain you. Have a nice slow passive death. I will not be joining you.

11. 12:58 Yolo. Another weak mindset, meaning clueless and ultimately suicidal. The same goes for the ancient Greek philosophy of Hedonism that Yolo is the same as, but with a new word due to an ignorance that Hedonism existed as an idea for thousands of years already.

12. Hedonism. A small and twisted mindframe leading to misery and an early death, and contributing nothing to Broader Survival, if not taking from it, and if not obstructing it.

13. 14:48 “People living in poverty as a result of their own laziness.” Try instead ‘because of apathy caused by weak philosophies’. Interesting that the video host did not see this, instead mindlessly parroting a shallow, even mindless, and erroneous, cliché (so easy to do).

14. 14:59 “Tomorrow isn’t promised to any one of us.” So what mindset will you adopt? A fatalistic mindset, or a mindset that treats it as a challenge?

15. 15:03 “What’s the point in working 9 to 5?” Broader Survival answers that at the ultimate level (maybe you are getting a clue now).

16. Pleasure and Pain. Why do we pursue both? Because without one, you cannot understand the other (and you do not know it exists). Just like dark and light. Between pleasure and pain is numbness, by the way, and not ‘nothing’.

17. 18:41 All are weak mentalities that will fail you if you pursue them for their own sakes (without any higher purpose) (such as Broader Survival).

18. 19:59 As for pleasure-seeking in a clueless world rather than fixing it, this applies to ‘pursuing success’, too, i.e. you can either try to achieve success in this clueless world or you can try to fix it (you cannot do both – if you fix it, you can no longer succeed in it, since it is no more).

19. 20:36 The deeper answer is that being detached from reality is suicidal, and we know this instinctively. No higher intelligence needed.


The way I say it is ... We're all going to die someday someway somehow so why worry about now. ❤


i dont comment on ur vids but ive been watching since I was a freshman in highschool and I'm a senior now but I love ur vids


I would argue that just about any pit boss at any casino is far more ethical than any doctor in America today.. sad but true


The notion that "nothing matters in the grand scheme" is not a meaningful argument when discussing the significance of meaning (or really anything). If we accept that nothing matters and that all our achievements, beliefs, and experiences are mere blips in the vast expanse of the universe, this realization is no different from the fact that we will inevitably die. What are we truly building toward? The grand scheme isn't about a final destination or an ultimate goal but is instead about every moment of existence. Every moment is part of the grand scheme because there is no definitive endgame—each moment carries its own significance. Therefore I beat all arguments about anything
