EV Battery Swapping - Will America ever get it?

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Swapping of Electric Vehicle Batteries is taking off in China. Europe has Nio Power Swap Stations too. Will America get EVs that Battery Swap? In this video I give 3 reasons why the U.S. should eventually get EVs that Battery Swap, the 3 reasons why it will not.

Does the U.S. have EV's that battery swap? Not today
Is Nio the only company that does battery swapping? No! There are many companies and growing.
Will battery swapping take-off in the U.S.? For select fleet vehicles yes, but for the EVs average people buy... NO (unless NIO starts selling in America)

#nio $nio #tesla $tsla #ev #evtechnology #evbattery #batteryswapping

0:00 Is there Battery Swapping in the U.S. ?
0:47 What is EV Battery Swapping?
1:15 EV Battery Swapping is Popular in China
2:10 EV Battery Swapping is Expanding in China
4:25 EV Battery Swapping is Fast!
5:30 Battery Swap Stations are Expensive
7:35 EVs that Battery Swap are more Expensive
9:08 Automakers cannot Agree
10:24 Will American get EVs that battery Swap?
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The cost is definitely the reason why Western EV companies are hesitant about battery swapping. Because the initial and maintenance costs of building a battery swapping infrastructure are so high, they prefer an all-in-one design to reduce costs. While this method promotes superior performance and price through PR, it is likely that it is actually a strategy that prioritizes corporate interests over consumer convenience. On the other hand, there are several reasons why China's electric vehicle companies are working with Nio to introduce battery swapping:

Government Support: The Chinese government is actively supporting new energy vehicle technology, especially encouraging the establishment of battery swapping infrastructure. This policy background makes companies expect future profits, even if they bear the initial costs.

Consumer Convenience: Battery swapping offers great convenience to consumers. In particular, in large and complex road environments such as China, replacing batteries quickly instead of waiting for long charging times is a practical benefit. In this regard, Chinese consumers are responding positively to battery swapping, which provides an incentive for companies to introduce the technology.

Strengthen Competitiveness: China's electric vehicle market is very competitive. Differentiated competitiveness can be achieved by introducing battery swapping technology, which plays an important role in strategies aimed at high-end brands and consumers above the middle class.

Technology Standardization Possible: China already has several big EV manufacturers working with Nio, making technical standardization for battery swapping fast. Standardization will make it easier to cut costs and spread technology, which will have a positive impact on the overall market.

After all, Western companies prioritize cost savings and profits, while Chinese companies are actively introducing battery swapping based on consumer convenience and government support.


While I like the idea of not owning the battery for degradation and cost liability reasons. It seems that this will have to be a subscription service for the life of the vehicle. Which is nice but it's going to negate some of your gas savings. And while it seems like a fantastic solution now at the rate charging/battery improvements are being I don't know how necessary it will be outside of commercial applications in a couple of years.


Considering the speed of charging now, I don't think this is very necessary. Large capacity batteries can charge around 200kW, so you can charge quicker than you can take a break now. Naturally, anyone that owns an EV knows you don't need a battery swap unless you are going on a long trip. I use a 12A 120V wall outlet charge overnight and I have never had a problem.


Here's some of the advantages of swapping you can add:
- Increase the range of old cars, for example a 2018 gen1 NIO es8 was launched with 70 kWh battery, now can access the new 150 kWh semi solid state battery, and what is more impressive they have the same weight.
- Grid balancing: this is by far the most important point in favor of battery swapping, since you can benefit from very high fees paid by utilities when swapping stations participate during peak hours.
- the cost of the station: unlike the popular opinion the cost of building a Swap station is lower than building a classic high power charging station, because the most expensive part remains the transformer, a swap station can run on a 500 kVA transformer, on the other hand you need a transformer with thousands of kVA to run a classic high power charging station.
- the fee of swapping: Since the battery swap can interact with the grid, the Swap Station usually charges the battery during low demand hours with low prices.


these would be vandalised and robbed for their batteries.. afterwards, junkies will squat in them


swapping is irrelevant, new 800v batteries can recharge in 15 mins


Battery Swapping... The dumbest idea ever.


looks like the most wasteful, urban only idea ever


Wow! The Chinese EV technology is getting so advanced. I am speechless.


Eventually, all major parts of an EV will be standardized. An EV will be like a PC where you can pull out parts and put in different parts that adhere to industry standards.

For battery swapping to become standard, you will need to standardize the battery and parts of the chassis, it will be natural to further standardize things like motors, electronics for the motor controller/charging circuit etc... You might buy the chassis and interior from GM/Tesla/etc... and got the other parts from another company, this will bring competition into the individual components of an EV rather than an entire EV.

It will exactly be like in PC, each individual component of a PC has its own universe of competitors. For CPU it is AMD vs Intel, GPU it is Intel vs AMD vs Nvidia, RAM and storage, PSU, Case, etc.. all have its own universe of competitors. With competition on each major component the sum of the components leads to a lower priced PC, it should work for EVs too.


Thank you for this content. Also swapping will work for NASCAR.


I think this tech makes great sense for countries like Ethiopia who are driving EV adoption, but have poor grid service. Having centralized swap stations where quick refills are avail and where the power is vetted for the replenishment solves the prob. Thank for the video. I enjoyed watching. Really well researched and presented.
