Worlds Daily 2023 - Is the Korean bootcamp effective? - GGS vs BDS recap

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Despite only arriving a week prior to the Bo5, BDS were able to absolutely dominate the NA 4th seed of Golden Guardians who had spend the month preparing for this Bo5.

Is the Korean bootcamp beneficial or can it have its detriments? The gameplay from Golden Guardians in this series would suggest that the rigors of the practice in Korea can definitely result in the latter
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I think in the 2nd game mainly the huge problem for GG was that they didn't even pressure on the right terms the map, the think is that they there perma trading even (When they where ahead for 10-15 minutes) and they execute poorly tempo plays + map pressure.

Keep going mate with ur content!


frankly i was surprised to hear that a bunch of people favored GG this whole time, including EU fans/analysts. my perspective was that BDS was favored in a lot of ways, even when i take into account the whole year instead of just playoffs. i was wondering if i was just crazy for thinking this.
i thought BDS has consistent superior macro that GG can’t quite match, and somewhat better players.
i also wasn’t super surprised that they drafted this way because they did the exact same thing at MSI, imo they seem to outplay drafts with creativity and flexes which sometimes works but it looks really bad when it brings out the players’ champ pool issues (mainly River trying to play carry/farming champs)
now after the series i can’t help but feel that people including EU fans never gave BDS enough credit.
