Analyzing GEEK CLIMBER'S Calisthenics Journey - Why He Progress Slowly?

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In this video, we'll be analyzing Geek Climber's calisthenics journey, which is full of common beginner mistakes that are causing him to progress slowly. We'll be discussing the importance of building muscle and strength before attempting advanced calisthenics skills, as well as other mistakes that you should avoid. If you're looking to improve your own calisthenics progress, this video is a must-watch!

00:00 - Intro
00:17 - The biggest calisthenics mistake
01:26 - Handstand mistakes
04:05 - Tuck planche mistakes
05:35 - Handstand press mistakes
07:55 - Conclusion
08:37 - My advice for you

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#calisthenics #handstand #planche #handstandpress
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imagine if geek climber did more basic pushing movements, man would have gotten handstand in like 1 month and tuck planche in like 3 weeks


I think Geek climber progressed very well in calisthenics. All in all he was over 30 years when he was learning these skills so the progress was not fast and they were "side quests" for him, not a primary goal. Also, he enjoyed the journey which is the most important.


The most important aspect of geekclimber videos is the struggles he goes through and the mistakes he did. All other calisthenics influencers would do perfect form and demonstrate with already all the muscles required claiming you can "easily" achieve this or that movement.


Terrible video, you clearly just don't like him. That's just the style of his videos - he shows that he struggled very much at the beginning (eg. that MoSt TeRRibLE way to start learning a handstand), but eventually, was able to make it. I think that most people start learning a handstand like Geek Climber, maybe because of lack of knowledge or just out of curiosity. It's easier to relate to him than to a world class gymnast (or some calisthenics prodigy, that learned planche in 30 days "from zero"), because he shows how progressing looks in reality, for most people. That it takes a lot of time, that you will fail a lot. He really shows a lot of cool and useful tips in his videos, that others just skip (maybe because they can just power through some of these moves) - because he's struggling so much, he is able to see what others can't. Of course, his videos are not free from mistakes (that you kept meticulously pointing out), but at the end of his videos, he makes a summary of the skill and points out the most important things about technique (like using the fingers while doing a handstand) - but you didn't show that. One thing that I agree with you is that he should gain some muscle mass, because he's pretty lean and I think he might be even too lean for some skills.
Some of the other problems with this video:
1:33 - you start to make fun of him for no reason, in his video, he said that he wants to learn handstand because it doesn't require any pulling with them. I don't think you know his injury better than he does - maybe his fingers feel alright in a handstand
2:16 - again, he said it his video (4:10). I don't know why, but you're trying very hard to make him look like an idiot, while he makes the same points (or even more) in his videos
3:43 - he also mentioned that in his video, a spotter can keep you from both over- and undershooting, while the wall only prevents you from overshooting - that's the point of "bothering another guy"
4:17 - his goal was tuck planche, not planche. And I would say tuck planche is pretty basic. Also, by doing progressions or using bands you can start training calisthenics skills pretty much whenever you want, unlike what calisthenics experts on youtube say (eg. to start training front lever, you first HAVE TO be able to do 20 pull ups and 50 push ups! - bullshit...). Of course, some basic strength is always needed, but come on, don't say he wasn't ready to start training towards a tuck planche
6:14 - how's press to handstand more difficult than a handstand pushup? These are two different moves and there's no way to compare them.
7:49 - what the hell dude? Why would you even make fun of some other guy on youtube that you don't even know? This whole video is so offensive and sarcastic that it's just painful to watch... By the way, didn't you record a video in which you said you still cannot do a front lever after FIVE years, by any chance? I don't think you would feel good if somebody made such video about you. Sure - point out the mistakes if you feel like you can really help, but why all the rude comments?
9:09 - I'm sure you do - it's easier to point out others' mistakes than to show what you can do. And "geek climber" in the title must be pretty clickable, huh?
Just be more humble dude, nobody is perfect, not even you :)


Some fair points...but suprised geekclimbers youtube name didnt give you an idea on his main priority. Climbing. Most climbers dont really just want to 'put on mass'. Maybe finger strength/endurance and hip mobility.


I mean, your videos are real professional now! Congrats !


I started calishtenics two months ago but before that i did bodybuilding for like 7 to 8 months. I learned the front lever in like two weeks, i learnt the back lever by not even training and i started to train for the one arm pull-up two weeks ago and i just got my first good rep of it today. All of that because i focused on pull-ups from the start of my bodybuilding period. I went from not even being ble to do one strict pull-up to doing 150 with ten and a half killos a day. Really shows how effective training basics can be.


man, after your videos, I understood that doing the basics will give a big boost in skill training. I started training calisthenics 1 year ago like for fun, and after 1 month I said:"Hey I want to learn the planche." I started training for it and obviously I trained for like 15 days, then gave up. On the begining of this summer I put myself much more obtainable goals.
Going from 5 to 15 pull ups.
Going from 50 to 70 push ups.
Going from 15 to 35 dips.
Doing 1 good rep muscle up.
Doing a full back lever.
So i started training the basics and not the skills. And oh yeah, it's working. On the half of this summer I'm able to do: 12 pull ups, 63 push ups, 25 dips, 3 seconds full back lever. The muscle up is coming.
Thank you for your videos Zdenek, you really inspired me and now I'm becoming a lot more disciplined and stopped with the excuses that I'm not "motivated".
Thanks man again, keep up with the great work on your videos.


Good vid would like to see part 2. Your style of editing is your unique selling point. Good mix of providing practical information and entertainment!


Now you're my favorite Calisthenics YouTube channel


Dude I am crying laughing at the clip of the guy trying a handstand in his kitchen and just face-planting into his countertop xD xD xD


As a climber I will say, geek climber was climbing for like 8 years and only coulle climb v3 which honestly is kind of insane. I climbed v3 the week in a climbing gym. I think he doesn't have the best diet because it literally doesn't make sense. 8 years of climbing you should at the very least be hitting the v7. Maybe if he got his diet and did some weight lifting it would help. Most modern climbers lift weights now. Hell my climbing gym has a whole weight class they offer.


With the tuck planche, he just proved (even without wanting it) that you need basics to actually achieve things. I NEVER EVER practiced to get the tuck planche, but I managed to hold it by just being good at the basics. It cannot be that such a relatively easy skill took him 2 months


I liked this video a lot, +1 sub, keep up the good work, very well made video!


This is an example of a very smart person that is over, complicating the process. It seems like all the moves that he’s not able to do because he doesn’t develop more basic skills first. When it comes to the front lever, he just decided to make up some science to explain why it’s impossible for him. Don’t let smart looking people trick you. I’m really glad that videos like this are being made but I wish they got more views.


Your videos are very good. Keep up the good work 💪🏼


So how do you know when the strength of your muscles is maxed out and you need to start hypertrophy to get stronger?


Man.. with these 2 years he can literally just focus in basic and jump from tuck to straddle planche...


I did 2 sets of planche pushup progressions at the end of each chest day for 3 months and got them lol. 95% of my chest and shoulders training was with weights during this time, i just let the muscle adapt tbh. The muscle mass is a huge factor in a lot of movements.


He said he didn't want to gain muscles because of being light for his fingers by climbing
