AirportKeeper Full A-CDM web platform

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Airports are busy places where different stakeholders have key roles and a common goal to manage safely and efficiently the flow of flights departing and arriving. However, airport infrastructures are not exploited in the most optimal manner and increasing traffic makes it difficult for operations to be proactive rather than reactive. This is due to the lack of good information sharing procedures, each of the stakeholders involved in operations has a piece of the information rather than the global picture.

With a 3-hour look-ahead, the collaborative decision-making process enables all stakeholders to benefit from sharing the same information as early as possible in order to take informed decisions.

Milestones and relevant flight details are updated and shared in order to have accurate O-Block Times (OBT) and Take-O Times (TOT) for better situational awareness and expected trac.

Displaying key milestones to clearly link the three phases – Inbound, Turnaround and Outbound to avoid information overload and. tailored to the needs of each stakeholder for efficient time management.

Pre-departure Sequencing (PDS) with optional integration of DMAN and a coupled AMAN-DMAN for mixed mode runways, enabling reactive handling methods of flights by ATC on a “Best Planned Best Served” principle in order to improve push back sequence and reduce queuing aircraft at holding point.

Using Dynamic Variable Taxi Time (VTT) for improved Air Trac Flow Management (ATFM), better Stand & Gate Planning and improved resource allocation.

Increase airport capacity during normal operations and adverse conditions with efficient information sharing, anticipation and planning. Our What-If engine enables probing and the evaluation of impacts on incoming trac.