Inside a wall mounting, LED path light (with schematic)

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A cheap wall mounting light that can be used for lighting paths, floors or walkways without glare.

Like many modern LED lights, this unit should be considered disposable. If it fails the whole unit will have to be replaced or repaired.

Construction is quite nice, the light level is OK for a pathway at night and the PCB has some level of hackability. Either changing the LEDs for a different colour, using your own design of PCB or just changing the dropper capacitor to 100nF or 220nF for a lower intensity light.

Here's a link to the CPC page for these lights in the UK:-
They do a few different sizes.

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As you said - water can go along cables. I was very surprised to see water coming out of the bottom of a telephone cable during a rainstorm. At first I assumed it was getting in along the outside of the cable, but when I looked carefully it was definitely coming out of it. Not exactly like a tap, but enough to do damage to the floor boards. The engineer wouldn't believe me - but he did renew the cable and he fitted a new junction box at the top. I am sure that was where the rain got in.


Water in cables. I've experienced that. During a few weeks of rainy weather, my router suddenly died. I went to take it off the wall and water dripped out of it. Since I live with family, I thought one of the kids had been messing with it and somehow spilled water on it. (Don't underestimate the power of the dark si... I mean kids). They are creatively and brilliantly destructive) So I bought a new router, and forbade the kids from even thinking about it. (Again, their existence depends on the destruction of expensive things. Even their thoughts are disastrous) A few days later I check the router and I step in a wet spot. I was about to unleash some biblical apocalyptic rage and hellfire upon the miniature humanoid demons, when I came to thr realization that it was now mounted too high for them to reach. So I disconnect the router and leave the cables hang there. I take it and use air to blow the water out in hopes that it is not yet damaged. I come back to soak up the water and I see a drip hit the floor. And another, , and another. ... ... One ethernet cable was dripping water about a drop every 5 seconds or so. The cable was dry. But it was one that was routed outside of the house, up to the second floor and into a window for a computer upstairs. The rain was getting into the cable from a break in the jacket and by capillary action was flowing down and then back up into the router. New cable, routed through some unused ducting and to the room stopped the water ingress. And another new router since the previous one did die a few days later.
It wasn't the kids at all, but I still don't trust them.... Those little undeveloped appendages, and their wicked schemes of the destruction of anything they encounter... Probably out there doing rain-dances and shit, anyway...


buying stuff to take apart. I belong to that Guild.


Clive: Hello Ebay seller from a far off land, I'd like to buy this!
Ebay Seller: Hope you enjoy your product.
Clive: Yes, I will! I'm going to torture it and open it's little case to capture its soul!


I like low glare outdoor lighting like this, it provides light where it's needed and helps to reduce light pollution. I wonder how many of these will fill up with water when used outside. I think I'd want drain holes in the bottom of the clear cover, though that might make the live parts a bit exposed, someone might poke a paperclip in there!


In the mid 80's, 3 days after I was married I moved 1200 and got my 2 full time as a electrician apprentice and ended up working with my dad who at that time had been in the trade for over 20 years and the first time we dealt with weather proof boxes he showed me to tear a quarter inch tear in the gasket where the bottom screw is. He said they always fill up with water so always put in a drain... lol . He was right every service call I went on that had a weather proof box with a intact gasket would be full of water.


Interesting design. I like how the cable comes in through the back/side like that; it theoretically should help if the light was mounted either facing down or up.


Weatherproof, Waterproof, = Furphies... Path lighting sounds like a great idear ... with low voltage!


She's a lovely little fitting. Must admit Clive I've repaired a few led drivers where they all had to match a certain style.


It looks like an interesting candidate for a project box!


Nice little fitting, I can see these being used for both indoor and outoor purposes. They'd be fine for lighting things outside, as well as corridoors inside. They also look to be of good quality. Just a shame that most LEDs nowadays are coming as disposable fittings, that are ultimately destined for e-waste at the end of their lifespan.


I ponder this seeing some of thoe fancy led acrylic twisty type pendants etc , no way you could repair those easily if they pack up, and as for the price !!


Already thinking this would make a useful up-light in suitable circumstances.

Air dielectric coax cable is a swine for letting water in. It was common some years ago for a new aerial installation to act as a conduit for rainwater to seep down into the back of the telly, sometimes with interesting results.


Looking at the schematic, you could remove 1 of the 4 resistors, raising the resistance from 50 ohms to 66.7 ohms which would decrease the light a bit but increase the longevity of the leds a bit of you could manage with a bit less light. Love your channel. Take care. Tootles... Wade


To waterproof your outdoor cables:
1. Hold the conductors with vice-grip pliers.
2. Slide the jacket away a short distance.
3. Remove vice-grips.
4. Put on disposable gloves.
5. Apply CLEAR Gorilla Glue to the wires and fillers then manipulate to assure complete coverage.
6. Slide jacket back to original position.


Heck, if permitted, I'd probably put it on a junction box with blank plate even outdoors, or you'll have an awkward shaped shadow on your siding when they go out of production.


CBB22 cap. is rated for DC voltage. A higher rated voltage, e.g. 630V or more, should be used in an 220VAC circuit.


Just out of curiosity... In the IoM are you considered UK, or somewhat EU affiliated for Customs purposes? Just wondering as to your future One Hung Lo acquisitions...?
Luxembourg is watching!


Bearing in mind what it was like removing the cover when its not on the wall, once it has been mounted and the cover snapped back on, what are the chances of actually removing it again without damage?


Yes but they need one of Daves (EEV Blog) "Solar roadways" to power them lol.
