Skydance's BEHEMOTH | Accolades Trailer | Meta Quest + Rift Platforms

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Many have battled their way across the Forsaken Lands and hunted the Behemoths. These are the accolades of their victory!


This game is amazing and we need more like it. VR is here to stay.


I’m getting a vr for Christmas so see you in 13 days meta quest 3


"BEHEMOTH on Meta Quest? Guess I’ll need a BE-HELMET for how hard this is gonna blow my mind!" 😂


Thank you for taking the Risk. Behemoth 2 will be even better


Game is okay, but combat is not very good, it's on par with many other mediocre VR games. The grappling hook is the most interesting part of the game really, the rest is... just okay.
I've been quite disappointed with the game honestly, I simply expected more and a higher quality in it's gameplay, mechanics and combat.

That being said, if you got VR, it's definitely worth trying out.


Great game, but too much bugs, sorry :(


This game isn't bad, however I feel like the 40 dollar price tag is a bit too much for this game. I'm a little over 4 hours into the game and I'm already near the end of the game, that's with me taking the time to grab collectibles and explore other paths. I'm sorry but that is extremely short and the lack of replayability does not warrant this game to be 40 bucks. Should be more like 30 bucks imo. The arena mode is the biggest joke i have possibly seen in any vr game. It has one bland looking map and you fight waves of enemies...they couldn't add multiple maps to the arena mode? Or at least add a sandbox mode that allows you to keep the strength power on the entire time, because that's when the game actually feels the best. Also no new game plus, which would add some form of replayability to the game. At least that would allow you to play the game again with all your upgraded weapons and abilities. The people glazing the combat in this game have never pulled off a proper combo in any vr game and swing their swords around like an elderly woman. It IS NOT fully physics based and if you were hoping to pull off amazing looking combos like in blade and sorcery then do not buy this game. The parrying system is completely BROKEN. I even recorded myself in game and slowed down the footage and about 40% of the time I would parry properly and in 4K high definition I would see the enemies sword phase right through mine resulting in me losing a substantial amount of health. And no, the attack the enemy was hitting me with was not a red unblockable attack. Combat overall feels unresponsive and floaty. Also don't bother using two handed weapons because they feel TERRIBLE, which was a known issue with the walking dead vr games. Not being able to grab the enemies arms and swing them around is also a huge let down for me. Story in this game is actually quite good and the boss battles with the behemoths are amazing. Game could also use a bit of optimization, but it's not bad. Wait for a sale.
