GW's Lore Changes Don't Really Make Sense? - Warhammer The Old World

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We've had a bunch of chaos lore drop recently and some of it feels odd. Let's talk about the changes to Old World lore which feels rather inconsistent.

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GW's Lore Changes Don't Really Make Sense? - Warhammer The Old World

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Maybe I'm reading too much into it but it feels really weird to say stuff like the focus is undivided and there's not that devoted followers but then in the same article name drop 3 rather famous devoted followers? I don't think Fantasy fans wanted the equivalent to the AOS grand alliance system but more so like we had prior? A unit ot 2 doesn't hurt. Again maybe it's this whole 1 unit per system which is silly. But running a Khorne army as warriors and not having Skullcrushers feels bizarre even more so with the new Heralds of Darkness list lol


They can write whatever they want, they'll never stop my full tzeench army with a unit of doom knights


I always remembered in 6ed the idea was that Chaos was generally divided at all times, UNTIL an everchosen could unite them. Essentially the opposite of this


The whole every prior Everchosen was setting the stage for Archeon thing I suspect was cribbed from 40K. Where they retroactively declared that every prior Black Crusade was merely a shaping operation for the greatest and grandest 13th Black Crusade which was the real effort (that still kind of whiffed), even though nothing in the lore indicated this at the time they were written. I don't know why Old World is copying the dumbest parts of 40K but that's what I think is happening.


Another inconsistency is the use of the Helstorm rocket battery when there is no Toddbringer to name it.


No i dont think you are reading into it.
This is just GW trying to hamfist some explanation into their lore why the factions they have deemed "AoS" wont appear.
Its Internal politics to have the diffrent games miniature sale numbers compete.
Thats why old World doesnt have skaven and AoS killed beastmen.
Smh i dont even know its just stupid


Stuff about the gods: I feel like this is GW largely trying to write themselves out of being able to use some of the more spectacular god-based units of Age of Sigmar... like it feels like we are going back a few editions of Warhammer where a marked character had his personal warband of Marauders, Warriors, Knights or Chosen. Which sort of makes sense if we are going back to a world where Chaos is still mustering... Knights and Warriors might be common enough to spot, but Doomknights, Skullcrushers, Mutalisks etc are not, possibly because the energies they need to survive arent there yet.
However I don't buy the argument that Chaos has somehow slipped out of memory, Kislev lives with the threat constantly, the Elves and Lizardmen keep constant watch for it, the Dwarves write stuff down... what I could go along with is that the Empire has forgotten what full on Chaos invasion is like, same way it seems to forget that Orcs can come in Waaargs! and that Sylvania is full of vampires.

Changes to the Everchosen, this feels more like GW is pointing out the obvious to the detriment of the setup. Yes, everyone and their dog knew Archaon would be the special kid in class because he happened to be the magic number... but in the Warhammer World it should not be obvious, because every time an Everchosen has emerged from the north the world survives by the skin of its teeth in one crucial battle where the Everchosen dies. Like they've unfortunately cheapened Asavar Kul just by pointing out he is just one of a number and the real big baddie (Archaon) has yet to appear... he is actually still a sigmarite priest at this point isnt he?

Alternatively, if GW has a whole story arc in mind for all of this, it can be that they are deliberately downplaying Asavar and his reach in the north before (possibly) a kind of Great War scenario is released and everyone gets to be surprised at what he brings to the table. Like I remember that in one of the Chaos rulebooks where the Great War was detailed, the size of his vanguard alone was headspinning and it wasn't before that even Kislev realized Asavar wasn't just some random chieftain from the north.


The entire article is basically a way to explain, without actually having to, why Skullcrushers of Khorne and Hellstriders of Slaanesh aren't making a return into the Old World. Monogod focus is AoS's thing, not Fantasy's.

Like others have said, GW decided to separate the productions of the mainline studio (40k, AoS and probably Kill-Team and Warcry as well) from the Specialist Design Studio (Necromunda, Horus Heresy and Old World), so they don't have to make a market studies to determine which systems are the most successful. They can just check which systems sells more models every years.

And since they pay bonuses whenever a system (or the company) does well, I wouldn't be surprised if part of the designers were ok with that. I've heard the fuss all started when the 40k team complained that 30k got "underserved" attraction because 40k players bought the Leviathan Siege Dreadnought for 40k (then again, it is a rumor). We've also seen a FW former designer bitch about his own colleague's work on Facebook, so it happens.

As always, most of the decision regarding the Old World's releases and choices aren't dependant on lore or game design. They're dependant on the logistics and marketing of models sales.


They literally name dropped Arbaal. He rides a Flesh Hound of Khorne. How is that Undivided? 🙄


Lore inconsistencies are to be expected from the place that put out the god awful End Times lore


GW: ThE dArK gOdS dOn'T hAvE tHeIr OwN followers
Me: so why can we take marks of khorne, tzeentch, nurgle and slaanesh?


This almost certainly will be rewritten.


It's almost like the articles are to blow smoke up some executives ass, then the team turns around and sees what they can get away with and I'm here for that.


I think GW should just accept the fact that Fantasy battle and AoS are the same setting (A predecessor and successor ), it's both tiring them and us for no darn reason.


1) Not sure how Chaos being united/undivided is *more* chaotic than Chaos having separate factions and
2) Didn't Aenarion and his dragon buddy fight greater demons of each of the Chaos gods? I was sure they beat N'Kari, at least.
Meaning the Gods were distinct and had individual demons way back *then* - surely they would still be there in The Old World's timeline


i was saying this n in another group. all they need to do is say if you take one mark you can ignore mercenary on daemons and beast men


The way I interpret the "each everchosen having a specific role to fulfill" is that this was the plan of the Gods and the everchosen themselves were not aware of this. Each Everchosen was attempting to end the world, but they happen to fail. The Gods aren't too fussed about it because they know there will be another, and even though each everchosen fails the ultimate goal, they still make some progress towards achieving it, which makes the succeeding everchosens' job easier.


The focus on chaos undivided and how chaos is a waning power in this time could be an interesting take were it not for the fact that the only reason they're doing it is because they need to justify the suits' stupid decision to keep the ranges separate


Its a very poor article - especially since they are going down the pre-destined route but then in the same article the same unavoidable plans are disrupted by Bel'akor.... The whole desperate stupid need to keep two completely different systems seperate is so annoying


It's such a shame it just isn't possible to have a unit or army list for multiple games. Beastmen, Skaven, and Ogres simply can't be in two places at once.
Well anyway time to assemble my Daemons of Chaos.
