EWTN News Nightly | Friday, March 10, 2023

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On "EWTN News Nightly" tonight: Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre offered an update, days after President Joe Biden's surprise trip to Ukraine to commemorate the one year anniversary of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. And some US lawmakers question the amount of money America is spending on the war in Ukraine. They are calling on European countries to do more. The Vatican is also tracking developments in the war. EWTN Vatican Bureau Chief, Andreas Thonhauser, had the opportunity to speak with the Ukrainian Ambassador to the Holy See. Meanwhile, President Biden is challenging the notion that Catholic bishops do not want him to use taxpayer dollars to pay for abortion. And before the new Congress got started, Democrats promised to push a pro-abortion agenda. That set up a tug of war with the new Republican-controlled House, which has passed several pro-life measures. Also on the pro-life front, leading up to the March for Life, a woman who knows firsthand the effects of abortion, Kim Marvin, joined to share her amazing story of surviving an abortion. And as the US House prepared to vote on the Respect for Marriage Act, President Biden decided to sign the bill despite the objections of Catholic bishops. Finally this evening, another measure on Capitol Hill being looked at is one to protect kids online. Some lawmakers want to force tech companies to change how they design products for younger users.
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