The Worst Video I've Ever Had To Make - I Lost My Best Friend

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To Support Her Family

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So sorry for your loss Rob. My friends and I were with her earlier in the night. She was a beaming light of happiness and positivity at that party. I wish I got to know her, everyone says she was an incredible person. She made a very special impact on the car community. Devastating loss. RIP Tiara :(


Our condolences 💐 Very tragic and sad. Losing someone is one of the toughest things to deal with. Stay strong ❤️


I'm very sorry for your loss Rob. I only got to speak with her a few times, but our editor Blake was very good friends with her. Last time we spoke, it was saying hi to her on his facetime call with her. We began talking about you & how much you've made an impact on our lives; the doors you've opened, etc. She was so happy with what she was doing with you!!

Really appreciate you making this, once again I'm so sorry. -Jimbo


So sorry Rob. Thanks for making this.


I’m so sorry for your loss Rob, I used to hangout with tiara and her friends a lot back in 2016-17. Legit everyone’s knew/loved her and cannot express how much she will be missed ❤️


Never in a million years did i expect to see Rob so utterly crushed. Thoughts and prayers for you and her family


So sorry to hear about this Rob 🙏🏻 RIP Tiara ❤


Remember she got pulled over going 110 with no license


It's hard to see Rob down. Even when he's getting screwed over he has a smile on. Sorry for your loss she was a great part of the channel.


I lost my 17 year old son in a car crash 2 months ago. Life just seems so empty now. Some days it is all I can do to just get out of bed. Life is so short sometimes. Live life to the fullest because you never know how long you have to make your impact on the world. My son spent the last year and a half working with other teens who were recovering from drug addiction.


She was driving recklessly and didn't care... this is why it's so important to actually be a responsible driver


I want to feel bad, but you all have been testing fate with your sheer arrogance and endangering others in the process, and it can have deadly consequences.

“You play stupid games you win stupid prizes.”

Hopefully you all learn from this and change your behavior.


Extremely sorry for your loss Rob thoughts and prayers out to everyone affected


I seen a video of yall getting pulled over for going 110mph and the excuse was, "I didn't know I was going that fast".
It was all fun n games until now


Rob, you changed my life with this video, I’m going to drive safer. I’ve been driving for over 20 years and I’m a careful person. I’ve changed my driving a lot from high speeds and all, but sometimes it’s easy to get impatient and make bad decisions to pass people, or make a risky turn or exit. Thanks to you Rob I’m going to stop that literally today.
My condolences to you sir, grief never goes away, it just changes over time and makes you strong enough to live with it.


Really sorry Rob for you and everyone else who knew her. Only ever heard good things about Tiara ❤️


Sorry for your loss but honestly ain't suprised with the way you guys drive, pretty sad your influence cause people to drive the same


She seemed like a good person, she will be missed on the channel regardless of if she was making a small poor decision. Also epic props to the guy who got Madison out. Everyday real hero taking time to help and risk themselves.

Also I just want to say...

Thanks for taking the time to give people a lesson about this, I've given this "talk" to my friends about driving fast vs driving reckless, estimated risk vs reward, before and I think a lot more friends would be alive if more people gave this advice to their friends...


Condolences man, sorry for your loss.


Respectfully, her passing should be taken as a lesson in safe driving. I lost a friend to a reckless driver and with how many times reckless driving was overlooked when she was pulled over in videos speaks volumes. Upon seeing your guys' videos the frustration and disappointment I felt about driving incidents, followed by finding out what happened to her just made this whole situation a mess. Its a hard loss for sure. Her next life she will be flying, soaring and speeding about; in the sky I bet. Hopefully everyone can find peace in the situation.
