“Indian or Black?” Donald Trump Faces Backlash Over Racist Remark About VP Kamala Harris | ET Now

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Former US President Donald Trump launched a strong personal attack on Vice President and rival in the upcoming presidential polls, Kamala Harris, by claiming that she, after being of “Indian heritage” for years, “turned Black” a few years ago, CNN reported. He further claimed that Harris “all of a sudden, made a turn” in her identity and wants to be known as black.

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Kamal can put this to rest if she wants to. When was supposed to reply to Trump's comment on her ethnicity why didn't she. She kept lambasting Trump for being divisive but that's all - she never answer whether she's was black or brown. She even concluded her speech without addressing the issue. Her supporters are adamant she's black because she went to black college. But some people opined going to black college doesn't make you a black. To be black you have to of African-American heritage. Kamala's heritage: her father was of Indian and Irish origins while her mother was 100 indian. Checked.


and don’t know from which corner of europe you are from 😳😳😳
