There will NEVER be another golfer like Ben Hogan

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In this Video we will explore the inspiring story of Ben Hogan.
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My testimony to Ben Hogan's knowledge of the swing:
My father started me golfing when I was 7 years old, using some sawed-off old clubs. Unfortunately, greens fees and buckets of balls at the driving range were only in the budget maybe a dozen times a year. I'd sometimes hit whiffle balls or practice chipping into a bushel basket in the back yard, but ran out of enthusiasm for that after a short time. When I was a teenager, I landed a job as a caddy for a couple of years, where I was able to put in a round or two every Monday. It was a relatively easy (par 71), meticulously maintained course that helped me get better, but I wasn't very good. I got to the point where I hit drives from 225-250 yards nothing to write home about). Life intervened and I didn't play for about ten years. When I picked up the clubs again, I was worse on control, but the distance was about the same. One day I ran across Ben Hogan's paperback book, _Power Golf_ and decided to give it a read. Honest to God, the very next day I went to the driving range and was *immediately* hitting the ball 75 yards farther. I was hitting them straighter, too. With a little more practice, I was consistently driving around 350 yards. Mind you, that was with clubs made in 1970, if I recall correctly -- woods made with small wooden heads on the end of stiff steel shafts. Ben Hogan was a genius.


Ben Hogan is my golf hero. I've tried to copy his swing and it's not easy to master. He made it look easily like all great athletes.


Somehow I hope the Hogan - family will hear this! Thank you so much for a fantastic book! Thank you also YouTube and all, for sending this over the net!


"a swing that defied the laws of
His swing captured the laws of physics....harnessed them in the most efficient manner possible.


some learn and become good, some are superb whatever technique or equipment they use...Hogan was obviously one. Each of the legends does it differently and with different equipment.


Ben Hogan is the all time GOAT to this day


In the shell match between Hogan and Snead you could see how good Hogan was, in my opinion the best golfer of all time.


GOLF'S ALL TIME, PREEMINENT BADASS!! Move over Jack and Tiger. Ben Hogan faced more obstacles than Dickens' famous character Oliver Twist. His estranged father shot himself in an adjacent room when he was just 10 years old. He then sold newspapers til midnight, before uncovering his lifelong obsession with the game of golf. As a caddy Hogan slept in the bunkers over a pile of newspapers to be the first caddy out in the morning. He quit school at 17 to take a shot at professional golf. Again and again, Hogan returned home broke and discouraged. But, never broken!! After marrying Valerie Fox, it took him ten years to finally win on tour. Its a fact that Hogan was down to less than $100 when he and Valerie traveled to Oakland for one last shot. Hogan awoke to see his car on a block with two tires missing!! He hitched a ride with Byron Nelson to the course. On his last fumbling grasp, Hogan won $285 to remain on tour and launch a dizzying ascent to the top. From 1946-48 Hogan won 36 of 99 tournaments he entered!! He was 34 years of age when he finally won a major. Hogan then won nine majors in a seven year period. Six of them after a catastrophic accident that should have killed him!! This is what separates Ben Hogan from every champion in the grand game. Give Jack or Tiger the same pitfalls and they probably would have been shoved to the wayside. Tiger's comeback was a stroll at a County Fair compared to the odyssey of William Ben Hogan. The greatest and grittiest champion the game has ever produced. BAR NONE.


He’s the best ball striker of all time. Try getting some old 1940s balls and clubs and see how you do. He had to have the best mental approach in order to be the best.


People need to realize that Hogan missed tournaments due to WW2 and of course his accident. Without those he may have set records that equal to or surpass Jack and Tiger.


Buenas buena historia esa eh saludo de la ciudad de México de Leo Martínez golf academy


I think Ben Hogan is the GOAT. Just think of what he would have done had he not gotten in the terrible accident. Plus he served in the US army from 43 to 45 in World War II. Imagine if he had those years, too. In his prime, these years were. Ben Hogan never endorsed any brand despite being so sought after. After retiring from golf, he designed and built one of the best pro golf lines in the sport: Hogan Clubs. And no one did what Ben did for the golf swing. Hogan's 5 lessons guided the whole golf profession from its release. Every pro will tell you that is the bible of the swing. Ben was a silent giant. The GOAT!


I caddied for Hogan. It was the most miserable day of my life. Try standing on the range as he uses you for a target. He showed his dislike for me on the first tee. Never even called Arnold Palmer by his name, called him "Fella"
You have no idea


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I actually think Ben was as good as anyone else that people like to refer as the GOAT. That he could've been the dominant player for the 3.5 years from 1946 to halfway thru 1949 (before the accident) and amassed an insane record in that period. That he could have kept a pistol from his noggin or kept himself from jumping off a bridge, after his father committed suicide, and that he had to fight literally and figuratively for even a crumb of food (he actually was starving, mostly in the early years of trying to make the tour). He "dug out of the [weedy, nasty] ground" the most efficient accurate swing ever.


Hogan was born in Dublin TX, approx 19 miles from


his secret was that he started his downswing by pressing the index finger side of his left hand towards the thumb pad of his right hand. You can see him do it in the swing @13.15


Golf is a game which has always been subject to technology. Tech advances have always lowered scores. The U.S. Open is the national golf championship of the USA. It is the oldest golf competition in America & every year is played in June on a different course. NOTE: Players were not allowed to clean the ball on the green until 1960. Therefore, consider the following: From 1934 to 1961 Ben Hogan played in 21 Opens. He finished with a 72 hole score under 290 in 15 of those for a [.714%] & he won 5X including the 1942 Hale America National Open (substitute for the cancelled Open due to WW2) in which there was local & sectional qualifying & after Hogan won it he was given a medal which looked just like his other ones. From 1960 to 1986 Jack Nicklaus played in 27 Opens & he finished under 290 in 18 of them for a [.667%] & he won 4X. From 1997 to 2020 Tiger Woods played in 20 Opens & finished under 290 in 13 of them for a [.650%] & he won 3X. It also must be pointed out that Hogan finished top ten in 16 consecutive US Open attempts (1940-60) & the longest such streak by anyone else is still 7.


I accidentaly have the exact same swing as Hogan.


There was another with no disrespect name was/is Trevino but: *Did it playing the tour for only 13 years.
1. He grew up poorer.
2. Met his dad once.
3. Lost is fortune 2x
4. Never played a tournament until the Army
5. Hit by lightning.
