Alexa woke me up one night saying "I do not understand, you need to speak louder!"... I live alone😳
Thank God he put that arrow there otherwise I wouldn't have seen the Alexa
Cool how the arrow is pointing at Alexa, like she isn’t already taking up the entire screen
Question is. Why would you put this in your home???
I laughed, my wife laughed, Alexa laughed, I shot the Alexa... It was a good time.
Alexa is an AI unit … throw it out after you smash it to smithereens
Why anyone would want to add ANOTHER device that tracks everything you do. We already have cellphones and computers, isn't that enough?
Why do people even have these devices in their homes....🙄 Smh
It's the beast... Evil.... Get rid of it immediately!
Man... Throw that thing away already!!
Alphabet agencies are watching & listening & answering thru ALL DEVICES
I'm just happy to see someone say "suspicious" and not use "sus".
It'd almost like you can set Alexa to respond to a particular phrase with a preset sentence.
There's nothing strange about that response goes back to the sixties through the court system!
I have heard these devices say some spooky things. I will never have one in my house.
You can program Alexa to respond to any statement. This person knows this.
Am noticing several weird Alexal uploads lately...could the phrases that trigger the strange replies be some kind of trigger code maybe?
Sounds like a code with a predetermined answer.
They are mostly just devices designed to monitor your consumer life. They dont pick up on normal human lingo, they pick up on keywords. So when you say I love my grandma and want to get her a gift. The alexa hears "grandma, gift" and it begins to process those keywords online. Sometimes with or without provocation. But these keyword connections help apple and other companies focus on what their consumers need, want, and are currently looking for or expecting soon, therefore developing marketing and pricing strategy.
My advice:
This device is wonderful and helpful in giving you a routine Sargent as well as finding great deals and options for its customer.
This product invades your personal privacy to an extent you probably dont understand.
Simple explanation: dont buy an alexa if your comfortable walking your home naked. She will take photos and offer sex advice. Dont talk about purchases because she will cue in on certain websites and items and follow up with the "add routine" code she was developed with.
Alexa should not be powered when you are awake.
Alexa should not be powered during private conversations or personal conversations.
Alexa is a device designed for on demand help and therefore should not be on or connected to the internet unless shceculded for use.
Alexa is designed to note specific keywords from convos that are within speaker range, these are used for TARGETED ADVERYISING. again, silence alexa when speaking of intent to purchase.
Alexa is designed with the image of purchase culture as the future. Alexa strongly supports purchases whether needed or not and even purchases things without prior consent or knowledge.
And last but not least: ALEXA WAS DEVELOPED BY A MAN WHO WANTS TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF YOU AND YOUR FINANCES. ALEXA IS DESIGNED TO HUNT FOR YOUR MONEY. if I make a robot then clearly it will function AS I SEE FIT. before buying an ai, take a strong look at its creator. If you wouldn't let Jeff bezos/elon musk make decisions for your children, then you SHOULD NOT let their self made devices control your adult life.
Oh wait. This isnt a dream. Guess you'll have to fight back.