Are you thinking about your tooltips in Power BI?

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The base tooltips in Power BI are fine. But are you overusing them? Adding everything to them in your visuals? Adam gives you some things to think about with your tooltips!

Create tooltips based on report pages


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#PowerBI #Tooltips #GuyInACube
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Great video! I always thought the page would be slower, not the tooltips in the visual panel. Another reason to have a tooltip page for nearly every measure, just wish there was a faster way to set them up!


This makes me thinking about report design even more! Thank you


Hi, I am so confused about 4:15 / 6:10. How did you overlay a visual (bar plot) where a tool-tip should be? This is super cool and very useful! How to overlay a descriptive visual over a visual...Can someone please help me here?


Thanks for this video, Adam! I tend to almost always create tooltip pages for the reasons you outline ...but I still drag fields into the tooltips section of the visualization pane because they have advantages beyond context, and the advantages often outweigh the performance hit.

I'll use an example to explain - let's say I am visualizing employee turnover by business using a horizontal bar chart and by default, I sort the visual by the metric (turnover), so that business's with the highest turnover are at the top in the published report. I create a tooltip page with some contextual details but I also drag some measures into the tooltips section because I know that it's important to give end users the flexibility to sort the visual by the number of terminations or by average headcount (there are different use cases where being able to sort in that manner makes sense). Finally, dragging some contextual fields into the tooltips section makes that data available when an end user exports the data to Excel or uses Show as a table mode.


Learned a lot from your video, thanks team for creating such great content. Need your help - I am facing a critical problem while refreshing the data getting error message - Loading blocked by failure with other queries and error message is disappearing. When I checked individual dataset load in the transform view it has loaded without an error . Please help how to track the error and fix it


Could you create a session talk about how to formulate specific rows in a table or matrix? the challenges for me is I am trying to apply what-if for only selected rows in a table(not all rows). thanks in advance!


Nice to hear Patrick's voice on the youtube power bi september update!


Hi Adam really helpful videos. I have 1 question can you pls make a video on when connecting power bi to Azure databricks how to increase the timeout time . What I mean is when I connect to azure databricks most of the time it get time-out


Hey, I have a question.

You know that Power BI Report Cleaner Power BI Template file online from BI Accountant?

Is it possible to get similar information about all the measures and columns and their definitions (if calculated) for all datasets within a given workspace then enable that to be a refreshing report in your Power BI Cloud Environment?

I've already got a data dictionary report with all columns across all tables for views and tables in the database that pulls in column definitions from a sharepoint excel file, so this is specifically about Power BI measured and calculated columns to share measure definitions with Business Analysts for auditing purposes.



If I build a Power App in Sharepoint, can I put it in my Power BI tooltip? It seems like the only sane way to see PHOTOS in the tooltip!!


be great to be able to allow users to turn off tooltips as they can get distracting especially on the matrix


1:15, 1:38 - “dwell” - ? You keep using that word… I do not think it means what you think it means. 😜


Finally, a benefit of procrastination! 🤣
